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Over 2300 cases in China

83 dead

more by the hour


Air Canada just went belly up

Delta and others hurting bad

Bookings in the US now down 80-90%

Airline industry now in the shitter


Fucking world is falling apart around us.

Merry Christmas thumbs_down.gif if we make it till then.

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lummox said:

Over 2300 cases in China

so the fuck what. that's well within the error limit of guesstimating the fucking population of that place. rounding error. it's that fucking crazy deer shit I'm worried about.


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We've got the West Nile Virus coming at us from the east and SARS from the west. In the middle is Washington State, the breeding ground for much misery to come perhaps?


This summer in the mountains I'm going to be looking at every mosquito trying to a get drink out of me a little differently. No, instead of just annoying me, the damn bug is gonna be trying to kill me!! There's your WMD right there. Mosquitos trained by terrorists?

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Maybe I am being naive (I dont know shit about this stuff) but it seems to me that 2300 cases in a country of well over a billion isn't very many. And considering it only has a 3% fatality rate in third world dump, I guess I'm just not totally freaked out. Can somebody give me a reason to be? wink.gif

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So what makes you so immune to breathless panic Josh! Rational thought is well and good, but what about all those folks not capable of it? If this country was any good at statistics and probability, we'd sell a lot fewer lottery tickets. You know, the tax on those who aren't too good at math?

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trask said:



trask the difference is the mortality rates associated with each respective virus. not that this should be taken lightly but it's not the same.

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So tell me, how did we get from "hey that Malbec is pretty good", to "red wine addiction"? That makes about as much sense as the Saddam/Osama connection.


And feel free to make light all you want. I've had my share of Chinese colds in the last year, and they are a lot harder to kick than the regular American kind. thumbs_down.gif


At this point I'm not convinced that by tomorrow there aren't going to be mandatory quarantines by the looks of the CDC information.

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allison said:

I've had my share of Chinese colds in the last year, and they are a lot harder to kick than the regular American kind. thumbs_down.gif


someone got called racist for saying that!!!


anyways did you notice that the room in the Hotel Metropol where the SARS Patient Zero stayed and infected everyone, was Room 911.


Its "Gulf War II" sickness. Geek_em8.gifGeek_em8.gifGeek_em8.gif

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