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Posts posted by jja

  1. I don't know the exact distance from the dam, but the distance from the main road turn off is 13.9 miles to the parking lot.


    When I went in January I called the local climbing shops and asked for conditions, they were real helpful and had good beta - you could try them. If you go, post back here with a tr.


    Barrel Mountaineering

    240 East Main Street

    Bozeman Montana USA

    ph: 800.779.7364 or 406.582.1335

    fx: 406.582.1302



    Northern Lights Trading Co

    1716 West Babcock

    Bozeman, MT 59715

    Phone: 406-586-2225

    Toll-Free: 866-586-2225

    Fax: 406-586-7544

    Email: greg_nltc@hotmail.com



  2. Dave_Schuldt said:

    Lots of spray for a Friday night. jja, reality is relative, we all have our own, that's what makes life interesting.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - this is true, but they are not entitled to their own facts.

  3. I only hope he is willing to take his sorry ass back to Texas when we vote him out of office.

    Oh and I'm sure, the dem's are going to get their ass kicked in 04 just like they did in this past mid term.

  4. George Bush is a dictator like Saddam Hussein.


    Dude you're a fuckin clueless loser. Language has meaning. Words have consequences. Have you ever read Orwell? Do you know the difference between hyperbole and self delusional insanity?


    I bet all you lunatic, america hating, pot smoking, hippies wake up every morning, look in the mirror and say:


    Bush is a dictator.

    Ashcroft is a Nazi.

    America is a terrorist nation.

    blah, blah, blah.


    It might make your drug addled brain feel better but it doesn't make it true. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

  5. AlpineK said:

    trask said:

    AlpineK said:

    trask said:

    I just heard Navy Seals uncovered 100,000 lbs. of Hashish hidden in 32 warheads. I knew that fucker Saddam was holdin' out. cry.gif


    God dam it they better share. mushsmile.gif

    GW is sending over a special envoy to retrieve the goods to bring back to Camp David for analysis.


    Maybe they sould send it to the Muir Hut. I'll make the trip up. mushsmile.gifmushsmile.gif


    If you go tomorrow, would it be "Muir on Saturday" the_finger.gif

  6. and I feel he could have handled the UN quite a bit more effectively

    Hey NxN,

    explain to me how any diplomatic efforts could have persuaded France to vote our way. During the negotiations for 1441 DeVillipan told Powell to his face that France would support a war if Iraq refused to comply. Powell believed him, DeVillipan was lying.


    Schroeder (a teenage communist with ties to the red brigades) used anti-war rhetoric in the german national elections in a cynical ploy to win reelection. It was a Dick Morris-like triangulation effort, attempting to peel off enough support from the communist remnants in the east to ensure victory. Like all cynical ploys they don't work for long and his party has since lost huge in mid term elections.


    So, what policy, what diplomatic effort could have possibly convinced the unconvincable to support us at the UN?


    (Completely leaving aside the question of why so many people think we should subordinate our security to this body)

  7. Hey Dave,

    You do know that Robert Byrd was a grand wizard in the KKK don't you? I find it kind of odd that a good liberal like you would tolerate a guy like that. Check this out.


    ps. what are all you whining bleeding hearts gonna do when it turns out all the mean spirited, war mongering, conservatives were right all along about this war? .. oh nevermind, you folks are never any good with reality.

  8. Dave_Schuldt said:

    THAT'S SERIOUS SPRAY!!!! I was hopeing Greg W, jja ect.. would have something to say about this article.

    Ok Dave, I'll bite ...


    This article shows some of the soul searching that has been going on among the intellectual left. Or at least that part of the left that is still willing to entertain the notion that they might have been mistaken in the past. But the author seems to fall into the trap that many (most?) opponents of the war have - namely they've let their overwhelming hatred of GWB cloud their judgement.


    I'll make a confession here. I despised Bill Clinton. All you folks on the left that dislike gw because of Florida, or because you think he's dumb, or because you think he was born with a silver spoon have no idea how much many of us on the right hated BC. I let this cloud my judgement. I opposed Bosnia and Kosovo because it was BC that was president. I was in Bosnia, I saw the good we were doing, but I rationalized away my opposition to the policy anyway. I was wrong.


    Do you guys think that maybe, just maybe, you are wrong about this war? Maybe your blind hatred of the president is clouding your judgement?


