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Pub Club 3/16/04, Canturbury's


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I don't really care where we go but if I had to make a decision I'd be apt to choose a place I haven't been to before (just call me a barbagger smile.gif). In that regard, though a few I was talking with suggested the Wedgewood Broiler, I could see aligning myself with snugtop's Lil Red Hen.

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I could see aligning myself with snugtop's Lil Red Hen.


Dude, let's not get pornographic grin.gif


The Hen's a good place, and seems like a natural dirtbag kinda spot.


Confidential to ChucK: No, it doesn't have clean taps wink.gif

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lil red hen (but only if squid wears those tight jeans )


Squid pro quo, Icegirly. I'll squeeze into the obscene Wranglers with the oversized belt buckle, but what's in it for me?


You'd better show up with a big bouffant and a calico dress.

And we'll dance like this:


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where are the pictures? someone had a camera and was snapping away?!
That would have been me. Here are my photos, but unfortunately, I didn't capture the elusive Snugtop.


Bugeyed Monsters Sergio and AlpinFox



mattp, Toast and klenke



Icegirl and Marylou (note the nice smile on Marylou and the absence of a middle finger)



Here's (almost) everyone who was in the the room when I left. A bunch got cut out. Clockwise from left we have: Thinker, Marylou, Icegirl, rocksanyone, Sergio (still bug-eyed), Dave_Shuldt, Michelle?, AlpinFox (cut off), and the back of TreadTramp's head.


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Snugtop said, "Actually that's my knee in the bottom left corner of the last one."

I've got to say that's the sexiest knee in the picture. Much more sexy than Thinker's knee. Although Michelle's knee is kind of sexy with its worn top.


I would like to direct your attention to the sign on the wall behind Toast in the second picture. It says "We Serve Right Fuse Vice." What exactly is a right fuse vice? Is that some special beer with narcotics in it? Did anyone have one on Tuesday night?

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