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Trad Ethics Poll


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This is a funny poll/debate topic. It seems that, as with politics, we as climbers have subscribed to the narrow-minded notion that there are two and only two possible modes of climbing, with no middle ground, and to the even more outrageously silly idea that either of these areas can be defined in black and white.


To pretend that there is only Trad or Sport is as silly as pretending that there is only Conservative or Liberal. It restricts dialogue and debate to a lot of stilted cliche role-playing and assumptions based on stereotypes. It makes it all too easy to forget that there are a lot of gray areas, or that it's the movement, not the means, that most people enjoy.


How many people who usually place gear in the Gorge will, after toproping a four-star sport pitch, fail to find the climbing engaging and enjoyable just because they're not ten feet out from a #2 Stopper? How many dedicated bolt-clippers, after futzing their way to the top of Super Slab for the first time, don't dig on the fun ramp romping just because it didn't threaten to blow out their tendons? Take Texplorer for example. While he might find his ultimate satisfaction engaged in a naturally-protected battle of wits with an incipient seam, he sure seemed to be having a good time bouldering on the plastic blobs at the PRG the other night.


Many of the best climbers in the world excel in a number of areas, and most seem to fit comfortably into Alex Lowe's now famous designation for "best climber in the world", whether they stick to one area or slay in all areas. Lisa Rands is just a boulderer, who happens to enjoy stepping up to Gritstone headpoint horror shows. Alex Huber is a bolt-clipping sport monkey, who happens to free Yosemite big walls and free-solo 5.12 alpine routes. Dean Potter is known for engaging in some unprecedented ropeless sickness on the big stone, but really enjoys ... bouldering? Hell, even someone like Chris Sharma, who, for the most part, sticks to clipping bolts and pebble wrestling, clearly transcends categorization shearly on the merit of having the most fun.


Climbing shouldn't be fucked up like politics, where the end has been subordinated to nitpicking about the means, and where debate means proving that candidate X is a jerk because he's a Liberal or a Conservative, and ignoring all of his ideas because they've been framed in this false and limiting context. Climbing is an individual sport, and achievements and experiences should be looked at in the context of the individual, of growth, of enjoyment, and not through the stupid little blinders of arbitrary categories.

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This is a funny poll/debate topic. It seems that, as with politics, we as climbers have subscribed to the narrow-minded notion that there are two and only two possible modes of climbing, with no middle ground, and to the even more outrageously silly idea that either of these areas can be defined in black and white.


To pretend that there is only Trad or Sport is as silly as pretending that there is only Conservative or Liberal. It restricts dialogue and debate to a lot of stilted cliche role-playing and assumptions based on stereotypes. It makes it all too easy to forget that there are a lot of gray areas, or that it's the movement, not the means, that most people enjoy.


How many people who usually place gear in the Gorge will, after toproping a four-star sport pitch, fail to find the climbing engaging and enjoyable just because they're not ten feet out from a #2 Stopper? How many dedicated bolt-clippers, after futzing their way to the top of Super Slab for the first time, don't dig on the fun ramp romping just because it didn't threaten to blow out their tendons? Take Texplorer for example. While he might find his ultimate satisfaction engaged in a naturally-protected battle of wits with an incipient seam, he sure seemed to be having a good time bouldering on the plastic blobs at the PRG the other night.


Many of the best climbers in the world excel in a number of areas, and most seem to fit comfortably into Alex Lowe's now famous designation for "best climber in the world", whether they stick to one area or slay in all areas. Lisa Rands is just a boulderer, who happens to enjoy stepping up to Gritstone headpoint horror shows. Alex Huber is a bolt-clipping sport monkey, who happens to free Yosemite big walls and free-solo 5.12 alpine routes. Dean Potter is known for engaging in some unprecedented ropeless sickness on the big stone, but really enjoys ... bouldering? Hell, even someone like Chris Sharma, who, for the most part, sticks to clipping bolts and pebble wrestling, clearly transcends categorization shearly on the merit of having the most fun.


Climbing shouldn't be fucked up like politics, where the end has been subordinated to nitpicking about the means, and where debate means proving that candidate X is a jerk because he's a Liberal or a Conservative, and ignoring all of his ideas because they've been framed in this false and limiting context. Climbing is an individual sport, and achievements and experiences should be looked at in the context of the individual, of growth, of enjoyment, and not through the stupid little blinders of arbitrary categories.

yer no fun! yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif

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yer no fun! yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif


Oh, oops.


*scanning the script for next line*




All trad climbers are suck and only climb 5.8 because they are stupid and wear painter's pants! Go hump a hex, you Big Ditch-wet-dreaming rejects!



THANK YOU!!! fruit.gifevils3d.gifconfused.gif

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Whatever, you stick-clipper, pocket-chipper, big-number-induced-drool-dripper, never-took-a-whipper-and-had-your-gear-zipper, only-wear-slippers, name-dropping-ego-tripper, worried-about-whose-Prana-pants-are-hipper, excessive-chalk-bag-dipper, mono-pulling-tendon-ripper, PowerBar-fueled-Gatorade-sipper, running-it-out-is-being-a-three-feet-apart-bolt-skipper, sport pansy wussface weenie.

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Whatever, you stick-clipper, pocket-chipper, big-number-induced-drool-dripper, never-took-a-whipper-and-had-your-gear-zipper, only-wear-slippers, name-dropping-ego-tripper, worried-about-whose-Prana-pants-are-hipper, excessive-chalk-bag-dipper, mono-pulling-tendon-ripper, PowerBar-fueled-Gatorade-sipper, running-it-out-is-being-a-three-feet-apart-bolt-skipper, sport pansy wussface weenie.




me, me, make fun of the boulderer

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yellaf.gif Back in fine form! thumbs_up.gif


According to those polled here, Alan Watt's FFA of the East Face Crack (of The Monkey) was a First Free sport climb Ascent because he pre-placed gear! shocked.gifshocked.gif


It just recently had its First Free Trad Ascent by Sonny Trotter!





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yer no fun! yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif


Oh, oops.


*scanning the script for next line*




All trad climbers are suck and only climb 5.8 because they are stupid and wear painter's pants! Go hump a hex, you Big Ditch-wet-dreaming rejects!




i climb 5.9 thank you very much


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Whatever, you stick-clipper, pocket-chipper, big-number-induced-drool-dripper, never-took-a-whipper-and-had-your-gear-zipper, only-wear-slippers, name-dropping-ego-tripper, worried-about-whose-Prana-pants-are-hipper, excessive-chalk-bag-dipper, mono-pulling-tendon-ripper, PowerBar-fueled-Gatorade-sipper, running-it-out-is-being-a-three-feet-apart-bolt-skipper, sport pansy wussface weenie.


Classic!! I'm printing this out and puttin' it on my wall!!!! yellaf.gif

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All trad climbers are suck and only climb 5.8 because they are stupid and wear painter's pants! Go hump a hex, you Big Ditch-wet-dreaming rejects!




Good thing I have a #11 hex. btw, I'll donate any of my small hexes to you sportos if you're feeling lonely. yelrotflmao.gifsmileysex5.gif

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