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Martlet said:

Never been there, and most likely will never go there.


Well, and isn't that the crux of the biscuit? The thing that makes arguing with the other conservatives around here enjoyable is not what we disagree about, but the points of commonality. Sure, it's fun to argue about the appropriate use of the military with Fairweather, but we're both writing letters to get the Dosewallips road open in the Olympics, don't want to see the Cloud Cap Inn turn into a mammoth ski area, and will have a great time together sometime in the future bagging some peak in the Olympics. Greg_W and I can wrestle over the assault weapons ban, but we've already had a good time together cragging in Leavenworth at a rope up, and we'll do it again sometime. Peter Puget and I disagree completely on the Israel/Palestinian situation, but we're both totally psyched by the new Darrington guidebook and want to mix it up out there. Do you see? It's the fact that most of these ideological opponents are real people, who I've either met or likely will meet, at a pub club or in the mountains, and we can find some common ground and respect for each other that makes this interesting to me. You're a non-climber who lives in Boston, that I will never meet, and your main interest in dialog is calling people moonbats and engaging in a middle brow game of "I know you are but what am I." What's the point?

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Just my speculation, but Martlet is probably closer to Seattle than you think. Also fascinating that the blogger at the dogsnot chronicles uses the term moonbat.


Yeah, his website explains it all. Like I said last night...not a pimply faced teen. Still a pretty unattractive guy, but not a tenneager.

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Just my speculation, but Martlet is probably closer to Seattle than you think. Also fascinating that the blogger at the dogsnot chronicles uses the term moonbat.


Yeah, his website explains it all. Like I said last night...not a pimply faced teen. Still a pretty unattractive guy, but not a tenneager.


Apparently attractive enough that you use my picture. I think you have a crush. What is this abnormal infatuation you have with me?

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I see. Didn't check your profile bro, figured you were a alter-ego of one of the regulars here. So icegirl must have steered you here when the dogsnot blogging cooled off and you were one of the few still posting there? That's what I'm gathering.


ding ding ding ding!!! we have a winner!

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I see. Didn't check your profile bro, figured you were a alter-ego of one of the regulars here. So icegirl must have steered you here when the dogsnot blogging cooled off and you were one of the few still posting there? That's what I'm gathering.


Nah, Dogsnot was something I started over a year ago. When I became much busier at work, I asked two people to post with me. Now they are super busy, so it's basically just me.


The traffic hasn't really gone down. I get 350 to 400 visits a day, with spikes to 1000 on some days. I just do it for shits and giggles.


I do climb, although not much anymore, and yes, I am here through icegirl.

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You're in Maine then? Hiked through there in '98. Swimming the Mahoosik (sp?) river towing my backpack was one of the dumber things I've done in my life.


My family is still in Maine, and I'll be back before long. I'm currently on an island off the coast of Boston. I moved down here for work and haven't gotten around to leaving yet.


Mahoosuc? Up in the western mountains? That's beautiful country. We'd hike in to camp and climb there in college. I'd use my fly rod in an aluminum case as a walking stick to catch supper.

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Good point. But you gotta admit, aruging with GregW (where is he lately, anyway?) and fairweather is at least reasonably intelligent. They can make points and stand behind them and while I may disagree, they at least know what they are talking about and provide supporting cases. This tool just blathers.

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Good point. But you gotta admit, aruging with GregW (where is he lately, anyway?) and fairweather is at least reasonably intelligent. They can make points and stand behind them and while I may disagree, they at least know what they are talking about and provide supporting cases. This tool just blathers.


You're just upset because you can't UNDERSTAND the issues, let alone comment on them. Get your mom to help you out.

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