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i'm always pretty surprised to find other people online during the weekends... do you guys/gals work like yours truly? Or do you just love reading spray...

who else is stuck at work?

this morning i was able to ride the freshies before the mountain opened to the masses. Knee deep supah light freshies, it was bliss. It is so odd to ski on a resort hill with no one else around.

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I work in theater and so when the rest of the world wants to be entertained, I'm at work. Lots of nights and weekends. Off all day all week much of the time. Works out just fine for me. Flexible schedule. Planning to take August off. And hopefully part of July too. grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

Keep those freshiez fresh for me Timmy, I'm going to try and make it down to glorious Bend in the next month or so, finances permitting!

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Originally posted by glen:
yeah, I've spent a lot of time in that area in the summer, but I havn't made it up in the winter yet. This will be my first time actually riding a lift there. I think the eastern sierras are pretty much my fav spot on earth. climbing, snow, hot springs, beautiful and just plain awesome. Too bad there's virtually no job market for geologists!

hey mmcmurra- no fair on the sunshine comment. It's hard enough to keep working in an office with a window!

I would think with all the geo activity down in mammoth there would be a need for a scientist like yourself... aren't acres of trees dieing due to noxious volcanic fumes?

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Glen, a good new layer of snow fell on the Sierras yesterday and today. Took the wife and 4 year old up for some snowshoeing and snow cave making today, Uh western Sierras. It was snowing pretty good on the way up (as low as about 1000 ft.) and there was a long line of cars heading down the hill. By mid afternoon the sun was out and the day was awesome. Those who bailed early missed a great afternoon

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I was on the board this morning and not on Rainier because the proposed climb of Gib Ledges had to be cancelled due to weather and avalanche concerns. But I did not have to work this weekend, and with all the weekends I've been working lately, most any leisure activity is fun (even running around Green Lake in a snowstorm).

I grew up skiing at Mammoth and I think it's my favorite ski mountain anywhere. Dave's Run is where I set my personal record of longest uncontrolled slide down a snow slope. Good thing it gets flatter at the bottom when there's enough snow. I used to look West to the Minarets and Mount Ritter and think, What awesome peaks! Does anyone ever climb them? Will I ever climb them? I haven't climbed them yet, but one of these seasons I'll get down there in the summer.

When I was 15 years old I climbed Mammoth in the summer. The Cornice bowl was a big heap of pumice sand, three steps forward and two steps back. I found an old tire halfway up, hauled it to the summit and rolled it down.

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yeah, I've spent a lot of time in that area in the summer, but I havn't made it up in the winter yet. This will be my first time actually riding a lift there. I think the eastern sierras are pretty much my fav spot on earth. climbing, snow, hot springs, beautiful and just plain awesome. Too bad there's virtually no job market for geologists!

hey mmcmurra- no fair on the sunshine comment. It's hard enough to keep working in an office with a window! [Wazzup]

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Answer each of the following questions yes, no or maybe.

1) Do you respond when someone calls out your online name in public?

2) Do you log on every Tuesday to find out where you are drinking?

3) Do you lie awake at night wondering what wacky, zany stuff those kids Meuller aka GregM, and trask, will come up with next?

4) Are you the on-line equivalent of a Seattle Mountaineer?

5) What is Chepe's real name?

Scoring: add up your total number of hours online per week, and divide by your total number of posts per week. Multiply by the number of hours you spent either climbing outdoors, or skiing, in the past month. Add your IQ and hardest V-boulder grade, stir, bake at 420 for 1 hour, then eat lightly garnished with a flamed helping of Muir Hut smoke.

Special bonus question: what is the name of the bright yellow thing that sometimes appears in the sky?

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Originally posted by Norman Clyde:
I was on the board this morning and not on Rainier because the proposed climb of Gib Ledges had to be cancelled due to weather and avalanche concerns. But I did not have to work this weekend, and with all the weekends I've been working lately, most any leisure activity is fun (even running around Green Lake in a snowstorm).I grew up skiing at Mammoth and I think it's my favorite ski mountain anywhere. Dave's Run is where I set my personal record of longest uncontrolled slide down a snow slope. Good thing it gets flatter at the bottom when there's enough snow. I used to look West to the Minarets and Mount Ritter and think, What awesome peaks! Does anyone ever climb them? Will I ever climb them? I haven't climbed them yet, but one of these seasons I'll get down there in the summer. When I was 15 years old I climbed Mammoth in the summer. The Cornice bowl was a big heap of pumice sand, three steps forward and two steps back. I found an old tire halfway up, hauled it to the summit and rolled it down.

Norman Clyde (great name)man your stories are great! I also grew up skiing Mammoth and hiking the Sierra. When I was about 14 or so I fell all the way down "Drop Out 2", and I remember watching some gal flapping her gums and not paying attention slide backwards over the cornice on "Scotty's Run" and eggbeater all the way to St. Anton. When I was 13 I had my proudest skiing moments ever skiing Hangmans Hollow and Huevos Grandes. Mammoth has so many great memories for me I can't list them all. I'm kind of sad to see the commercialization move in there but it actually hasn't happened as fast or to the extent I thought it would have by now. But I remember the winter nights my brother and I used to run out of our rental condo in Old Mammoth and run out into the then-Mammoth Meadows (now a golf course, convention center and million dollar condos) in the dark and pretend we were on a big expedition someplace...btw, when I was 16 I circumnavigated the Ritter Range and climbed Banner Peak from Lake Catherine. It's a very aesthetic loop! And uncrowded. The Sierras are just great! smile.gif" border="0

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Lots of geologic activity out there, but all of the USGS people are based out of Menlo Park and commute out for their occasional field work. Yep, lots of trees dying due to CO2 emissions (don't ever sleep in a snow cave there!).

It looks like I'll be doing some snow camping on saturday night. Any recommendations for "not to be missed" spots for those of you who have lots of winter-time logged there? Anyone know what Rock creek is like this time of year?

If you want a good mountaineering story, read Muir's account of his first ascent of Ritter.

shocked.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by glen:
Lots of geologic activity out there, but all of the USGS people are based out of Menlo Park and commute out for their occasional field work. Yep, lots of trees dying due to CO2 emissions (don't ever sleep in a snow cave there!).

It looks like I'll be doing some snow camping on saturday night. Any recommendations for "not to be missed" spots for those of you who have lots of winter-time logged there? Anyone know what Rock creek is like this time of year?

If you want a good mountaineering story, read Muir's account of his first ascent of Ritter.

shocked.gif" border="0

I haven't done much camping in that area in the winter but I would think the Mammoth Lakes basin up towards Duck Pass would be very pleasant- ski up a few miles from Twin Lakes and camp out in a nice setting.

I remember Muir's story well- especially the part where he couldn't climb up or down and almost fell off!have fun up there, I'm envious!

[ 03-18-2002: Message edited by: W ]

[ 03-18-2002: Message edited by: W ]

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I spent a week up by ritter/lk catherine and thousand island. I was feeling nostalgic so I was reading about muir's time in the parts. boy, sitting in my down bag and fancy tent made me feel like a sally.

next time i will definately travel with a rolled up blanket, some tea, and crusts of bread, and then I will be a true cascade hard man!

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Or Sierra hardman rather. It must have been the tea, that's about all that guy seemed to ingest when he was rambling around for days on end. I think it would be a little easier to go w/ the minimalist gear approach in the Sierras where the weather isn't likely to turn to crap at any moment, any time of year like here in our good ol' Cascades.

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