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iain said:

Greg_W said:

would you refuse to protect your family if you deemed it too expensive?

Greg_W said:

Thanks for proving that you are a sheep Erik. Your analysis is too simplistic and spoonfed.


dude, practice what you preach yellaf.gif you spit out more superlative clichés than anyone


Hey, I got a book on superlative cliches for Christmas, I gotta put it to work. wink.gif

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i was talking to some friends about this mess. their thoughts were that diplomacy should an answer. after spending some time in mid east i must say killing IS diplomacy there.

the problem is how it's done and there are no arabs going along us/gb troops. now in hte rest of muslim world the thought will be you kill our people we kill yours. in the south of irak shiats HATE hussein. but they hate americans more for what happened in '91.

the problem is us doesn't have a long range foreign policy- it goes in 4 year election cycles. people don't think 20 years into the future, as they perfectly know they won't be running for elections then. well, the rest of the world doesn't work that way. if us and gb didn't give free hand and half of europe to stalin there wouldn't be a 50 years of mess and a cold war.

so as far as removing hussein is good, things will get fucked up afterwards. just my two cents.

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glazznutz, I sorta agree with you. especially about not taking care of russia pre-emptively when we had a chance (winston churchill recommended this very action, which fell on deaf ears, btw). It definitely would've eliminated the cold war. Oh well, we learn from our mistakes...thus I feel it's a good thing to pre-emptively take away the threat NOW, rather than suffer through 40 more years of Middle East (Cold War). that make sense? wave.gif

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glassgowkiss said:

i was talking to some friends about this mess. their thoughts were that diplomacy should an answer. after spending some time in mid east i must say killing IS diplomacy there.

the problem is how it's done and there are no arabs going along us/gb troops. now in hte rest of muslim world the thought will be you kill our people we kill yours. in the south of irak shiats HATE hussein. but they hate americans more for what happened in '91.

the problem is us doesn't have a long range foreign policy- it goes in 4 year election cycles. people don't think 20 years into the future, as they perfectly know they won't be running for elections then. well, the rest of the world doesn't work that way. if us and gb didn't give free hand and half of europe to stalin there wouldn't be a 50 years of mess and a cold war.

so as far as removing hussein is good, things will get fucked up afterwards. just my two cents.


So much for my trask=glassgowkizz theory...


Act 1: Operation "Let's Roll"

Act 2: Operation "Gentle Hand"

Act 3: Operation "Stern Justice"

Act 4: Operation "Clenched Fist"

Act 5: Operation "Flight of Freedom"


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Necronomicon said:

glassgowkiss said:

i was talking to some friends about this mess. their thoughts were that diplomacy should an answer. after spending some time in mid east i must say killing IS diplomacy there.

the problem is how it's done and there are no arabs going along us/gb troops. now in hte rest of muslim world the thought will be you kill our people we kill yours. in the south of irak shiats HATE hussein. but they hate americans more for what happened in '91.

the problem is us doesn't have a long range foreign policy- it goes in 4 year election cycles. people don't think 20 years into the future, as they perfectly know they won't be running for elections then. well, the rest of the world doesn't work that way. if us and gb didn't give free hand and half of europe to stalin there wouldn't be a 50 years of mess and a cold war.

so as far as removing hussein is good, things will get fucked up afterwards. just my two cents.


So much for my trask=glassgowkizz theory...


Act 1: Operation "Let's Roll"

Act 2: Operation "Gentle Hand"

Act 3: Operation "Stern Justice"

Act 4: Operation "Clenched Fist"

Act 5: Operation "Flight of Freedom"


dont forget act6


operation "bong load"

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erik said:

Necronomicon said:

glassgowkiss said:

i was talking to some friends about this mess. their thoughts were that diplomacy should an answer. after spending some time in mid east i must say killing IS diplomacy there.

the problem is how it's done and there are no arabs going along us/gb troops. now in hte rest of muslim world the thought will be you kill our people we kill yours. in the south of irak shiats HATE hussein. but they hate americans more for what happened in '91.

the problem is us doesn't have a long range foreign policy- it goes in 4 year election cycles. people don't think 20 years into the future, as they perfectly know they won't be running for elections then. well, the rest of the world doesn't work that way. if us and gb didn't give free hand and half of europe to stalin there wouldn't be a 50 years of mess and a cold war.

so as far as removing hussein is good, things will get fucked up afterwards. just my two cents.


So much for my trask=glassgowkizz theory...


Act 1: Operation "Let's Roll"

Act 2: Operation "Gentle Hand"

Act 3: Operation "Stern Justice"

Act 4: Operation "Clenched Fist"

Act 5: Operation "Flight of Freedom"


dont forget act6


operation "bong load"


Getting to be Operation: "Aluminum Enriched Resin Blast" these days

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Don’t support president shrub, don’t support the peace-nics,

but this shit ain’t right. If you feel threatened now just wait. This shit will be at the front door soon enough. Never mind the national agenda, (medical care, unemployment, you name it) lets just focus on the real threat to U.S. interests by ignoring them.

