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how do they feel?


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Thanks j_b. Very interesting when you look at the actual figures.


I somtimes wonder if Bush et al. thinks leading the country like CEOs lead a corporation is the appropriate way to use information and make policy. I used to see this sort of spin all the time in my corporate consulting days. Execs only taking from survey data the parts that support their "story" or "strategy" for their pet project...then spinning it out to the ranks in hopes to rally support for the next great thing that will produce profit. Unfortunately, most of the time this backfires in corporate America and I'm thinking in the government too.


The behavior (on the part of Iraqi citizens) doesn't follow the spin by our "executives". People are starting to figure this out.

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ehmmic said:

I somtimes wonder if Bush et al. thinks leading the country like CEOs lead a corporation is the appropriate way to use information and make policy. I used to see this sort of spin all the time in my corporate consulting days. Execs only taking from survey data the parts that support their "story" or "strategy" for their pet project...then spinning it out to the ranks in hopes to rally support for the next great thing that will produce profit. Unfortunately, most of the time this backfires in corporate America and I'm thinking in the government too.


The behavior (on the part of Iraqi citizens) doesn't follow the spin by our "executives". People are starting to figure this out.


it does seem to be part of a concerted effort to misrepresent the iraqi situation and wait out the drop in the national polls (while they pray for something 'good' to happen so that we forget). i assume you heard about the form letters supposedly spontaneously sent by deployed military personel to local us papers. there is for certain one consistent aspect through it all over this past year: whenever their misrepresentation is exposed, they just spin the situation a little harder. so predictable.


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On a more serious note (I couldn't help myself earlier), I would have to agree with Michelle. Polls can help you understand some things, but I think even the best ones fail to capture the entire picture.


In this case how much do the 30some percent of people hate us? If they really really hate us they can make our occupation horible (as if it doesn't suck right now) Also a poll is a snapshot at a fixed time; random unplanned events can drastically change people's views.

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