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Prusik Peak and The High Priest


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Ron, Pete, Jim and I hiked in to the Enchantments from the Snow Creek trailhead on Friday morning. There were two short showers on the way. Camped on snow near Temple Lake. Saturday morning put on crampons and hiked up to Prusik Balanced Rock and climbed the West Ridge. This was Jim's first alpine rock climb. He did great. He and I recovered what was left of someone's stuck rope, a red 8 mm, and hauled it off the mountain. Watch out for a loose block near the end of the traverse. Someone should trundle it and get it over with but we were concerned someone might be on the South Face, so didn't.


Did two double rope rappels and one single rope rappel to get onto the snow. We had carried boots over the top, but not axes, or crampons so we roped up, because the snow was still very hard and the slope steep. After collecting our gear we traversed the north slopes until we were under the north face of High Priest and did the 5.5 three pitch route. We carried our packs because we wanted to go down the other side to camp. On the second pitch I climbed an enticing chimney that led to a dead end and had to rappel back down. Found the route to the left and finished the climb. There is a lot of black lichen on the rock that makes some of the moves unpleasant, especially on the first pitch.


Rapped the east face w/ single rope to saddle and took the west trending gully down the south side of the ridge. Where it takes a bend to the left, we exited it by scrambling right up and over a rib into another gully that led to easy snow and right to our camp in time for supper. We were pleased to not have to retrace our steps over Prusik Pass.


Slept in on Sunday morning and packed up after the sun rose and hiked out in time for beer and lunch at Duckboys in Leavenworth.

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catbirdseat said:

All I can say is that I didn't get sick drinking the Cinder Cone Red. bigdrink.gif


if that is the i recommned ATLEAST 2 more pitchers of Dead Guy and then a shot or 4 of tequila. You will mos def get sick then!



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