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thursday feb 12 7pm at Footworx in Barkley village. a free clinic on lower body injuries and injury prevention. presented by Robert Rogoz LMP and William Cummings DC. there will be a presentation on the most common conditions and time for Q/A. fun and informative way to learn something about your body.FREE!!!!!

March 29th at Vertical World 7:30 pm. a workshop covering most common conditions caused by climbing. how to recognize then, what to do and how to avoid them. questions regarding your own problems will be addressed personally and professionally. have questions, get answers.

for information and registration please call Vertical World in Ballard 206.283.4497.

please pre-register early, so the event will not get cancelled.

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after last night i am convinced 99% people in the PNW want to only eat, get fat and complain. there were only 2 people at footworx last night. in the meantime bob's burger and brew was packed, of course there was a flyer in the window informing about a free clinic. imo people in the pnw are stupid, fat, not interested in doing anything. maybe that's the reason it's so hard to find decent climbing partners too.

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maybe, but the service sucks. last time we were waiting 45 minutes to get beer! i am never going back there again. besides- it's not the point. the point is that everybody is complaining about this injury and every other tweak. in the meantime i spent like 10 hours preping for this thing, about $30 in copies and only 2 people showed up. i guess life is so boring around here, that talking and bitching about injuries keeps people occupied.

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I have to think that part of the problem with interest in this clinic is that it could be seen as a massage therapist and a chiropractor looking for new clients. People who don't believe in or understand these practices may worry they are going to have them rammed down their throat and just not bother.

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  • 4 weeks later...

just a reminder about march 29. i guess only 4 people signed up so far. since i live in b-ham i don't think i'll be trying to drum up new patients, so don't worry. what i'll be talking about is soft tissue climbing related injuries, how to prevent them and what to do if you get injured.

so show up or don't go on-line later on complaining about your tweaks.

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