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Sort of Sore shoulder

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I searched the forums and saw many people have had shoulder injurys.


My shoulder is sort of sore today, a little bit painful, but nothing unbearable. The pain is noticeable in certain areas of range of motion (not a constant pain). I haven't has to pop any pills yet. I think it was last night in the gym (save all you gym slamming comments for later) when doing something not very difficult, though I could hear and feel something (sort of a gritty sound). It didn't hurt initially, but was sore in the morning.


What sort of symptoms mean some bad shit is going on?


I guess I'll just sleep on it and if it hurts in few days i'll start to worry. I think I'm jsut paranoid.

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Sounds like just a tweak. should dissipate in a few days.

ounce of prevention=pound of cure

All the pulling down of climbing can pull the arm down in the socket. I've found that lifting weights to work muscles all around the joint really helps prevent problems. Military press, forward and reverse fly, standing fly, etc..

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Freeclimb is right on. I had a serious shoulder tweak about 10 years ago and went to the PT. She said it was classic climbers problem, overdevelopment of one set of muscles without balance from another. Flexibility is another.


Try this. Hands behind your back, hands interlaced, palms out. Now try to rotate your palms, moving the thumbs towards your body. Complete the rotation so your palms face out again. Can't do it? Sign of tight shoulders. My advice.


If it hurts, don't climb. It will get worse.

Find shoulder stretches.

Free weights for all shoulder muscle groups

Check out bodyresults.com

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Could be your rotator cuff, could be impingement at the coracromial joint, could be your biceps tendon comin' loose. Look up some rotator cuff/shoulder exercises on the internet, and start doing those (and do them with light weights -- it's therapy, not getting all burly). Get on some anti-inflammatories as well (vitamin-I, Aleve, whatever suits your fancy), ice it after working it, and for goodness sakes, take it easy on the thing, or even take a couple weeks off. If it ain't feeling better after a few weeks, go see a doctor. Chances are he'll prescribe more of the above or some more specific exercises, but he could discover that you're hosed and in need of surgery. Good luck!

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I can't stresss enough what freeclimb said about lifting weights to balance out your shoulder muscles. I tore my rotator cuff in a skiing accident a few years ago and the PT told me I'd never really be as strong, etc. I said to hell with that and slowly made it stronger and stronger with the help of weights. My shoulder feels better than ever these days.

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