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why we do it!?!?!


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so after the last few weeks of some serious pondering of life little questions and concerns(women) i have come to the conclusion that they are all evil and i like it. i will set donw and admit to the fact that i take the back seat to being in control when i am around homegirl. is that really bad?? i don't think so. i am climbing harder then i ever have, run more and eat better.

i figure i got 3 things right now, miss thang, climbing and work. i get worked at climbing, worked by homegirl and hardly work. so with that i am going to take another hit and go on groovin!

peace out!

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never said anything about being pussy whipped. i was just stating what motivates and gets me excited. all these things relate to each other in many ways. so you guys can take that and figure it out, and while you do that i am going for another awesome day at index.

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In the words of Walt "There are only two kinds of women: Those who aren't worth the trouble and those who are nothing but trouble"

Erik, it's easy to figure out why they compliment each other. She takes your mind off climbing for a while, provides a modicum of stability in your life, probably pampers you a little, and keeps you happier than you'd be flying solo. That in turn leads to mental health and the psycho-state is huge in determining how your body heals, recovers from training, etc. Of the few times in my life that I've had a good woman, plenty of climbing, and good partners all at the same time, great things came from it. Conversely, when I've been dirt poor, just ended a relationship, and am about to go over the brink psychologically, I accomplish some great things. The biggest difference is that I can maintain it indefinitely with the woman and all that in place, on the depressive-trip I can only maintain it for a very short time...flash and crash.

Glad life is smiling on you, relish it!

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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
Dru, The only chix you get is RosyPalm

Sweet Mrs Thumb and her 4 beautiful daughters were sold to Mr Borbon under an exclusive Afghani marriage contract in return for 82 Gu packets and a goat.

I guess sheep are an option that is neither woman nor man but i prefer my bed-mates less wooly than that. then again sheep never tell you to shave!

tongue.gif" border="0

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