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Turkey Day TR (the best and the worst in one)


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Went up to Glacier on Tuesday night to stay at my friends' house. We planned to ski and have Turkey.


Wednesday, 3 inches of new at 5 am, more like 5 inches on top of the skied-out foot from the day before by the time we arrive. Very fun turning, we ski hard all day and go home thrashed.


Wednesday night, bake a pumpkin pie and 4 batches of chocolate-chip cookies for T-day. Bring the cookies to the mountain on thursday.


Thursday, 2 inches new at 5 am and clearing skies. Get first tracks on Hemispheres, and then take a run on the Arm. Snow was EXCELLENT (can't help chuckling when I think of the November skiing naysayers). My friend Mike finally shows up after lunch, and we punch a skin-track up underneath the cliffs of Table Mountain to farm some turns. We have it all to ourselves.


During the course of the day I hand out chocolate-chip cookies to lifties and patrollers. At the end of the day I still have a lot left, so I offer some to some people in the parking lot.


Here's where the day starts to go wrong. They offer me a pot-cookie in exchange. I don't smoke anymore (and I don't like it when I do smoke it, maybe once or twice a year). I eat the cookie on an empty stomach when I get home, and I wash it down with a beer. A half hour later I'm so stoned I can't speak. The cookie TASTED like sugary pot. I continue to get even more high. Dinner is served. I take two bites and go outside and vomit everything I ate that day. I sit on the couch and think in some strange language that isn't English. My friends try to speak to me and I can't respond because I can't figure out what order the words are supposed to go in. I go to bed at eight and think I'm hearing things until I realize that it's the television set and my friends are watching "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". That's where I am. I wake up in the morning miserable. Finally eat my dinner and my pumkin pie. Sit around stoned all the next day. I hate marijuana.

Edited by E-rock
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yellaf.gifyellaf.gif awsome skiing... I got some turns in as well, but sounds like your conditions were a lot better... I waited till the rain started to come!


hahaha.gif pot cookies deffantly sneak up on you... I fed a good budies girl friend one... oh boy was I in trouble. I've known her since she was six years old, (family friend) and she is big time Mormin... no drugs or alcohal ever... oooo, she got so high, Laugh and cry, laugh and cry. she was so pissed at me for the longest time... now she thanks me for the experience, but she still is a prude...


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Last time I ate one of those (actually in the form of zucchini bread, in 1989), my buddy and I went on a long all day alpine adventure and got back to town, still on foot, and he had to go to work. cantfocus.gif I was still so frickin' ripped and freaked that instead of hitchin a ride back home, I bushwacked seven miles through the woods. I was so high I just couldn't handle other people. My friend had a mind altering experience at work making pizzas mushsmile.gif With concentrated, extracted pot, you never are sure of the dose the butter contains or which cookie has more than another and by how much. I had that problem with a bag of sugar cubes once confused.gifmushsmile.gifcantfocus.gif Pot no longer does it for me.

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yeah. holland gave me a quick and proppa intro to spakecake and damn if the guy next to me didn't scarf a shit load. i, after warnings, paced myself and had a great time. he decided he needed to use the restroom in teh coffeeshop and reached for the doorhandle and fell straight backwards hitting his head on the ground. cantfocus.gif shitty deal.

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iain said:

wow that's pretty cruel feeding someone one of those w/o telling. I could see someone getting pretty scared if it was strong.


Prude: Who made these cookies?


Me: They are really good, Tony made them... You should try them.


every one else in the room looks at me and chuckles.


Prude: mmmm, these are good... Tony, I didn't know you where such a baker...


Me: Now, Now... leave some for the rest of us...


20min. later...


Prude: Jerid, honey... maybe we should go, I'm not feeling very well...


they leave...


Me: oh, shit! maybe I shouldn't of done that...


The rest of the five people in the room: yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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David_Parker said:

Billygoat said:

crosseye: Pot no longer does it for me.


Moved on to Heroin, eh Billy!


That is a nice drug but I am saving it for when I am in my eighties. I should have said pot no longer is an ally, it doesn't relax me or enhance my enjoyment of the moment. It actually takes me out of the moment. Lately, it's been tea, bigdrink.gif and sometimes mushsmile.gif

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why risk smuggling drugs across the boarders unless there's a lot of money to be made? how much black tar heroin could you back into black & white bars?


pot in cookies across the boarder sounds so, so, dazed and confused. but funny...


"No, man, don't eat that cooky, save it for later *wink, wink*"

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iain said:

it's a gateway drug. just say no like nancy told you back in the day.


it also leads you to accidently shoot your friend with the loaded handgun accidently left on dad's desk according to the ads.


yellaf.gif or leave the little girl unattended by the pool and let her drown.

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minx said:

iain said:

it's a gateway drug. just say no like nancy told you back in the day.


it also leads you to accidently shoot your friend with the loaded handgun accidently left on dad's desk according to the ads.


yellaf.gif or leave the little girl unattended by the pool and let her drown.


That's not the least of it. When you buy pot you're supporting terrorism. I didn't even know El Quaeda were ganja farmers until I saw that ad.

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specialed said:

minx said:

iain said:

it's a gateway drug. just say no like nancy told you back in the day.


it also leads you to accidently shoot your friend with the loaded handgun accidently left on dad's desk according to the ads.


yellaf.gif or leave the little girl unattended by the pool and let her drown.


That's not the least of it. When you buy pot you're supporting terrorism. I didn't even know El Quaeda were ganja farmers until I saw that ad.


well what are ya? stupid? how else do you think they raise the money for the bombs. confused.gif

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