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here's a pathetic one


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This is RURP.Regarding "DONT take vegetarians to a BBQ house for dinner and dont take new age hippie chicks to see action movies." RURP has a suggestion: don't take such girls anywhere. In fact, it is recommended that you run and hide as fast as your Big Wall legs will take you, unless you like arrogance and or hairy female bodies or both plus an array of baggage that would make your Grade 7+ double gear wrack look like Christmas tree tinsel.Mr. Erik! You cannot be that desparate!RURP has spoken!

[ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: RURP ]

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Brother Erik: If you want to gets the babes, just tell them that you know Dwayner and his pal, "pope". It works like a charm. Sure, it's second tier stuff like dating the concert T-shirt guy but when she later finds out that you climb better than either me or pope, you've landed the big account. I'd be droppin' your name with the same effect if I wuz on the hunt! Here's a few great first date tips:

- rent the Eiger Sanction and then narrate the technical stuff and convince her that Clint is a big weenie and that you're much better;

- take her the REI - the big one in Seattle - and escort her to the gear section. Explain the gear to her and call attention to the fact that you "use this gear yourself in the mountains, the big 'ole mountains!"

- drink a few Mickey's and show up late, telling her that you were delayed because you were volunteering at the Hospital for Sick Kittens.


"enema", "masculine itching", "tape worm", or "digital exam.". Girls do not want to hear this kind of stuff for a long time.

Take it or leave it; I'm just trying to help y'out!

Peace, dawg!

- Dwayner

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pciked her up late as i always get occupied for no apparent reason other then my 4 second attention span. she was cool with that.

went out to the bookstore and got a book that stipland suggested.

went and shot pool and had drinks. plus i ruleed at pool which i usually suck at. meet some of my random friends at the bar and went from there. went and took a cold, wet and blustery walk. took her home and went over to my ex's house(just kidding)

over all a nice time and she is a nice person.

beta requests via email only(just kdding again)

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