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Gap Cap at Heather Lake


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Thanks to whomever found my son's Gap cap on the trail at Heather Lake this past Saturday. I was hoping my faith in fellow hikers could be relied upon to find it back at the trailhead (I told my wife it would probably be either at the trail register or on our car). Good to still see honesty and goodwill even on well-used day trip areas.

Thanks again!

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Originally posted by klenke:
It was only a GAP CAP, for goodness sakes.

Hey everybody, I lost a pack rain-cover in the Pasayten Wilderness last summer. If anybody found it (it's blue) can I have it...

If you don't have kids, it's sort of hard to understand how important such things can be.My guess is Jman's son is particularly fond of the Gap Cap.

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Allright, knock if off children. People take things for stupid reasons or just to be a jerk (whether or not it fits). I was simply expressing a thank you to whomever found it and left if for us. The hat was a gift to us and we'd rather not have to replace it. I'm sure you all can cope with this?

Now run along and spray each other for awhile.

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Okay, here's the joke (irony) of the GAP clothing:No climber-type would shop at The Gap. The Gap's clothing is for wannabe outdoor enthusiasts...or sorority girls looking for just the right type of flashy gear to stand out on campus.

Other than that, I have no problem with your thankful post, Jman. I'd do the same, perhaps, if something sentimental to me was lost. In fact, it has happened to me...even recently....very, very recently.

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Just to clarify, klenke... I've never shopped at the Gap before, in fact nothing I own is from there, not that I even care about name brands. My son is 10 months old, so I'm sure HE doesn't really care where it came from either, it was only to keep the sun out of his eyes (although it does look cute on him). Like I said before, the cap was gift from a very good friend. I only specified it was from the Gap because it had "Gap Kid" embroidered on it so the returnee could identify the item I was thanking them for. Phew! I really didn't think this would become so complicated. At least it's mildly entertaining. [hell no]

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Originally posted by erik:
max, seeing you are from boulder, i woud [sic] think that the wannabe status was tattoed on your forehead??? right next to r.a.d.o.!!!!

Actually, I'm not from Boulder. Malaga WA is my home town. If you're not familiar with WA geography (I've noticed alota' coasties can't see very far beyond the mountains), I'll tell you Malaga is not much of a "Gap"-type place.

Also, I think boulder is in 'rado, not "next to."


commercialization is bogus, but the shear fact that people where this shit is not grounds for execution....well maybe in some senses it is, but we need to talk to bone about that.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Check out TCC's Communication 101 classes. They may be able to help you communicate more effectively.


im glad you left our state!!

So let me get this straight. I'm ragging on "commercialization", what I can decipher from above seems to indicate you think commercialization is "bogus", but you don't like me. Maybe you can check out their Logic 101 courses too.Finally, what's with this "our state" shit? You sound like a fucking Israeli!

Have a nice day. "Ignorance is bliss."

dave brannon

[ 03-07-2002: Message edited by: max ]

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Hey! All you dorks who feel the need to look down upon people, those of you who need to feel different in order to be loved, this missive is sent to help you feel better about your condescending selves.

I have a North Face pack, fleece and sleeping bag.I have pants from Eddie Bauer.I have a bunch of Nike T-shirts.I wear Patagonia long underwear.I don't cover up any of the brand names.I am an REI member with a 200+$ dividend.I drive a Honda Accord.I have a wife and 2 kids.I eat fairly regularly at McDonalds.I eat meat and also processed cheese food.I like Led Zeppelin.I wear tape when crack climbing.I bought a Climbing mag the other day.I watched the Super Bowl, and am a baseball fan.EEEEE-CHEEE-ROW!!!

I submit myself to be subject to your cooler-than-thou-scorn.

Have a nice day! smile.gif" border="0

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just trolling for you lover!!!!

as far as the rest of post goes......me not be too worried about proper communication with you....me also have higher education to use, but apply in other fields then spraybing...

me like to have fun with others and get reaction...you serve that well....i am wanting to be very zen with mysaelf and the way i do conduct everything.....

me founbd logic classes along wiht most philosphically endevor most worthless, nme like to be practicall...me like to be making practical joke.....me communicvcate funny...hahahahahahahahaaahaha

and me thinks your r.a.d.o. tattoo next to your wannbe one...me think you miss context of messasge contained within message

me also think you not speak of what you might not know...maybe me be from eastern washington too...maybe me family still be there....

me think maybe this is soo much funnnn

me also think you are a dispicable person to make statements about israelis.....specailly in that context....me think you have issues with self worth...

me hope you have a great day dave mad max brannon......and climb safe and fast in the mountains....

[big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

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Maybe I should clairify (now who needs the Comm 101 course!?) My intent was in pointing out the irony of


No climber-type would shop at The Gap. The Gap's clothing is for wannabe outdoor enthusiasts...or sorority girls looking for just the right type of flashy gear to stand out on campus.

contrasted against the obvious commercialism and self-identity building many climbers accomplish through "labeled" clothing. Nothing against the Gap, Patagonia, or even cute and chubby 18 month old babies!

Have a nice day.

dave brannon

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Originally posted by chucK:
Hey! All you dorks who feel the need to look down upon people, those of you who need to feel different in order to be loved, this missive is sent to help you feel better about your condescending selves.

I have a North Face pack, fleece and sleeping bag.I have pants from Eddie Bauer.I have a bunch of Nike T-shirts.I wear Patagonia long underwear.I don't cover up any of the brand names.I am an REI member with a 200+$ dividend.I drive a Honda Accord.I have a wife and 2 kids.I eat fairly regularly at McDonalds.I eat meat and also processed cheese food.I like Led Zeppelin.I wear tape when crack climbing.I bought a Climbing mag the other day.I watched the Super Bowl, and am a baseball fan.EEEEE-CHEEE-ROW!!!

I submit myself to be subject to your cooler-than-thou-scorn.

Have a nice day!
smile.gif" border="0

Tape is aid.


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"It's about what you're getting done, not what you wear."

Yeah, I know what ya mean. I use to get chided constantly about not wearing "standard" Mountaineers clothing, and yet these same people chiding me I would be climbing circles around.

They'd say, "Is that a cotton sweatshirt you're wearing? That's not fleece!"I'd reply, "That's right. And, hey look, whatta ya know, it's a bright sunny day. Go back to Seattle!"

In short, Mountaineers tout fleece as if it'll keep you from getting wet and keep you from freezing to death. Ah not so. Good judgement comes from the mind, not from the mantles you wear.

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