    I'll leave you with the money paragraph from the article you cite, and ask you if you agree with it's premise:


    And so are a lot of the protesters. "Violence never solved anything." Really? Violence solved the Holocaust. "Bombs just make more terrorists." Really? We dropped more bombs on Vietnam than we dropped on Europe during World War II. Where are all the Vietnamese terrorists? "Innocent people will die." True enough--but innocent people are dying right now in Iraq. The left's selective empathy is shocking. My lefty pals feel the pain of Iraqi civilians--but only the pain that the U.S. inflicts or might inflict. You don't hear much from the left about the pain that Saddam Hussein inflicts. "War kills the innocent." No, the status quo in the Middle East kills the innocent--and as we've seen in Manhattan and Bali, not just the innocent in the Middle East. War at times is the only hope for an oppressed people--as each Iraqi refugee quickly informs the first Western reporter he can find.


  9. i'm just trying to keep you old guys on your toes!!



    i am way more concered with important matters that directly affect my life. you know like, do i leave in early april for a month and then come back and head out again in the fall? or should i try to save up and go for the whole 6 month off thing?


    what do yo think???


    What do I think? I think I need to get a beanie cap and start bouldering at the UW so I fit in better with all the peach fuzz around here!


    btw, how old do you have to be to be considered an old guy? (maybe I'm still safe)


  10. minx said:

    well at least you made it out alive wink.gif

    Short tacoma story:

    On my way home from work one day, I stop at a mailbox to send off the last payment for my car. Next morning, no car.

  11. people with little insight outside of their own world!


    ok, want to start a pissing match? How long have you lived outside the US, and in which countries? I eagerly await your world-weary experiences.

  12. erik said:

    i can't wait till jja and fairweather head out to kill ohter humans!


    jja, everysingle person looks nornal to me?! i challenge you to pick out a non-normal person.


    i love how you guys try to turn everything into some sort of left vs right. both sides are the same money grubbing power hungrey pieces of shit. not a single one of them thinks for theirselves.


    you guys are dense. i would bet that you are all uptight and proably pretty boring people.



    i can't wait till jja and fairweather head out to kill ohter humans!

    I think this says more about you than me.



    jja, everysingle person looks nornal to me?! i challenge you to pick out a non-normal person.

    War is serious business, and oposition to war should be similarily serious. When protesters behave like clowns, ordinary people will assume their arguments aren't worthy of consideration. Maybe in the circles you travel there are different social and cultural norms, but most of america is still fairly socially conservative. "Bellies not Bombs" is not a persuasive argument.



    i love how you guys try to turn everything into some sort of left vs right. both sides are the same money grubbing power hungrey pieces of shit. not a single one of them thinks for theirselves.

    Is this Noam Chomsky's "oligopolies are running the country" argument? These kind of arguments are as paranoid and wrong headed on the left as the black helicopter conspiracy theories on the right.


    I can't speak for the rest of the vast right wing conspiracy, but for me I can think for myself thankyou. And I'm quite happy to work for a "money grubbing power hungry piece of shit" company, because I'm pretty sure that the alternative would provide the economic opportunities of - oh say, haiti.



    you guys are dense.

    gee, thanks for that thoughtful and insightful commentary. I'll be sure to consider it the next time I'm debating issues of war and peace.



    i would bet that you are all uptight

    How would you define uptight? How about the ability to engage in political conversation/humor without resorting to ad hominen attacks.



    and proably pretty boring people.

    well you got me there.




  13. Where do you guys find this propaganda??


    Hasn't Hillary told you about the vast right wing conspiracy? All us right wingers get our marching orders encoded in the rush limbaugh show.

  14. chucK said:



    I saw many people hiking with

    GIANT HCL.gif packs.

    A guy in plastics 2.


    crazy mushsmile.gif


    I got there relatively early - 7ish, so I caught the gaper show on the way down. It wasn't just the plastics and giant packs some of these folks had, but full alpine regalia complete with helmets, ice axes, and one dude with - I shit you not - wands!!


    .. but hey, if I wasn't such a gaper myself I would have been somewhere other than si.

  15. Dru said:

    jordop said:

    You know, if protestors all donned business suits . . . cantfocus.gif but then they'd never get in the papers rolleyes.gif


    suits never have to protest. gov't gives em what they want... hahaha.gif


    If the protesters looked like (and actually were) normal people maybe I'd pay attention to them. As it is, why should I give a shit what a bunch of freaks think?

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