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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    name change

    No, that's just the seat cover for the rides she gives...
  2. Oh hell, yeah, they use leashes! Sure they do! DAMHIK...
  3. Now that's fuq'n funny, I don' care who ya'are. I s, s, say, son... Oh now that's just plain hilarious! Boy's got lead, Ah say, lead for brains!
  4. Woooooooooooooooooah!!! I got so fuq'n dizzy, I
  5. Now that's fuq'n funny, I don' care who ya'are.
  6. Mel, Tyson sent me a PDF of the entire calendar's proof. I could email that to you if you wanted that for your blog, etc. Of course, Tyson could send the same thing to you, but I thought I'd offer since he's probably busier than I am, since I'm heading in for a root canal in the morning and will be sitting around high on hydrocodone tomorrow afternoon... sickie
  7. Linky to low-res pics, plz??? March and September, in particular...
  8. sobo

    Leslie Nielsen, 84

    Do we have clearance, Clarence? Roger, Roger!
  9. sobo

    potty mouth

    He forgot "Gee Willakers"
  10. Good one, Nastia! That thing'll chew yer ass up fer sure!
  11. Ah ha! Obviuosly, I haven't been keeping up with my regular installments of Climbing Tonight!
  12. You bagging cougars now, spotly? It's one of the most enjoyable sporting feats a young man can accomplish! Druâ„¢
  13. sobo

    potty mouth

    Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits! The Seven Words You Can't Say on Television, courtesy of George Carlin
  14. Destivelle? I thought she married Erik Decamp and was still married to him. Jeff bagged that , eh?
  15. Yikes!!! :shudder: At least you could that she doesn't appear to hate America...
  16. Fuggs, Frenchman's and everything along Highway 155 from Sun Lakes State Park to Electric City freezes up reliably every year. The Cable and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues/Children of the Sun are probably the least reliable, but they both come in every year just the same. So yes, it's worth the trip, and you should be able to hitch a ride in a carpool from Seattle quite easily once it comes in. It's like Mecca for the WA ice climber... there'll be a ton of zealots making the pilgrimage. Look for updates from Paul Dietrich on this board.
  17. The photography looks stunning, and of course the subject matter will make me flock to this flick when it hits town. Nice find, Dane! It's a damn crying shame what's happened to him. Just not fair.
  18. Carlos is THE MAN! I've climbed with him on a couple of occasions, and had the greatest time of my life on rock doing so. He even went so far as to send me postcards from his NR K2 climb while I was laid up at home with a back injury. The guy's hiking his way into K2 ABC, and he's sending this schmuck postcards! I mean, c'mon! And he did a fundraiser for my mountain rescue unit and all he wanted was some gas money to get from Canmore and back. You couldn't even pay the guy anything - he wouldn't take it! In my experience, you will not find a finer, more humble, self-effacing, and encouraging person on this planet. Rock on, Carlos! Carlos and The Bearded Wonder
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