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Not that I'd do this, but...


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i dont think so


have rode those animals before...seems pretty weak to beat those animals to get what you want from them. and yes i consider using spurs or a whip beating them.


i and horses ruin the wilderness. their shit intruduces all sorts of foreign species of grasses and weeds into the wilderness. i think that horse people would be smart enough to figure it out, but i guess not. and why do horse people feel they need to have the right away on a trail? and that i should not run around them. that is utter bullshit. the horse people make the larger impact and should have to respect every user as they expect to get respected.


horses are for glue and dog food.


and minx that joke is really old and pretty dumb.



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I have ridden on and off since I was six. I have never used spurs or a whip on an animal. If you can not handle the animal, you should not ride it. with out horses civilization would not have progressed. they are amazing and beautiful creatures with a copasity for work and strength that is inspiring. think what you like

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erik said:

i dont think so


have rode those animals before...seems pretty weak to beat those animals to get what you want from them. and yes i consider using spurs or a whip beating them.


i and horses ruin the wilderness. their shit intruduces all sorts of foreign species of grasses and weeds into the wilderness. i think that horse people would be smart enough to figure it out, but i guess not. and why do horse people feel they need to have the right away on a trail? and that i should not run around them. that is utter bullshit. the horse people make the larger impact and should have to respect every user as they expect to get respected.


horses are for glue and dog food.


and minx that joke is really old and pretty dumb.



and that's why i thought you'd get it rolleyes.gif


if you think it's about spurs and whips, you need a bit of educating but whatever. it's not your thing.


wilderness use of horses is an interesting topic. for a very long time feral horses were part of this country's landscape. the damage caused by domestic horses and their inconsiderate owners is a different matter and clearly needs to be more carefully considered by the powers that be. other pack animals are problematic in terms of introducing foreign vegetation.

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trask said:

I'd rather ride a horse than drive a car. Far more fun. Been awhile since I've ridden though. Any of you sistas have a horse you'll invite me to ride?


i dunno i drove an xk8 last night. whoa! that was fu-uuun. trask if you promise not to engage in any inappropriate touching you can ride my filly after i start her next year.

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minx said:

trask said:

I'd rather ride a horse than drive a car. Far more fun. Been awhile since I've ridden though. Any of you sistas have a horse you'll invite me to ride?


i dunno i drove an xk8 last night. whoa! that was fu-uuun. trask if you promise not to engage in any inappropriate touching you can ride my filly after i start her next year.

Sounds nice Minx. I'll be as perfect a gentleman as you'd like me to be. You weren't suggesting I'd inappropriately touch the filly were you? hellno3d.gif

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erik said:

horses were introduced to this country by man. they are not natural upon the landscape. wild burros and horses are the number one natural cause for destruction to public lands. shoot them all and feed them to the homeless.






Oh erik, The Appaloosa which is native to Idaho, Washington, and Oregon; it came across the the ice bridge many many years ago along with camels and such... camels have long been extinct do to the killing nature of the Clovis people. but horses did survive the epidemic known as man, but mammoths, camels, along with many other mammals native to the eastern contenates didn't.... so really it depends on what type of breed your talking about that determines weather or not horses are native or not... they definitely are to our part of the country...

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