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WTF - Who's yo Daddy?


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Any of you notice that since we ratcheted up to Terror Alert Level Puce (or Magenta, or Plaid, or whatever the hell it is) the Political Elites in Washington get anti-aircraft missile batteries sprinkled around town and the suburbs, and Combat Air Patrols overhead, evidently on a 24/7 basis.


The Media Elites in New York at least get the CAP, according to the news stories. (Don't remember any mention of Stingers with respect to NYC.)


The rest of us are to be protected from threats with...


Duct tape.

And we have to buy it ourselves. rolleyes.gif


I'm a little disappointed by this. Of course we can't cover the whole country with in-the-air CAP, or mount enough AA missile launchers for the whole place. It would be nice, though, if more of the expensively-protected politicians would let us have a modest anti-missile defense program, and other such goodies.



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chucK said:

Trask = Daniel Schorr !! eek.gif

What's with all the lefty antigovernment stuff lately Traksy old boy? I've also noticed the massive amount of self-deleted posts? Are you having a terrible internal struggle? hahaha.gif



Trask is actually on vacation...has been in Cabo for a week now. I'm just house sitting for him and he gave me the "trask password" and said to have fun. Apparently, I'm not upholding the tradition. tongue.gif

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RobBob said:

DFA, I and a whole lot of other Americans do not want to hear what that besmurched Daniel Schorr has to say about anything.


And BTW, the only admirable thing about Rasputin was the trait he shared with Blackbeard.




Anyway, how is the esteemed Daniel Schorr "besmirched"?


DFA doesn't really know much about Rasputin (other than that he was rather cantfocus.gif ), but you can't fuck with that portrait. Scaaaaary. hahaha.gif

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Rasputin & Blackbeard= Hard to kill. I guess that you could also say that both were as bad news in real life as their myths now make them out to be. F'rinstance, Blackbeard took a governor's pardon and went 'legit' for a year or so...married a planter's young daughter and moved into a house. But within a few months he was back out on his ship, up to his old tricks, and apparently sharing his young bride with the crew.

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Anyway, how is the esteemed Daniel Schorr "besmirched"?


Daniel Schorr didn't have the balls to publish CIA and/or FBI documents that were classified back in the mid-70s. Instead he SOLD said docs to a reporter at the Village Voice, who published them. He then tried to make it look like Leslie Stahl did it. He resigned amid scandal from CBS


Daniel Schorr is a slimeball no matter where your political affiliations lie. He has a whole lot of people believing that he is a do-gooder who "believes in the first amendment." Bullshit. I believe that he believes in Daniel Schorr's career interests at the moment, and further likes to make trouble for anyone in a position of authority. His silver tongue and the nature of our press (wielding power without responsibility) have allowed the slimebag to skate through with reputation intact.

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Thank goodness for google! In a matter of minutes, one can dig up an avatar pic of a notorious Russian that one knows essentially nothing about, and can then proceed to take in a brief history lesson and learn that said character was a life-long womanizing scalawag, a dubiously righteous self-styled Orthodox monk, weaseled his way into the Russian royal family (the Romanovs!), continued to booze and sleaze his way through life while exploiting tenuous political and familial times to stay tight with -- and apparently to diddle -- the royal family, then got suckered into a perhaps untimely but probably inevitable death while furthering his pursuit of liqour and lust. Fantastic.


"During the fateful last evening of Rasputin's life, the conspirators drugged, poisoned, beat and shot him. Yet the staretz survived all these and actually died by drowning when his body, wrapped in a carpet was thrown into the Moika Canal on the Neva River."


How about that shit?

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RobBob said:

Anyway, how is the esteemed Daniel Schorr "besmirched"?


Daniel Schorr didn't have the balls to publish CIA and/or FBI documents that were classified back in the mid-70s. Instead he SOLD said docs to a reporter at the Village Voice, who published them. He then tried to make it look like Leslie Stahl did it. He resigned amid scandal from CBS


Daniel Schorr is a slimeball no matter where your political affiliations lie. He has a whole lot of people believing that he is a do-gooder who "believes in the first amendment." Bullshit. I believe that he believes in Daniel Schorr's career interests at the moment, and further likes to make trouble for anyone in a position of authority. His silver tongue and the nature of our press (wielding power without responsibility) have allowed the slimebag to skate through with reputation intact.


Hmm, didn't know that. But do you really think he's into furthering his career at this point? He's like 92 years old!

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I just hate to see people lionized because they are old and at the end of their career. People in their 70s, 80s, and 90s are the same mixed bag as they all were 30 years ago. He defined himself at the height of his career back in the 1970s. Sold himself to the the_finger.gif.

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RobBob said:

I just hate to see people lionized because they are old and at the end of their career. People in their 70s, 80s, and 90s are the same mixed bag as they all were 30 years ago. He defined himself at the height of his career back in the 1970s. Sold himself to the the_finger.gif.


all to true. generaly spaeaking, a mean son of a bitch will just become a mean old son of a bitch wink.gif

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