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The picnic was fun. The larvae would have loved it but they had other plans. The meat was dead already so Greg didn't have to bring any guns. That Ducati Mama was hot dude. Good thing you kissed her first. In fact, I have to say that the CC.COM crowd was very nicely represented on the female side. The guys were, well, the usual dirtbag climber assortment. Everything from Snickers to Schuldt.

It was fun to meet Pandora the Muir Hut Maven and Minx, may your jeep rest in peace. Slothrop weaseled his way onto our South Tahoma climb (you know you are carrying the tent and rope right?), so now we are six. That is borderline mountie so we have to stop there.

Thanks to all who threw up slides. Collin's Patagonia trip looked like the most fun.

Too bad I had to be to work this morning at 6. The party was just loosening up when I left. Anyone want to volunteer a sordid story about what went on late in the shelter?

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so Greg didn't have to bring any guns. That Ducati Mama was hot dude. Good thing you kissed her first. Everything from Snickers...

It was fun to meet Pandora the Muir Hut Maven ...Slothrop weaseled his way onto our South Tahoma climb (you know you are carrying the tent and rope right?), so now we are six. That is borderline mountie so we have to stop there.


Who said I didn't bring guns? You just didn't see them. cool.gif She's great, and the bike's pretty nice, too. I missed Snickers; I guess he is intimidated by forest green as well as purple. yellaf.gif


Pandora = packmule; let's load that youngster up with shit just so we can keep up with her.

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definitely a fun evening. fruit.giffruit.gif


Good to see some new faces. Bug, based on the looks of it you should load Pandora (sorry i never made it over to say hi wave.gif) up for that trip. she's gonna kick all your arses up rainier fruit.gif Dustin_B despite is right leaning tendancies seems like a decent guy. good to see mattp, alpine k, ade, and the rest who entertained me w/stories of great winter alpine adventures.


i was pleased to see that alpinfox was setting a fine safety example for the rest of us (although he did forget his cordinating gaitors) cracked seemed to understand his place in the world and stayed quietly off to the side where he belongs (children should be seen and not heard)


a fine turn out by the women grin.gif good to see CG33 make an appearance (she's ready to take on a few cracks soon) and icegirl (armed and dangerous w/the camera) allison, onya (sp? wave.gif) muffy was there in spirit (watch out for muffy's spirit wink.gif) the lovely "a" (lurking ducati riding date thumbs_up.gif) and there were several others whom i did not have a chance to meet!


wish i could've stayed for the slide show. looked like it was going to be a good one. i don't even want to know what happened after the slides though. when i left there was still a lot of beer left and people were already hanging from the rafters grin.gif

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Good times, good food, good people. rockband.gif Snickers and I missed you in the crowd Greg_W, but Bug was representing well! Take it easy on everyone on the uphill, Pandora! Let's do this thing again real soon. bigdrink.gif Anyone up for a Summer Picnic?

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Pandora's fate is sealed (very heavy pack). Let's hope she doesn't still kick our asses.


I'm calling bullshit if you collapse in need of mouth-to-mouth, though. Bwahahahaha!!!

Please remove the CPR purge valve from the first aid kit.

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Were you afraid I'd delete you or something?

Nice introduction!


Yeah, he didn't intro himself to me until I was already talking to someone standing next to him and had introduced myself to that person. NO ELK FOR YOU!!!! Bwahahahaha!!!!!

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Good times! Thanks to Matt for organizing, toast for the cheesy pasta salad, and whoever that was for cooing all the burgers. They were TASTY. HCL.gif


I really thought there would've been more pictures though. Who slacked here?

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Showed up late but it was great to meet new people and see familiar faces. Enjoyed a beer and not sure about someone (Greg) asking me who the F*ck I was?!


Hey, I was polite about it.


If that's your idea of polite, what's rude? OK, I don't wanna know the answer to that... hellno3d.gif

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Showed up late but it was great to meet new people and see familiar faces. Enjoyed a beer and not sure about someone (Greg) asking me who the F*ck I was?!


Hey, I was polite about it.


If that's your idea of polite, what's rude? OK, I don't wanna know the answer to that... hellno3d.gif


I said (I believe), "Excuse me for asking, but who the fuck are you?" I have witnesses. I used a measured, friendly tone, and I was smiling. We chatted about bunny rabbits and such. It was a pleasant moment, my shrink says I'm getting better at personal interaction. laugh.gif

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