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City Park


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This should go in the NEW Aid Climbing Forum, but oh well...


I'm interested in trying out some easier aid climbs in the area and I here that City Park can be lead with a couple of sets of nuts. I haven't had a chance to look at the route yet. Is this true? About how long should I expect to take climbing the route as an aid climbing gaper?


Any info is appreciated.

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If you are new to aid you better take more than 2 sets of nuts, probably a few small TCUs and 1 each of a 1, 1.5, and 2 inch cam.

With cam hooks you should be able to cruz this thing in less than an hour for your very first time. When you get used to cam hooks you could totaly do it with two sets of nuts. If you don't use cam hooks and haven't really aided you better have a patient belayer.

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If your new to aid, City Park is a good climb to start on. To lead the route in comfortable style, bring 2 sets of nuts, with triples in nut size 4-5. Bring cams to 2 with doubles in small TCU's purple, blue and yellow. You can also use the larger size HB offsets brass nuts. Bring plenty of QDs and extra biners and you should have fun. I've found cam hooks to work in the first 15 feet of the crack but the side of the crack are rounded and its hard to get a solid cam hook. If you want to cam hook and use small gear and nut placements, 10% is a good aid route. Although not, its C2 and a little more difficult then City park but it is much shorter.


Another thing you might consider is to find a free climb and aid it. Best to find a crackin the 5.11 range, they usually take thin aiding gear ir aid something easier just to get the feel.


Have fun.

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On my first time up, I used a small cam and a tricam to get to the bolt ladder, nuts up the crack (Trango Brassies rock), and another small cam as the last placement to the bolts.


2 hrs up, 1/2 hr of futzing at the belay and cleaning on the way down. Bring a small hammer to help with nut extraction.

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I don't mean to spray TimL, but I soloed City Park with cam hooks. I think I placed about 10 peices for pro. I have leeper hooks, maybe you have the Pika suckass cam hooks. I didn't usue or see a bolt at the bottom. I set a few pieces in the crack at the bottom right of the boulder and freed up the bolt ladder, tied off two of the bolts to back up my anchor at the bottom and started camming hooking like a mofo. It took me about half an our to do the route. I basically used the cam hooks and crack jummared texas style. Stand up and place the hook attached to my harness. Site down. Move next hook up attached to aiders and stand up. On city park this could also be done with one or two small TCUs at the end of each daisy instead of the cam hooks.

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shapp, at what point did you pass groundfall potential?


Yes, its true people often whip right up City Park. However, this thread is about someone learning to aid climb, and asking about City Park as a good learning tool. As such, let em sew it up and learn how to bounce something before they crater their first day out!

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I don't mean to spray TimL, but I soloed City Park with cam hooks. I think I placed about 10 peices for pro. I have leeper hooks, maybe you have the Pika suckass cam hooks. I didn't usue or see a bolt at the bottom. I set a few pieces in the crack at the bottom right of the boulder and freed up the bolt ladder, tied off two of the bolts to back up my anchor at the bottom and started camming hooking like a mofo. It took me about half an our to do the route. I basically used the cam hooks and crack jummared texas style. Stand up and place the hook attached to my harness. Site down. Move next hook up attached to aiders and stand up. On city park this could also be done with one or two small TCUs at the end of each daisy instead of the cam hooks.


More or less the guy asking for beta is learning to aid climb and its going to be weird, and he might be scared as shit on c1 placements, I know I was when I first started aiding. My beta was so the guy could do it comfortably while learning. Cam hooking and speed climbing will follow as experience is gained. I've soloed the route around 20 times and feel like my rack recommendations will get him through the business comfortably.

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I don't mean to spray TimL, but I soloed City Park with cam hooks. I think I placed about 10 peices for pro. I have leeper hooks, maybe you have the Pika suckass cam hooks. I didn't usue or see a bolt at the bottom. I set a few pieces in the crack at the bottom right of the boulder and freed up the bolt ladder, tied off two of the bolts to back up my anchor at the bottom and started camming hooking like a mofo. It took me about half an our to do the route. I basically used the cam hooks and crack jummared texas style. Stand up and place the hook attached to my harness. Site down. Move next hook up attached to aiders and stand up. On city park this could also be done with one or two small TCUs at the end of each daisy instead of the cam hooks.


More or less the guy asking for beta is learning to aid climb and its going to be weird, and he might be scared as shit on c1 placements, I know I was when I first started aiding. My beta was so the guy could do it comfortably while learning. Cam hooking and speed climbing will follow as experience is gained. I've soloed the route around 20 times and feel like my rack recommendations will get him through the business comfortably.


Tim...you back? How did it go?? PM me

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Rumr -


Back. Spent a couple mor days at the Cookie then went up Lurking Fear but came down because an old shoulder injury started acting up. Still able to free climb but if I would of stayed on the wall, my shoulder would be done for the season. Almost got Red Zinger....again rolleyes.gif

much stuff left for when I get back. Lets get out soon...maybe you can even drag me to E32 HCL.gif

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Come out to Leavenworthless. I think we are goig to go the Drip Wall and Rattletale areas on Saturday, then maybe a top secret, super dupa project on Sunday yelrotflmao.gif or Midnight if it is open yet. If not, maybe we can all go up there and have a scrambled peregrin eggs for breakfast on Sunday. snugtop.gif

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Dude you might as well learn to cam hook cause there aint no point doing it any other way. Cam hooks are here to stay and if you are going to aid climb you should learn to use them first and save yourself a lot of time. Alex, I do not understand what the hell you are talking about. I never had any ground fall potential. My rack recommendation of two sets of stopers, some small TCUs and a 1, 1.5 and 2 inch friend are plenty of gear. Also I will say that you shouldn't be doing aiding unless you are already a compitent free climber that can place bomber gear. Hell, I'll even go with you and belay. Send me a pm.

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