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Need web music advice


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So I bought one of those teeny mp3 players this weekend, figuring it will help ease the monotony of long training runs.


But since I have no mp3s Geek_em8.gif, now I need to download 'em. Can anyone tell me which service is the best...musicmatch, emusic, or other? I want to be able to access a wide selection of music all from one site. Any good advice appreciated.

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RobBob said:

So I bought one of those teeny mp3 players this weekend, figuring it will help ease the monotony of long training runs.


But since I have no mp3s Geek_em8.gif, now I need to download 'em. Can anyone tell me which service is the best...musicmatch, emusic, or other? I want to be able to access a wide selection of music all from one site. Any good advice appreciated.


you can use winamp to convert your cd's to mps format... u can use kazaa to download, but look out for warren hatch! hellno3d.gifyellaf.gif

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FS: You're thinking of Orrin Hatch, not Warren.


Robbob: One option for you is to get some mp3 ripping software, it will take tracks from your cds and strip them down to mp3s. No net access required. It's likely you already have a program that does this, they often come bundled with a cd burner. There are free software options downloadable from the net as well.


For downloading mp3s (as compared to converting your own music), the file sharing systems people have mentioned are certainly an option. This lets you peruse other people's shared offerings and download them. If what you're looking for is commonly available, this can work alright. If you're looking for obscure things (as I tend to), I haven't found anything in the current crop of systems that can match the glory that was Napster of old. Do a web search to check out what's current in file sharing programs, but as others have mentioned Winmx is not half bad. I also liked Imesh, which allows you to stop with partially downloaded songs, and it will continue to download the rest of the file when you log in another time. Here's a link to about a bazillion downloadable file sharing programs.


I think Ratboy is spot on by recommending Usenet. If you're not familiar with Usenet, its the newsgroups where you'll find rec.climbing among other things. To fully exploit it you'll need a good newsreader (free agent and xnews are decent options) and most likely a subscription to a newsserver service that will provide access. Your ISP likely provides access to Usenet, but odds are the selection will suck. There are tens of thousands of groups, a vast wash of obsessions and subcultures, and people upload a ton of stuff. Amongst this you can find groups about mp3's of just about any musical genre. The last time I subscribed to a newsserver, I sort of overwhelmed myself with the gluttonous fount available, downloading 5 to 10 entire albums per night. A year later I'm still digesting the bounty.


Also as mentioned, spyware does crop up in some file sharing systems. These are pesky programs that make note of where you're going and what you're doing on the net, and forwarding that information to outfits that sell the information. Good insurance is to download a program like Adaware from Lavasoft which will scan your computer and eject the snoops. Run it often and update it occasionally.


This October it should be relatively easy to find your black eyepatch at Target or any of the seasonal halloween costume and accessory stores that seem to crop up everywhere. Aye be gar, matey.

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Off_White said:

To fully exploit [usenet] you'll need a good newsreader (free agent and xnews are decent options) and most likely a subscription to a newsserver service that will provide access.


Look into Easynews. For $10/month you get web-based access (no newsreader needed) to a very fast unfiltered/uncensored Usenet server array and a 6Gb/month quota, complete with a very nice search engine. I've been using it for years without a complaint. For music, look in the alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.* heirarchy.


For those worried about the Orrin Hatch/RIAA types, not only is Usenet currently not even on their radar as far as I can tell, Easynews doesn't keep server logs. cool.gif

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I have a question now.


I tried subscribing to newsgropus so I could download loads of free music as well. The problem I found is that most songs or albums were in little pieces and you had to have a way to join the files rather than downloading the entire song or album.


With Kaazaa it was as simple as doing a search for a particular song or artist and double clicking the one you wanted to download. All too easy. I then just waited until there was a host who I could receive the file from.


With Newsgroups it is too complicated for me to actually figure out how to get whole albums or songs. I don't even know where to start. Can anyone help this helpless music lover steal pireted software from the internet newsgroups?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


PS- If you come by my work, I have 6 bigdrink.gif for you in return. You pick the bigdrink.gif



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Its not stealing, its sharing... WinMX.com download v3.31... I download twenty song while at work, now i'm burning them on a disc and taking them home... I will delete the files from my work computer before I leave... Awsome, and I get payed for this?

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Thanks Fejas. I will try your file sharing software. The problem I am having is that Kaazaa doesn't always have what I am looking for or you never know the source. Sometimes it isn't even the right song. It is labeled one song by one artist only to find out that it isn't even close to what I wanted.

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Winmx is some times the same way, because it is a sharing program some people don't know what they have or who its by... download songs that play at 160 or higher, 320 is prime; and also don't download anything below the 3milion range, sound and clarity of the mp3 file seens to be really good at 6-7million playing at 256-320, although I have files that sound pretty good that are 4million playing at 160....

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Oh yeah, be shure to share the music you download, otherwise people wont let you download... a lot of the time when you click on to DL a file, the other user will run a seach on what song you have, to see if ya got some thing they like; if your not sharing you'll get cut off... I share all my music, but have restricted my upload cap to the bare minimum, and also I show that I only have a 56k, instead of what I really have... this keeps the uploads from boging down your system...

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