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Schuldt: i've been tempted sometimes to do that exact same post, to this thread or sometimes others... but then again, doncha think that " yellowsleep.gif " by itself, with nothing else... is kinda self-contradictory? smirk.gif



Yeah Dave that's original. How many times have you posted that on this thread? Can't you come up with any imaginative or constructive material?


Sure can't Nodder!




That's right Nodder. moon.gif


I see you Noding-off. Are you checking this thread?


They just keep coming back. thumbs_up.gif

It's in this here thread a few pages back sucka! This thread is dominating Google nodder searches evils3d.gifyellaf.gifhahaha.gif


yeah but, outside of CC.com, are there more than a few dozen people on the planet who've ever actually googled the word "Nodder"??


sure ain't, Nodder! the_finger.gifthe_finger.gif

This thread is dominating Google nodder searches evils3d.gifyellaf.gifhahaha.gif


yeah but, outside of CC.com, are there more than a few dozen people on the planet who've ever actually googled the word "Nodder"??


sure ain't, Nodder! the_finger.gifthe_finger.gif


Sure thing Nodder.



hhmmmm.... Molly Ringwald nodder huh? yellaf.gif niiice. even better, with her wearing a bikini or spandex biking clothes maybe? blush.gifthumbs_up.gif


OK... how many guys out there who were teens during the 1980s can say truly say they've never, ever lusted after Molly R??? wazzup.gif


Hello Canadian! moon.gif


just because Google have result for word doesn't mean human race give a damn, same word.

and you should compare result of "nodder" search to that of search for "the nodder".


Thank you for allow me to say the_finger.gifthe_finger.gif

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