Prepare to give up your civil liberties, freedoms, and rights in the name of national security once this fight comes as I said to the front door. Then ask yourself what we have gained?


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dirtwigle said:

Don’t support president shrub, don’t support the peace-nics,

but this shit ain’t right. If you feel threatened now just wait. This shit will be at the front door soon enough. Never mind the national agenda, (medical care, unemployment, you name it) lets just focus on the real threat to U.S. interests by ignoring them.

Prepare to give up your civil liberties, freedoms, and rights in the name of national security once this fight comes as I said to the front door. Then ask yourself what we have gained?


No one asked you, punk, so shut your hole. Everything will be FINE...

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Necronomicon said:

dirtwigle said:

Don’t support president shrub, don’t support the peace-nics,

but this shit ain’t right. If you feel threatened now just wait. This shit will be at the front door soon enough. Never mind the national agenda, (medical care, unemployment, you name it) lets just focus on the real threat to U.S. interests by ignoring them.

Prepare to give up your civil liberties, freedoms, and rights in the name of national security once this fight comes as I said to the front door. Then ask yourself what we have gained?


No one asked you, punk, so shut your hole. Everything will be FINE...

Sorry Sir, I’ll be good. WTF.

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dirtwigle said:

Don’t support president shrub, don’t support the peace-nics,

but this shit ain’t right. If you feel threatened now just wait. This shit will be at the front door soon enough. Never mind the national agenda, (medical care, unemployment, you name it) lets just focus on the real threat to U.S. interests by ignoring them.

Prepare to give up your civil liberties, freedoms, and rights in the name of national security once this fight comes as I said to the front door. Then ask yourself what we have gained?


What would have been gained by belly dancing and peace protests? Absolutely nothing .. not a damned thing. Saddam laughs at these peace lovers when he sees them and probably has videotapes of peace marches sent to his office in Baghdad for entertainment for his committee meetings. I have yet to see a legitimate argument why we shouldn't start dropping bombs. For every so called "legitimate" argument I get from a peace-lover, I have 2 or 3 legitimate arguments for rebuttal. Do you really think that by going to war with Iraq that the people over there (who are already pissed enough to commit suicide bombings) will be any more angry? Even if your answer is yes, you can't sit around in a corner being afraid all the time! I say bomb the SHIT out of Saddam. Freedom isn't FREE!

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Agreed Tomcat, my argument is less with the proposed war and more with our governments interpretation of what is necessary to achieve its goals. I could give a flying fuck about the crises in the Middle East as there is no immediate threat to me or my family (selfish as that may sound). I certainly don’t feel as though it is the responsibility of the US to impose “democracy” on the rest of the world. We as a nation will never fully be able to control our own borders, which is where the real threat is found so long as the focus is aimed at “threats” on foreign soil. THIS is what I have more issue with. I have not heard a convincing argument for or against this aggression yet but I cannot ignore the fact that this is being viewed on the global scale as American imperialist aggression. I am just sick of the American might makes right, gung-ho, god bless the USA bullshit that everyone seems to be spewing. If we as a nation need to fight, to defend ourselves then so be it but I have not seen as of yet a clear definition of a threat to US soil. Everyone needs a nemesis; we as a nation will not support a war unless we feel threatened or more accurately our comfort level is threatened. Again my issue is with my government and its policies here at home, the hell if I will give up my freedoms for “security”. Shouldn’t we be arguing about proposed hikes in user fees on forest lands?

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Tomcat you assume like all these other pro-war types, that we are afraid of Saddam. You assume that he is a threat. If I were a Kuwaiti, or perhaps an Israeli, or an Iranian, or an Iraqi, I'd agree with you. But I'm not.


Saddam was not interested in committing suicide to hurt the US. It's not that important to him. Noone has shown any evidence that he was. Most believe he would rather stay in power than be pummeled like he would obviously be, the minute he was connected to any terrorist attack on the US.


However, if he is cornered, like he is now, he is already dead. He's got nothing to lose. Let's just hope he doesn't have those weapons like the inspectors are saying.

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trask said:

glazznutz, I sorta agree with you. especially about not taking care of russia pre-emptively when we had a chance (winston churchill recommended this very action, which fell on deaf ears, btw). It definitely would've eliminated the cold war. Oh well, we learn from our mistakes...thus I feel it's a good thing to pre-emptively take away the threat NOW, rather than suffer through 40 more years of Middle East (Cold War). that make sense? wave.gif

trask- that wasn't my point. my point was that eastern and central europe shoulhave never been given to russia in the first place. if the matters were dealt in a differet way in yalta, there would be no need to strike soviets. my point was that if you create situation you live with it and you deal with it. sadam was left in 91 as force oposing iran. THAT was my point about the lack of long term policy.

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