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Nichols Sues Moore


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RobBob said:

I happened to see Michael Moore on "The View" a few weeks ago (I was in the gym on a treadmill, assclowns ). They pretty much turned him into a defensive little wanker with some good direct questioning about specific indiscrepancies in his diatribes.


j_b said:

which discrepancies? specifically.


okay, if you want to play that game, one that I remember was the bit about him walking into the bank and getting a free gun. The interviewer asked him if he did not in fact have that event pre-staged. He refused to answer directly, instead ranting about "TV lies," and using Clintonesque dodges to imply that it wasn't pre-arranged. But it was pretty clear that Moore's stunt WAS pre-arranged, and that the average Joe could NOT have walked into the bank and walked out same visit with a free gun.


Moore is no more than an agitator, a self-promoting bullshit one at that. Must be motivated by some deep inferiority complex, because he clearly couldn't manage third shift at a Dairy Queen on his own. Anybody can throw rocks at human organizations...I choose to admire many of the folks that have the skill to build'em, rather than the ones who want to tear'em down.

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Nice post Rob. Ya know, the funny thing about people like Moore, is that in their zeal to send their message, they usually end up with egg on their faces. Moore will fade into the sunset to join company with Streisand, Rosie, Sheen and the other far left troublemakers from Hollywood. I saw Rosie on the news this morning. She's suing her book publisher, and he's suing her...breach of contract unpleasantness. Fuck she's getting fat. I see why she's a clam bumper, no man in his right mind would bang her.

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RobBob said:

RobBob said:

I happened to see Michael Moore on "The View" a few weeks ago (I was in the gym on a treadmill, assclowns ). They pretty much turned him into a defensive little wanker with some good direct questioning about specific indiscrepancies in his diatribes.


j_b said:

which discrepancies? specifically.


okay, if you want to play that game, one that I remember was the bit about him walking into the bank and getting a free gun. The interviewer asked him if he did not in fact have that event pre-staged. He refused to answer directly, instead ranting about "TV lies," and using Clintonesque dodges to imply that it wasn't pre-arranged. But it was pretty clear that Moore's stunt WAS pre-arranged, and that the average Joe could NOT have walked into the bank and walked out same visit with a free gun.


what game? asking you to back up what you say? how uncough of me ...


if you gun nuts took the time to read you would not end looking as silly as you often do. note: i already posted the link, which apparently you ignored, at least i hope this is what you did and not try to be deceitful.




except: "The Truth: In the spring of 2001, I saw a real ad in a real newspaper in Michigan announcing a real promotion (link) that this real bank had where they would give you a gun (as your up-front interest) for opening up a Certificate of Deposit account. They promoted this in publications all over the country (link) – "More Bang for Your Buck!"


There was news coverage of this bank giving away guns, long before I even shot the scene there. The Chicago Sun Times wrote (link) about how the bank would "hand you a gun" with the purchase of a CD. Those are the precise words used by a bank employee (link) in the film.


When you see me going in to the bank and walking out with my new gun in "Bowling for Columbine" – that is exactly as it happened. Nothing was done out of the ordinary other than to phone ahead and ask permission to let me bring a camera in to film me opening up my account. I walked into that bank in northern Michigan for the first time ever on that day in June 2001, and, with cameras rolling, gave the bank teller $1,000 – and opened up a 20-year CD account. After you see me filling out the required federal forms ("How do you spell Caucasian?") – which I am filling out here for the first time – the bank manager faxed it to the bank's main office for them to do the background check. The bank is a licensed federal arms dealer and thus can have guns on the premises and do the instant background checks (the ATF's Federal Firearms database—which includes all federally approved gun dealers—lists North Country Bank with Federal Firearms License #4-38-153-01-5C-39922).


Within 10 minutes, the "OK" came through from the firearms background check agency and, 5 minutes later, just as you see it in the film, they handed me a Weatherby Mark V Magnum rifle (If you'd like to see the outtakes, click here). "


go to the page to enjoy the supporting links


Moore is no more than an agitator, a self-promoting bullshit one at that. Must be motivated by some deep inferiority complex, because he clearly couldn't manage third shift at a Dairy Queen on his own. Anybody can throw rocks at human organizations...I choose to admire many of the folks that have the skill to build'em, rather than the ones who want to tear'em down.


can you support your villainous spew?


next discrepancy? (or perhaps you should visit mike's page instead)

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trask said:

Nice post Rob. Ya know, the funny thing about people like Moore, is that in their zeal to send their message, they usually end up with egg on their faces. Moore will fade into the sunset to join company with Streisand, Rosie, Sheen and the other far left troublemakers from Hollywood.


this coming from an extremist who advocates "offing moore". you, indeed, are a comic. i only dream it was purposeful.

