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figured out


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1. Get elected without having even basic understanding of foreign policy or world history. Give high-level cabinet appointments to the executives of the oil 1. companies that financed your campaign.


2. Surround yourself with cold-war hawks and cast-offs from previous Republican administrations. Do everything they tell you to do.


3. Insult nations around the world by refusing to sign the global warming treaty and by trashing the nuclear dis-armament treaty.


4. Insult nations around the world further by telling them that the UN and NATO are “irrelevant” and “ineffective”.


5. Cleverly convince the rest of the world that you are as dumb as a box of rocks with statements like, “Far too many of our imports come from overseas” and “The problem with the French is that they have no word for ‘entrepreneur’”.


6. After 9/11 catches you with your pants down, blame a small fundamentalist muslim sect occupying Afghanistan and invade to oust them and satisfy the US need for revenge.


7. Use arrogance and threats to turn the world-wide support and sympathy for the US generated from 9/11 into world-wide fear and disdain.


8. Arrogantly bully other nations into cooperating on war on terrorism. Label any who refuse part of the “axis of evil”.


9. Strip American citizens of civil liberties using war on terrorism as an excuse and a reactionary attorney general as a blunt weapon.


10. Find inventive ways such as color-coded alerts and false terrorism alarms to keep the American public frightened so that you can pursue your objectives without opposition and keep the American public distracted from important domestic issues such as education, health care, the environment, and the economy.


11. Avenge father’s embarrassment and defend oil industries interests at the same time by using war on terrorism as an excuse to go after Saddam Hussein.


12. Arrogantly attempt to bully member nations of the UN (who are still angry for past recent treatment) into joining forces with obvious US intentions to invade Iraq whether they admit they have weapons of mass destruction or not.


13. Scratch head in bewilderment when UN refuses to cooperate. Blame France.


14. Angrily declare that it is the right of the US to oppose the will of the UN to go after Saddam Hussein for opposing the will of the UN.


15. Use lies and distortions of fact to justify war when nearly every other nation on earth believes a peaceful diplomatic solution would suffice.


16. Against the will and protests of most nations and all organized religions on Earth, aggressively invade a sovereign nation who has not attacked us, 1. bombing their capitol and killing innocent civilians as well as costing the lives of our own troops.


17. Blame everything on Saddam Hussein stating, “he made me do it”.


18. Win the war at the cost of thousands of Iraqi and American lives, and hundreds of billions of American tax dollars.


19. Install a “provisional” government friendly to the US and start shipping all that cheap Iraqi oil to US refineries.


20. Bust the already overblown, deficit-ridden budget by building a military to defend us against the entire world, now that every country on earth hates the US.


21. Run for re-election on platform of “peace and prosperity”.


22. Win against all reason. Repeat above.

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murraysovereign said:

Good God... did Bush really say that about the French having no word for entrepreneur? When? I mean, it's funny as Hell if it's true, but it's also scary, in a kinda Dan-Quayle-ish sort of way.

confused.gif You and others have never accidently misspoke? In this respect politicians, especially those with an ® after their name, get crucified when they do. mad.gif

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Dan_Harris said:

murraysovereign said:

Good God... did Bush really say that about the French having no word for entrepreneur? When? I mean, it's funny as Hell if it's true, but it's also scary, in a kinda Dan-Quayle-ish sort of way.

confused.gif You and others have never accidently misspoke? In this respect politicians, especially those with an ® after their name, get crucified when they do. mad.gif


Aww. Those poor wittle Republicans. They never have a bad word to say about anybody and this is how they are treated. cry.gif

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Dan_Harris said:

confused.gif You and others have never accidently misspoke? In this respect politicians, especially those with an ® after their name, get crucified when they do. mad.gif


Sure, I've slipped up on occasion, and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's possible this was just a verbal slip that was quickly caught and corrected. It's also possible that he meant what he said, which would provide an interesting insight into his world-view. It's also possible that it's a complete fabrication, just like what happened with Dan Quayle. Remember the story that came out of Quayle's trip to Latin America? He was reported to have said something like "I wish I'd studied Latin in High School, so I could communicate with these people." The story spread like wild-fire, with much eye-rolling and head-shaking, and everyone agreed that poor Dan just wasn't quite ready for Prime-time. Trouble is, he never said anything of the sort. Pat Schroeder admitted to making it up as a joke at a cocktail party in DC, but it took on such a life of its own that it couldn't be stopped. What was most telling, though, was that no-one felt it necessary to question the validity of the story - everyone just assumed it was true because, well, we're talking about Dan Quayle, right? It speaks volumes about people's perceptions of Dan Quayle that to this day the story is told as if it were true, and people still believe it. Perhaps something similar is happening here - that people have such low expectations of GW that they accept these stories as true. I don't know - that's why I asked if it's true.

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"I don't believe anyone that I know in the administration ever said that Iraq had nuclear weapons."

—Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Senate appropriations subcommittee on defense, 5/14/2003


"I think what we need to do is convince people who live in the lands they live in to build the nations. Maybe I'm missing something here. I mean, we're going to have kind of a nation-building corps from America? Absolutely not." Gov. Bush 10/11/2000 hahaha.gif

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murraysovereign said:

Good God... did Bush really say that about the French having no word for entrepreneur? When? I mean, it's funny as Hell if it's true, but it's also scary, in a kinda Dan-Quayle-ish sort of way.


From Urban Legends :


Claim: President George W. Bush proclaimed, "The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur."

Status: False.


Origins: Yet another

"George W. Bush is dumb" story has been taken up by those who like their caricatures drawn in stark, bold lines. According to scuttlebutt that emerged in the British press in July 2002, President Bush, Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, and France's President Jacques Chirac were discussing economics and, in particular, the decline of the French economy. "The problem with the French," Bush afterwards confided in Blair, "is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur."

The source was Shirley Williams, also known as the Baroness Williams of Crosby, who claimed "my good friend Tony Blair" had recently regaled her with this anecdote in Brighton.


Lloyd Grove of The Washington Post was unable to reach Baroness Williams to gain her confirmation of the tale, but he did receive a call from Alastair Campbell, Blair's director of communications and strategy. "I can tell you that the prime minister never heard George Bush say that, and he certainly never told Shirley Williams that President Bush did say it," Campbell told The Post. "If she put this in a speech, it must have been a joke."


I still think Bush is teh Barney Fife of the Republican party.

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