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Bush is a Cowboy


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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Trask, you're so cruel sometimes. Steroid rage again? Or is it Viagra withdrawal?

Hey Flash, remember the picture of Pamela (I want to eat her up) Anderson I posted in the 4X4 thread? I have her as my desktop and it's the best picture I've ever seen. Goddamn she's hot in that pic.. Try her as desktop.

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Well, now pardner, there's movie cowboys and real cowboys. I think people like Trask view Bush as a movie cowboy, but I think he might be closer to real cowboys I've known. Let me describe their traits from my perspective.


1. They always look for trouble, because it's fun, in a testosterone kinda way, bar fights and such.

2. Far too stupid to be afraid of much, generally learning only by the 2X4 method, usually applied to the face, repeatedly.

3. Were pretty sure that anything their buddies told 'em at the bar last night was right, and even if it was outrageous, it was still useful to argue about. See point 1 above.

4. They defend their friends to the death, regardless of the friend's qualities, good or bad.

5. They will fuck snakes, ewes, goats, cattle, whatever, as long as it stays still.

6. They can fake good manners as necessary.

7. They are honest, except regarding debt payment. They don't consider a debt to someone they don't like as being repayable, unless forced, usually by threatened repossession of the pickup.

8. They speak their minds and they believe they speak the truth, and they don't listen at all.

9. They are well respected at the local saloon, while generally laughed at in polite society, but usually not to their face, see point 1 again.

10. If they are in the mood for a fist fight, they could beat up some guys, and are careful who they challenge.

11. They usually win. See point 10.

12. They are tough. That's cool as long as they don't drag you into things that you have to help them finish.


In other words, your absolute best friend when you were 17 and sure you knew everything there was to know already.


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trask said:

dalius said:

Just quote it or cite it if you didn't come up with it yourself, that's all.


Yeah, Trask, I love you. heart.gif

I'll post it any damn way I please. If you don't like it, you can kiss my ass moon.gif

If we don't like it, we'll just make fun of you, like tomcat.

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fleblebleb said:

trask said:

dalius said:

Just quote it or cite it if you didn't come up with it yourself, that's all.


Yeah, Trask, I love you. heart.gif

I'll post it any damn way I please. If you don't like it, you can kiss my ass moon.gif

If we don't like it, we'll just make fun of you, like tomcat.

suit yurself, bubblebutt moon.gif

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