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if you gun nuts took the time to read you would not end looking as silly as you often do. note: i already posted the link, which apparently you ignored, at least i hope this is what you did and not try to be deceitful.


j_b, what do you know about what my position is on gun control? Fact is you don't know where I stand.


Your quote of Moore notwithstanding, NO, I do not NOT believe that the average Joe could have walked into that bank and walked out same visit with a gun. The thing was vetted by Moore or his staff having phoned ahead, despite his protestations otherwise. I don't know where you're coming from claiming that an opinion that differs from yours about Moore is "spew."


Catbird, if you have seen Michael Moore in defensive mode, it doesn't resemble any moviemaker I've seen. More like somebody who is instantly vituperous when he's the one being scrutinized. There's a term for that: hypocrite.

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RobBob said:

j_b, what do you know about what my position is on gun control? Fact is you don't know where I stand.


hey, be my guest. let us know where you stand.


Your quote of Moore notwithstanding, NO, I do not NOT believe that the average Joe could have walked into that bank and walked out same visit with a gun. The thing was vetted by Moore or his staff having phoned ahead, despite his protestations otherwise.


well, now that we are certain it is an unsubstantiated opinion, we are fine.


did the bank issue a rebuttal by any chance? i am desperately trying to help you out here since you claimed to know of discrepancies in bfc.


I don't know where you're coming from claiming that an opinion that differs from yours about Moore is "spew."


how should i characterize your comments about agitators, bullshit, not being able to manage 3rd shift at dairy queen, etc ... when you discuss a best selling author ( http://bestsellerlist.com/ ; http://www.nytimes.com/pages/books/bestseller/), award-winning film director without offering any more evidence than your probably grossly biased opinion?


you reaction seems so self-righteous that perhaps next time i should say that it is does not even amount to what i drop in the toilet bowl every morning. would you like that better?

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RobBob said:

RobBob said:

I happened to see Michael Moore on "The View" a few weeks ago (I was in the gym on a treadmill, assclowns ). They pretty much turned him into a defensive little wanker with some good direct questioning about specific indiscrepancies in his diatribes.


j_b said:

which discrepancies? specifically.


okay, if you want to play that game, one that I remember was the bit about him walking into the bank and getting a free gun. The interviewer asked him if he did not in fact have that event pre-staged. He refused to answer directly, instead ranting about "TV lies," and using Clintonesque dodges to imply that it wasn't pre-arranged. But it was pretty clear that Moore's stunt WAS pre-arranged, and that the average Joe could NOT have walked into the bank and walked out same visit with a free gun.


Moore is no more than an agitator, a self-promoting bullshit one at that. Must be motivated by some deep inferiority complex, because he clearly couldn't manage third shift at a Dairy Queen on his own. Anybody can throw rocks at human organizations...I choose to admire many of the folks that have the skill to build'em, rather than the ones who want to tear'em down.


depends on what u mean by prearanged, he admits that he had to call ahead to get permision to film in the bank

and there was also stoires on the bank in the chicago times before moore did the film. also they did a background check that took 10 min so i guess not anybody can get a gun just those with clean records, oh but didn't teb bundy and several other serial killers have virtualy clean records before they strted killing people?


oh and one more thing what is wrong with tearing down organizations that are reasponsible for perpetual war, the Bushes, the NRA, the missle ware house.. then again i supose its good we keep killing ourselves cause it means we can live below the earths careing conpasity for just a little bit longer with out being forced to change the way we do things.

Edited by wirlwind
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well, now that we are certain it is an unsubstantiated opinion, we are fine.


did the bank issue a rebuttal by any chance? i am desperately trying to help you out here since you claimed to know of discrepancies in bfc.


Amazing. I make reference to a TV show where Michael Moore showed his ass...after being questioned about some specific instances that the interviewer believed he misled his audience, he weaved and dodged using the Bill and Hillary word-game tango.


j_b, the more your blood pressure appears to rise in defense of Michael Moore, the dumber you sound. Of course it is my opinion that he lied. Unless I am willing to spend the next week in Chicago in a fact-finding mode in order to prove to some internet stupe that he lied, it will continue to be my opinion, based on the 'facts' as they were presented by the interviewer and Moore on The View several days ago.


