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Asshole Employers


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j_b said:

1) we don't know what happened the 1st time (5 minutes late? car break down? mother in the hospital?)


2) the article is equivocal regarding the weather. it says 'sudden snow storm'. note that it is consistent with not knowing that the weather was going to turn bad.


3) as far as not notifying anyone of his whereabout, it may be something he never does for philosophical reasons or it may be that he decided to go at the last minute in the middle of the night and he lives alone, etc ...


4) the work project may have an unrealistic deadline as is not uncommon or he is behind because he missed 5days of work while stranded.


etc ...


basically we don't know. a little quick to judge, no?


there is one thing that we pretty much know however. he did not have to learn of his dismissal while lying on a hospital bed and facing the prospect of losing digits.



yeah! and where is his union? rolleyes.gif

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j_b said:

3) as far as not notifying anyone of his whereabout, it may be something he never does for philosophical reasons or it may be that he decided to go at the last minute in the middle of the night and he lives alone, etc ...


philosophical reasons? i think its just plain stupid on his part


but i do agree with you on the other points

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Metalhead_Mojo said:

j_b said:

3) as far as not notifying anyone of his whereabout, it may be something he never does for philosophical reasons or it may be that he decided to go at the last minute in the middle of the night and he lives alone, etc ...


philosophical reasons? i think its just plain stupid on his part


but i do agree with you on the other points


but at the same time, you dont know that the inverse is not true... that he was a shitty employee that showed up late and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. its his job to show up on time. if he cannot do this, he cannot do his job and should not be paid. i have been fired because i came in late from climbing and i knew it was my fault and i didn't whine to some newspaper about it. and i was only 4 hours late comming straight from the climb to work! all you wankers need to learn to get tough. employers are not there to provide you with a job, you are there to provid them with work. if you cannot do this, they dotn need you adn will find someone that can. rolleyes.gif

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RobBob said:

"And on top of my salary demands, I want an employer who understands and respects my individual climbing ethics! mad.gif"


ok, that's funny. but i still think you may be missing my point. some of you, placed the blame on this guy for being irresponsible, a flake, or whatever, while in fact he may be quite purposeful.


there are 2 aspects where the company may have been wrong, firing him altogether and firing him while he is in the hospital. as a matter of fact, we cannot dismiss the possibility that he thinks the company is justified in letting him go (there is no indication that he is 'whining' in the article). in turn, we can also ponder whether it was such a good idea to let him go while he is recovering in the hospital.

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minx said:

erik said:

trask said:

no, he doesn't think

that's his problem


um trask in a battle of wits and intelligence i think ole j_b has got you beat hands down.




but trask might have you beat wink.gifwave.gif


tho unlike trask or j_b(at times) i dont have anything to prove, nor i am searching for acceptance by you people.


and please do not use that stupid wink.gif icon it makes me think of muffy and she is so fucking annoying to me that any thought of her brings rage into my soul.




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erik said:

minx said:

erik said:

trask said:

no, he doesn't think

that's his problem


um trask in a battle of wits and intelligence i think ole j_b has got you beat hands down.




but trask might have you beat wink.gifwave.gif


tho unlike trask or j_b(at times) i dont have anything to prove, nor i am searching for acceptance by you people.


and please do not use that stupid wink.gif icon it makes me think of muffy and she is so fucking annoying to me that any thought of her brings rage into my soul.



My dearest wish has been granted evils3d.gifgrin.gifwink.gif
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