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I have heard about the water retention...I figure a steadier supply of energy would offset the extra weight, right?


The other thing is that you aren't supposed to stay on it for long periods...so i am assuming that you'd make your strength/endurance gains, go off the stuff and lose the extra weight...

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Last time I did a "load cycle" of it, I gained like 15 pounds in 10 days. I was doing it in the middle of winter, just for wieght training. If you are a thinner person, it may be a helpful supplement to your climbing (greater strength gains, faster recovery time,..) but it just made me even heavier.

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texplorer said:

There have been some studies showing that it increases the likelyhood of muscle strains and you really have to drink alot of water when on the stuff but actually has shown to increase strength in tests outside of the usual "bodybuilding-load-o-shit-tests".


That's along the lines of what i've read...I know of only one really good climber who's used it and he says its for real...SOOOOO, i'm trying to talk to other climbers who've used it...Not lifters, and not alpine climbers/hikers, but craggers/boulderers...

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I did a cycle (5 day's loading, 3 weeks of maintenance) in August and put on 8 lbs in the first 5 days from 176 to 184. Strength gain was noticable, I could pound out a couple more reps on most lifts right away and it gives you a nice happy buzz durring the loading phase. mushsmile.gif I don't think I'll use any more, I don't want to put on any more weight right now, and I really was just curious about it's effect.


I used Creadrive from GNC for the loading and plain old creatine for maintenance. From what I've heard, you can't go wrong with different brands, creatine is creatine, but I prefer the fruity flavored stuff to the plain creatine you put in your tea or coffee (hot drinks dissolve it best). Oh yeah, creatine supposedly will start to go through some chemical reaction once it's in liquid form and turn into some useless compound (within hours) that has no effect on your body so avoid the creatine sold as "syrum" and consume your beverage shortly after putting it in your drink.


I also learned that some people don't react at all to creatine as they already have enough in their body and the muscle tissue won't absorb any more.


Hope that helps. Most of this info I learned from research on the internet so it may be totally wrong, but, probably not. cantfocus.gif


edit* just read your post about rock/boulder climbers and must say that in my opinion, the strength you gain might be defeated by the weight you will probably gain. More of a useful tool for Alpine climbers.

Edited by Bronco
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