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trask said:

The love of violence is inherent in the human (male) spirit. The attempt to train it out of boys is both futile and immoral.


Yeah...no doubt...my three year old will chew his PBJ sandwich into a gun and shoot it...Yelling "BANG, GOT YOU!"...whack, cuz we own no toy guns or real guns in the house...

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trask said:

RuMR said:

we own no toy guns or real guns in the house...

that's a sorry state of affairs. you should rectify that situation immediately.


...might I recommend Wades' Gun Shop in Bellevue.


No...not worth a brawl w/ spouse...haven't shot since i was 17...don't really have any interest in it anymore...


Maybe I've grown up????

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RuMR said:

trask said:

RuMR said:

we own no toy guns or real guns in the house...

that's a sorry state of affairs. you should rectify that situation immediately.


...might I recommend Wades' Gun Shop in Bellevue.


No...not worth a brawl w/ spouse...haven't shot since i was 17...don't really have any interest in it anymore...


Maybe I've grown up????

doubtful. you've lost your way...get back on the bus

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but my son is not violent at all. In fact he failed at team sports because he didn't have that "killer instinct". He's very kind and considerate too despite hours of video games. You can't make a blanket statement like that. Just not true.

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ChrisT said:

but my son is not violent at all. In fact he failed at team sports because he didn't have that "killer instinct". He's very kind and considerate too despite hours of video games. You can't make a blanket statement like that. Just not true.


I think it maybe that boys are just more physical when younger...so it comes across as "violent" when its really just play...

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Humans are animals, DFA.


ChrisT, I guess what I understood trask to say was that boys are rough and physical compared to girls. On a yardstick compared to other boys his age, my son also appears less aggressive than a lot of his peers. But he'll use his strength to settle things with his sis in a heartbeat if we let him...


On the sports thing I'm going to let my son determine how competitive he wants to be, rather than push him. I was competitive as hell on my own and loved it...10 years before me, my older brother was not competitive but was pushed hard in athletics by my dad...and resented it.

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