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Looking back at the election


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minx said:

iain said:

yet another nauseating conversation between these three again rolleyes.gifyellowsleep.gif


ian, next time you have something interesting to contribute yourself, then you can roll your eyes at me. until then stfu bitch.





Or another way to put it is "the pot calling the kettle black"...he's just jealous he's not included in the conversation and can't figger out an "in"...so he's standing in the corner stirring his drink!! hahaha.gif

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iain said:

minx said:

i don't think that ian has been "in" except maybe that one time he was 17 w/the girl from band camp.



minx bringin the smackdown and mispelling my name to boot!


yeah and i'm soooooo concerned w/spelling *your* name correctly. Save it for muffy or fence...i don't give a phuck

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RuMR said:

Or another way to put it is "the pot calling the kettle black" ...


Can't anybody think of a different way to say that?!! I'm getting so sick of the pot and kettle thing, and stupid f*king variations like "Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Black". Gag me...


How about some better one's like


"I know you are, but what am I", or

"Takes one to know one", or

"Hey dork, you're calling the dork a dork but you're a dork!", or

"Trask calling the stalker a pervert", or

"The dope calling the idiot stupid", or

"Bush calling Clinton a liar", or

"The Forest Service ticketing someone for cutting down a tree", or....


you get the picture, let's be imaginative out there.


Pot calling the kettle black.... madgo_ron.gif




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minx said:

iaXX, i thought you were going now. mannish? yellaf.gif


what? does a girl w/some backbone intimidate poor wittle iaxx?


go back to your sandbox,child


iaxx? that's rich! hold on a sec... hm wha haha BWAHAHA!


sorry, by girl with a backbone do you mean


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