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Necronomicon said:

Where are all the fireworks today? Not a single death threat PM!! Weak...


Sphinx said:

I'M going TO KIL you OYU fucking FUCVK!! I aM GOingto kill you ANDE at oyu AND FUCKH your dead mNMOUTH!!!! I m gOING to eat your BALSZ and fUCK YOU in youR dEAD ASS and Eat YOur Shit!!!


Much better.

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"...another time I was out running and had to take a crap. Nothing to wipe with but an old styrofoam ice chest laying there. So I broke it into pieces and wiped with those. Problem was, a few little styrofoam balls came off in my crack. By a quarter mile later my ass crack was so raw I couldn't hardly walk. Nasty. "

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grogan said:

"...another time I was out running and had to take a crap. Nothing to wipe with but an old styrofoam ice chest laying there. So I broke it into pieces and wiped with those. Problem was, a few little styrofoam balls came off in my crack. By a quarter mile later my ass crack was so raw I couldn't hardly walk. Nasty. "


There is so much beauty in nature...

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Necronomicon said:

Necronomicon said:

Where are all the fireworks today? Not a single death threat PM!! Weak...


michael_layton said:

I'M going TO KIL you OYU fucking FUCVK!! I aM GOingto kill you ANDE at oyu AND FUCKH your dead mNMOUTH!!!! I m gOING to eat your BALSZ and fUCK YOU in youR dEAD ASS and Eat YOur Shit!!!


Much better.

Necro, we really didn't have to know that. thumbs_down.gifyellowsleep.gifthumbs_down.gif

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damnit... i get off classes and take a peek before rugby and expect some good fukin spray and this is all i see?!? you should all be ashame3d of yoursleves! what have you been doing all day working? where is the erik bashing!? where are the death threats!?! phaw this sucks compared to yesterday and any other day for that matter

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