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Posts posted by jja

  1. Maybe I ought to take the cup back anyway since it now has a dent in the bottom from where I wacked it with a hammer shocked.gif


    (I was going to use a flat board like klenke suggested to distribute the blow, but all I had lying around was a wooden shim - doh!)

  2. jon said:

    If I'm reading this correctly you got this stuck at altitude and the suction of the negative pressure is keeping the canister snug in there.


    I wish the story was that cool. No, I just threw a bunch of stuff in the trunk, the cannister ended up in the cup, and then got squashed in there by something.

  3. Maybe try cooling the gas cannister and heating the cup. Maybe put some ice cubes in the depression in the cannister.

    I tried something similar, but it didn't work.


    Maybe try spraying something like wd40 around the edge in the hopes that it will seep in along the edges.

    Didn't have any wd40 handy so I used olive oil, didn't work.


    If worst comes to worst you could probably puncture the cannister. How full is it? Just be careful and do it outside.

    I'm sure this would work, are you volunteering?


    I think I'll try Klenke's first suggestion, I'm not sure I understand the second one tongue.gif

  4. The low tech steak knife didn't work and I already tried the uber geeky approach of putting the whole thing in the freezer, then running hot water on the outside of the cup thinking I'd heat the cup quickly causing it to expand and the cannister would still be cold, the differential would then magically free the cannister .. no such luck.


    This cup was expensive!! .. let me go see if I can find some epoxy.

  5. Thanks everyone for the response. The following items are still for sale:


    $60 for Nikon 35mm point and shoot camera, model "Lite Touch Zoom 120 ED". This camera is one year old, and was $200 when new. It's in like new condition, save for a small scuff on the case. The battery needs to be replaced (still the original). It comes with the original box, owners manual, and original reciept (Omega Photo Bellevue)




    $20 for 70cm charlet moser mtn. axe, guide model, this is a well used, but still bomber axe, it's heavy but this battle axe will insprire confidence.



    $80 for Alpine Ski setup. 187cm K2 X-15 skis, these are mid fat freeride skis, they rock in the crystal backcountry, they are vintage 2000. They have high end marker bindings, I'm also including a pair of Lange performance boots (they were the shizz back in 96), size 9.5. Cheap poles finish the set.



  6. I need to pay for my new digital camera, and trips to canada. So I'm selling some great gear that's just taking up room in my apartment. I live in Kirkland, and if you're local you can come by to see the stuff in person, or I can take other pictures if you like. We can meet to exchange cash for gear, or I'll ship on your dime. Send me a pm or respond here. I'm headed out to stuff my face tonight, and then I'm leaving for Banf first thing tomorrow morning so I won't be able to respond until Monday.



    $40 for 4 ice screws. Never fallen on, never dropped, all teeth sharp except for the grivel which has some burrs. 1 17cm grivel, 1 17cm smiley, 1 22cm smiley (a little surface rust on this one), 1 22cm bd (w/ smiley retrofit coffee grinder type handle).


    $20 for Grivel rigid crampons, with anti bot plate, well used, need to be sharpened


    $20 for 5 BD wired hexes, sizes 11, 10, 9, 8, 7. I bought these several years ago when I started climbing for the usual reasons (cheap and light). Decided I don't like hexes and bought more cams. I carried these maybe 3 times, and placed one hex once. Basicaly brand new


    $30 each for ice axes. 45cm BD x-15 straight shaft hammer with new grivel leash, 50cm bent shaft adze x-15 with new grivel leash. Stinger picks are in "ok" shape.


    $20 for 70cm charlet moser mtn. axe, guide model, this is a well used, but still bomber axe, it's heavy but this battle axe will insprire confidence.


    A picture of the above items:



    $40 for tnf down jacket, blue size medium, like new condition.

    $30 for tnf down vest, red size large, a little more used, but still near new condition.


    A picture of the above items:



    $80 for Alpine Ski setup. 187cm K2 X-15 skis, these are mid fat freeride skis, they rock in the crystal backcountry, they are vintage 2000. They have high end marker bindings, I'm also including a pair of Lange performance boots (they were the shizz back in 96), size 9.5. Cheap poles finish the set.


    Here's a picture of the set:



    Here's the worst damage on the top of the skis:



    Here's the worst damage on the bases:



    $60 for Nikon 35mm point and shoot camera, model "Lite Touch Zoom 120 ED". This camera is one year old, and was $200 when new. It's in like new condition, save for a small scuff on the case. The battery needs to be replaced (still the original). It comes with the original box, owners manual, and original reciept (Omega Photo Bellevue)


    Here's a picture of the camera:



  7. You might be a week too soon. Two days ago, there was NOTHING formed. Carl's Berg was a series of frozen drips and Rambles was super thin. Only thing in was Isodore Gully (WI2). I think we need a coupla sunny days after this snow to set up some melt/freeze action


    Judging on resent weather conditions history trend… not enough time to form well…I will wait for more consistent cold conditions to form more then a icicles/daggers

    Yeah I can’t wait either


    go rock climbing you wanks!


    Everyone was right, there was no ice, I shoulda stayed home.



  8. Saber, sure it's easy but it feels harder than 5.4. Both classic crack and dogleg crack at 5.8 felt pretty hard to me.


    At smith the 'panic' pitch coming out of the monkey's mouth - not the straight up bolt ladder, but the rightward traverse - felt way hard at 5.7. The crack to the left of bbq the pope feels harder than 10a at the top.


    Everything at index. (i so suck)

  9. I'm with you, running is a chore. My solution is to waste money on new stuff. Right now, I'm loading songs on a little mp3 player I picked up a few weeks ago. It's great to run to music that you like, with every song something uptempo. It so sucked running with a radio, when all the stations I can pick up are doing ads at the same time.


    You can get a 128MB model for <100 bucks.

  10. Are you guys going to bring a gps this time yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

    wave.gif have fun !!


    Me and Eric8 did the NE buttress today. We wanted to beat the crowds, so we arrived at the trailhead at 4 (am). We then proceeded to lose the entirely obvious, essentially paved track and wander around in the woods for an hour. Wait, it gets better! After about an hour, Eric says "Hey, I see a light there! Must be some people camping near the lake!" Two minutes later, I notice the light moving...I look closer, and it's a snowcat! We managed to walk in a circle, convinced we were heading up the valley! So after cussing ourselves roundly as idiots, etc, we headed up the trail again, only to lose it again! THIS time, however, we follow the compass, to make sure that we wouldn't walk in a circle. After a while of bushwhacking, we see headlamps, and hear voices. We thrash in that direction, to find the trail!
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