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Treason in the Bush Administration


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This little article was tucked away on the sixth page of the Seattle Times section A. To summarize, two high level members of the Bush Administration leaked the identity of a CIA operative at least six Washington area journalists. Intelligence sources said top officials at the agency were very concerned about the disclosure because it could allow foreign intelligence services to track some of her fomer contacts and lead to the exposure of agents. The woman, is married to former Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV who was sent to Nigeria to determine whether Iraq had sought to purchase "yellow cake" Uranium there. He later criticized the Administration which eventually retracted the statements Bush used in his State of the Union message. An Administration official said the leaks were "simply for revenge" for the trouble Wilson had caused Bush.


Let's call a spade a spade. This is treason, plain and simple. This is huge.

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scrambler said:

I mentioned this turn of events in the Murphy's Law thread. At this point, these are only allegations which may never be verified.


Did we ever find out who Deepthroat was?

It remains a fact that SOMEONE leaked the information. It was probably Karl "we're going to FUCK him" Rove's idea. No, we probably will never find out who made the calls, but it tells us something about the stripe of this administration that its high level members would stoop so low.
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I think its complete bull shit the only thing the press picks up on is the fact that someone leaked the ID of a CIA operative. People, Bush LIED TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE INTELLIGENCE!! Christ, and now we're caught up in some stupid fucking who said what morass which the administration will spin in the media until we're all dizy and tired of it. Its all a freaking diversion from the real issue.

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Ok. I'm not engaging in partisanship. I just want to know what happened to the Code of Ethics for U.S. Government Service adopted on July 11, 1958? Code of Ethics for Government Service

Politicans from both major parties should review this code to refresh their memories.


Here's a few statements from the code:

  • Put loyalty to the highest moral principals and to country above loyalty to Government persons,
    party, or department.
  • Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.
  • Expose corruption wherever discovered.
  • Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.

It really is too much to ask, isn't it?



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IF a Whitehouse leak is found, it should be dealt with harshly. Let's not forget that the good Niger ambassador has an agenda, and that seperating politics from truth here will be difficult. Let's also remember that Senator Schumer had no problem with congressional leaks of intelligence briefings to the media prior to the Iraq war. Leaks that could have cost ordinary soldiers their lives.


IF Rove or any other staffer is involved, he/she should be locked up for a very long time.



...........I'm still waiting for Bug to explain his statement. Or has he revealed the true face of the modern "progressive"?

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I think the leaking of information and our government's official general disregard for keeping secrets is one of the biggest cancers in our country. Everyday I read articles where a source at such and such says this is going on or whatever. While the stuff about Al Qeada is fun to read, I can't imagine what damage it might have caused or what things that we could have gotten if it weren't for leaks or going public. Case in point, some of these guys like Zwahari (the Ron Jeremy look alike), we should have never let them know we got him. Or the deal with this Army minister. Don't let them know we found out, take the information and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Also, nothing like showing on TV where the invading Army is on it's way to Bahgdad or letting them know how the fight is going after we knocked out their communications.


I hope they find Bush had knowledge of this, I've grown tired of the guy.

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I do believe that some leaks are planned. In the case of Ron Jeremy it would have been hard to hide it because it was in broad daylight with the Pakistanies. They probably had no choice. I just think it's better not to let them know we hit one of them with a missle from a Predator, see what info we can find, or at least trace the chatter involving it. Our government can keep secrets, I'll tell you that, from BBDs to the Aurora to Roswell, but when beurocrats are involved it will no longer be a secret.

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catbirdseat said:

marylou said:

It is huge, but Rove will probably get away with it. If it's true, I think he ought to step down.

Karl Rove doesn't hold an office, even an appointed one. He is basically an employee of Bush's. He is a political advisor.


The Code implies certain obligations for government service, one of these is to expose corruption and deceit. Perhaps there is a conscientious person in the administration who realized a tactical error was committed by the two others in their disclosure. This source is only identified as a senior administration official.


I understand that Rove is a political strategist, a modern-day Machiavelli, in Bush's employ.



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scrambler said:

catbirdseat said:

marylou said:

It is huge, but Rove will probably get away with it. If it's true, I think he ought to step down.

Karl Rove doesn't hold an office, even an appointed one. He is basically an employee of Bush's. He is a political advisor.


The Code implies certain obligations for government service, one of these is to expose corruption and deceit. Perhaps there is a conscientious person in the administration who realized a tactical error was committed by the two others in their disclosure. This source is only identified as a senior administration official.


I understand that Rove is a political strategist, a modern-day Machiavelli, in Bush's employ.


they were sending a message to the intelligence community: don't speak out or else.

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Here's another interesting statement made by the senior Bush that may have some bearing on current matters:

"And when it comes to the mission of CIA and the Intelligence Community, George Tenet has it exactly right. Give the President and the policymakers the best possible intelligence product and stay out of the policymaking or policy implementing except as specifically decreed in the law."

--exerpts of remarks by President George H.W. Bush during the dedication ceremony for the George Bush Center for Intelligence, April 26, 1999


Did Tenet and his agency do their job this time around? I read somewhere that there was some disagreement between the Defense Intelligence Agency and the CIA concerning the interpretation of the gathered intelligence on the Iraqi situation.


Refer to Murphy's Law thread and this link: CIA Headquarters

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wait, you mean the bush administration lies to the public about its vested interests? you mean, either wartime or energy policy, the white house is not being ethical?



good thing someone like halburton oilfield services is getting rich from the war effort from 7 BILLION dollars in uncompetitive contracts,


and that freaky 'energy crisis' controlled, largely, from the Texas energy grid....


i'd hate to come of sounding conspiratorial, but the white house is sleeping with big business now, more than ever


they're not even ashamed about their massive sleepovers- IE Cheney REFUSING to turn over his records on meeting with the Enron officials who helped draft the National Energy Policy before the big brown out and widespread pension fund collapse...two unrelated incidents, but both suspect



I have never felt so betrayed as an American. TheWhite House's actions against the american people are far worst treason than any 20 radical islamic terrorists committed with four planes,


what the administration is doing affects far, far more people in far more insidious, negative ways...


NO MORE BUSH! sorry ladies, he's a dick in disguise, just like the VP, the man behind the curtain, pulling all the strings. HCL.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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Fairweather said:

Bug said:

Isn't time for Hinkley to get out on parole?


What the fuck does this mean, asshole?

Take your meds Fairweather. This is a discussion not a battle. People die when CIA operatives are revealed. If someone is guilty of treason, the traditional high court punishment is death.

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Novak's latest:


"Nobody in the Bush administration called me to leak this. In July I was interviewing a senior administration official on Ambassador Wilson's report when he told me the trip was inspired by his wife, a CIA employee working on weapons of mass destruction. Another senior official told me the same thing. As a professional journalist with 46 years experience in Washington I do not reveal confidential sources. When I called the CIA in July to confirm Mrs. Wilson's involvement in the mission for her husband - he is a former Clinton administration official - they asked me not to use her name, but never indicated it would endanger her or anybody else. According to a confidential source at the CIA, Mrs. Wilson was an analyst, not a spy, not a covert operator, and not in charge of undercover operatives."


Useful link: Rant


PP bigdrink.gif


To those who compare this to anything the Clinton's "did," I would suggest using the US military in an effort to distract public attention from his personal problems is a far greater crime. The fact that the left doesn't come to grips with this (Clinton's use of the military) issue is very telling.

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