Guilty. Of lying. And being unable to contribute positively to normal working American society. thumbs_down.gif

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RobBob said:

Guilty. Of lying. And being unable to contribute positively to normal working American society. thumbs_down.gif




um what about bush and ashcroft? you feel those two people are contibuting positivly to a normal american working society? i mean claiming that god put you in office to do his deeds, that is normal? or runnin the economy down into the ground is positive? attempting to fullfill a self invented phallcy is positive towards society?


i sure dont see how all these people dying in iraq actual contributes to my life...other then a u.s. generated fear.



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RobBob said:

Of course it is my opinion that he lied. Unless I am willing to spend the next week in Chicago in a fact-finding mode in order to prove to some internet stupe that he lied, it will continue to be my opinion, based on the 'facts' as they were presented by the interviewer and Moore on The View several days ago.


which facts? i thought that we had established your opinion was not suppported by facts ...


Guilty. Of lying. And being unable to contribute positively to normal working American society. thumbs_down.gif


what a travesty of justice.


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erik, you won't see me voting for Bush and Ashcroft. Admittedly I voted for Bush the first time, but he's got us stuck in the shit in Iraq and clearly possesses no ideas of his own on how to get us out. Ashcroft is a dangerous zealot, and Rumsfeld is reminiscent of a nazi henchman. If I were Bush, I would pit those two against each other somehow and watch them flame their careers out together.


But that doesn't have anything to do with Michael Moore. Look, every fifteen year old likes to make humor by putting down adults in positions of competence and authority, and make them look dumb, even if it means taking them out of context. Michael Moore has made a career out of that, but he's not fifteen anymore. He's a misanthrope.

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catbirdseat said:

I believe the truth is that the bank was giving out guns and that the filming of it was staged because the bank would not cooperate. It doesn't change the salient facts or the point he was trying to make. Call it lying if you will.


DID YOU WATCH THE FILM? The bank gave him a gun. So he called ahead and told them he was coming - how does that change the fact they were willing to give him a gun on film?

CBS you are coming from Planet Clueless with extra strength today! wave.gif

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News Break : Moore is a capitalist millionaire, getting rich off left-wing suckers.


Moore recently touched down in California as part of his national book tour. He's traveling in style -- in a private jet provided by Time Warner, and in SUVs courtesy of his publisher, Warner Books. The company also threw in some bodyguards -- as we know from his movies, America is a pretty darn dangerous place.

For his part, Moore sees no contradiction between his private life and his public image, suggesting that the only reason he's feeding at the corporate trough is because it's there. "I would never pay for this,'' Moore told the Los Angeles Times, adding that the irony is not lost on him.

When you make your living bashing malicious corporate CEOs, it's best not to remind people that you're using giant media companies to carry your message.


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Peter_Puget said:

News Break : Moore is a capitalist millionaire, getting rich off left-wing suckers.


Moore recently touched down in California as part of his national book tour. He's traveling in style -- in a private jet provided by Time Warner, and in SUVs courtesy of his publisher, Warner Books. The company also threw in some bodyguards -- as we know from his movies, America is a pretty darn dangerous place.

For his part, Moore sees no contradiction between his private life and his public image, suggesting that the only reason he's feeding at the corporate trough is because it's there. "I would never pay for this,'' Moore told the Los Angeles Times, adding that the irony is not lost on him.

When you make your living bashing malicious corporate CEOs, it's best not to remind people that you're using giant media companies to carry your message.


I would have a shit load of body guards too if I were him. It is dangerous shit speaking out in this country for what you believe in. I would be leery of traveling in small planes as well.

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so slimy it is not worthy of an answer.


instead ponder the following:


Book Rankings

#1 on the New York Times Bestseller List for the Second Week in a Row! - November 2, 2003

#1 Barnes & Noble College Bestseller List

#1 San Francisco Chronicle Bestseller List

#2 Publishers Weekly Bestseller List - October 27, 2003

#2 Wall Street Journal Bestseller List - October 24, 2003

#5 USA Today Bestseller List - October 23, 2003



what the critics have to say...


"Michael Moore is a comic genius!"



"Michael Moore is everything the contemporary politician isn't. He is smart, brash, profane, hilarious, beholden to no one, and genuine in his devotion to the country."



"Decades from now, historians will look back and say Michael Moore captured the zeitgeist."



"For more than a dozen years Michael Moore has served as the nation's unofficial muckraker laureate, exposing and lampooning the greed, arrogance, and corruption of corporate america and the folly and hypocrisy ofbeltway politics."



"Michael Moore has actually drawn blood. That's a shock to the conservative system. He may be just the lethal heat-seeking weapon [that liberals] have been looking for. [He] is more funny than angry, more everyman than show-biz. He may be more of a factor in the next election cycle than all the other, more glamorous oscar attendees now lining up at fund-raisers for Howard Dean."



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