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Posts posted by jja

  1. On saturday three of us did the sw rib on sews. While leading the bear hug pitch I hear "John, are you in a good spot?" I turn around to see some dude in a t-shirt and shorts who had soloed up behind us shivering in the cold. "I'm getting kind of cold, mind if I pass?" So I sit tight at the bomber horn as bobbyperu breezes by.


    On Sunday we did nw corner of news. Mick climbs about once a year, Craig's a real good sport climber that hasn't done much trad, and I just generally suck. Add it all together and it = slow. But I never thought I'd get passed so much on one route. Starting up just behind us at the base of the route are Charlie and Christine, they split off right on the west face route as we continue up the nw corner. Another party starts up behind us and catch up to us at the offwidth pitch. Ben and Gus patiently wait in the cold (the sun always seemed about 10 ft away on this route) for us to finish the route, and then pass us on the summit scramble. On the decsent raps, charlie and chris pass us (again) and beat us back to the packs after having climbed news twice (wf and nw corner). I am so suck.


    Interesting aside: On the second pitch or so on Sunday, we hear this blood curtling bleating coming from the approach trails. It goes on for about 10 or 15 seconds. We find out later that an unleashed german shepard got gored in the gut by a goat. It's owner was a mom with two little girls with her. Apparantly she tied a coat around it's mid section to stem the bleeding. Don't know if it made it or not.


    wave.gifWhen are you going mvs? we'll be there from 9 - 17 Aug. Would love to get an up to date conditions report from you crazy.gif We've tentatively decided on edith cavell, athabasca, and temple with weather backups of brewers/ultra brewers and mt louis.

  3. I haven't done this route in a few years, so I have no specific beta for you ... but don't sweat the route finding, on a summer weekend they'll be tons-o people. And if you're not bringing skis, the best thing on that slog is the glissade down from the false summit. By this time of the season it's probably a 4 ft deep bobsled-worthy groove. Have fun.

  4. JG,

    I think it all depends on the ethics and style of the particular area and the climb in question. No one would say a summit of denali was illegit because a bush plane was used to get up on the glacier. So does denali bush plane = Elbrus chair lift? You'll have to answer that one for yourself.


    btw, ever been to chamonix? see all the telegraphiques that take climbers from the valley up to 10K? nobody ever bitches about those.

  5. MissNormandy said:

    I don't want to start a thread that has already been started and since I don't really know anything about climbing I don't really feel like I have anything to contribute.


    MN, that hasn't stopped anyone else on cc.com boxing_smiley.gif

  6. Cpt.Caveman said:

    If that's your internet name anyway. If not sorry but he will read this and know.




    I only climb mt si now! cry.gif


    wave.gif if you're talking about me, no worries - forbidden's not going anywhere, and I ended up climbing this weekend anyway. bigdrink.gif


    if you're not talking about me, well nevermind. the_finger.gif


  7. How boots fit are subjective ... everyone's feet are different. Having said that mine fit great, I got a pair of the extreme s's at the start of last winter and have used them for ice climbing and alpine climbing. Loosen the laces a bit and they're great for the approach, crank 'em down and the precision and light weight are worth half a grade on ice. I think the longest day I've done in them was about ~14m or so, and although I won't say I was dancing at the end, there were no blisters or anything untoward I would attribute to the boots.


    Just keep in mind that these are not full on winter mnt. boots. Walk around or climb in deep snow and your feet will get cold. They're really low cut as far as boots go, so be sure to wear gaiters. Learn the limitations though, figure out how to deal with them and these boots rock. I'll only use the plastics on big mtns now.


    as always, ymmv.

  8. josh, i remember seeing a whole wall of trango s's at second ascent. don't remember the price, but i remember thinking that it was fairly reasonable - worth a call over there maybe. They've also got some off brand (least I never heard of them) summer mtn. boots for like $100.


    I've got the trango extreme s that I bought for ice climbing. They're the more insulated version. I've taken to using them for all sorts of mountain stuff. Hiked in earlier this spring from the closed gate at bridge creek to the lakes, did a climb and hiked back out and my feet were fine. I suspect the regular trango s's would be even comfier. as always ymmv.

  9. wave.gif way to go dave thumbs_up.gif

    looking forward to "thrutching" up that chimney myself.


    I have always defined "thrutch" as a combination of "throw" and "clutch"- resulting in very jerky climbing just on the edge of peeling. Much like obscenity, one does know it when one sees it.


    Are you saying there's a better way to climb? I'll have to figure it out sometime.

  10. marylou said:

    jja said:

    Beck said:

    i didn't park at the trailhead pass required parking area without a trail parks pass, you figure it out....

    Actually I had a pass .. left it in the glove box, smart huh?


    Aren't you even going to try to tell the truth and get out of paying the fine? rolleyes.gif


    Fundamental character flaw of mine - laziness. I'd rather just bitch about it and pay the 50 bucks.

  11. Beck said:

    have any of you people noticed how immaculately the trailhead restrooms and roads are maintained along the Mountain Loop Hiway? you could bring a mother-in-law camping out there and she wouldn't object...

    wave.gifSo if I promise to bring my own toilet paper, will you pay my ticket for me Beck?






  12. Szyjakowski said:

    just take it in say you had one displayed and it fell off the mirror for some reason.


    On the way out I was looking for one of their trucks, and I was gonna try the awe shucks routine, and basically kiss ass and suck up - but I didn't see any. The "I left the pass in my glove box" excuse is kinda like the "dog ate my homework" and wouldn't go over too well I 'spect.


    I think my only option now is to pay it or fight it.

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