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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
Has been great. Hopped on many new routes and flailed madly in the last few days...

There is no other kind of flailing I've seen.

Acually, that's not true, if you've seen me try a 5.12 move (I'm not even close) then it can look pretty meager. frown.gif" border="0

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I like the "controlled flail" where someone is groundfall distance out from their pro and shaking like Elvis, then they start to peel off, chuck a dyno, catch it, slide off, re-establish, and beached-whale onto a ledge, all the while babbling "oh my god take take oh shit oh no!" and the belayer is either sleeping or mumbling "You can do it bro, looking good!"

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Originally posted by Bronco:

There is no other kind of flailing I've seen.

Acually, that's not true, if you've seen me try a 5.12 move (I'm not even close) then it can look pretty meager.
frown.gif" border="0

I will bring the rope rocket and you will flail when trying to follow. It is a whole new level for me tongue.gif" border="0

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A friend of mine went climbing with Crack last saturday. I saw him a few days later and he has this big bruise on his forehead over his right eye. So I ask and he tells me that coming out of the little roof on the lizzard route, he's feeling a little gripped and in order to reach the crack on the face he plants his forehead on the edge of the roof so he can keep 4 points of contact with the rock or he is going to whip off into space. He made the move but was left with a reminder of course I had to tell him its not ethical to use your forehead while flailing.

Sounded funnier the first time. Oh well.

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Every time I go within 10 km of Index the rain starts. Maybe this spring i wil take advantage of some high pessure systems. I know that I can expect Index 5.8 to be Squamish 10b wink.gif" border="0 and willplan my leads accordingly. At least with Caveman belaying me I know there will be a soft landing if I crater! tongue.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by Dru:

Every time I go within 10 km of Index the rain starts. Maybe this spring i wil take advantage of some high pessure systems. I know that I can expect Index 5.8 to be Squamish 10b
wink.gif" border="0
and willplan my leads accordingly. At least with Caveman belaying me I know there will be a soft landing if I crater!
tongue.gif" border="0

And crater you might. I got just the 5.8 for you tongue.gif" border="0

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I climbed at Index with this dude said he climbed 5.10. He didn't lead anything. Not even the GNS. He never fell though, and we did climb some 5.10. He had probably heard of this Index reputation and thought I was sandbagging him. "Wanna lead this? It's 5.6."

Yeah Dru c'mon down. GM route. If the easy slab way is too wet then just do the boulder move direct start. It's easy dude.

[big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

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Aries on the GNS is a great warm up route. I agree the GM route is great fun. P2 is interesting. I tried the .10 slabby start but had to whimper (fell) back down after beign half way up. Ended up TR'ing the slabby part and then going up from the first belay anchors. Another fun area is Private Idaho and the Sport wall.

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There is a climb at Hag Crag [that I haven't been able to do] that seems to be an extreme reach problem, but it's already got a way cool name:

Please, speak now, the anticipation of tapping in rhythm makes me feel oh so light. tongue.gif" border="0 That is SO kewl.

There's also a climb called Gorilla my dreams. Where you thinking of that one Dru?

Anybody reading this successfully done PSNTAOTIRMMFOSL? I want the beta.


[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]

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i already got something up there that we could call that. though i got to climb it first and maybe even tell someone else about it. by the way did anyone ever go try school, work and rehab?? darryl?? until then i aint going to do another route there.

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