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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    live music

    Ya know, 'bone, despite all of our tussles over the years, if I was going to be down that way then I'd for sure come on by and give you a listen. I love me some Spanish guitar/flamenco music. Props on you for going public with your talent. Cheers!
  2. OK, OW... after 10 minutes of repair by Sophos anti-virus, I've concluded that your suggestion was ill-advised...
  3. SybianGumnutBlender I never understood that one anyway...
  4. plab It works on so many levels...
  5. sobo

    Spray is Gone

  6. Exactly. This all looks like some sort of Rube Goldberg contraption in order to retrieve your gear. I'm with mwalker here, why wouldn't you just leave some slingage instead of having your crap fall on top of your head when you pull the rope? The first one is especially beautiful - screw unscrews itself when you pull the rap rope. Priceless!
  7. Right, so that only rich people can afford to be in office. Fail. How do you figure? If it was a low paying job, then nobody would want it. Unless they had a large supplemental income with which to support themselves while they were in office. Ergo, rich people. Are you always so dense?
  8. Wow....what a quick edit. I find it curious with me having ~50% fewer posts than you, that you find my lightning editing speed surprising.
  9. Yes, he is that now. Needs two canes or a wheelchair to get around.
  10. That was the thought behind the Framers' idea... a citizen government. You serve your term or two, then go back to your farm to work your land, or whatever else it was that you did before you got elected, and another citizen comes forth to govern for a while. We lost our way somewhere along the line...
  11. You think that cutting their collective salaries is going to create some huge windfall savings package? It wouldn't amount to a hill of beans! The amount of money you're talking about saving is infinitesimally minuscule when considered in the larger context. Here, this graphic of the recent federal budget negotiations might help to put things into perspective for you...
  12. Thought you were slobbering over guidebooks tonight, bill...???
  13. sobo

    Spray is Gone

    Precisely what I thought would happen if it remained "gone." Spray never really "goes away," it just shows up elsewhere, and usually in inappropriate places. You can see evidence of this on other boards on teh intertubez. I, for one, am glad it's back. Like Porter is saying above, it keeps the content in the other forums cleaner in the long run. And if you don't want to read Spray, then don't click on it. Jeezus, people, how fucking difficult of a concept is that to grasp?
  14. They already finished half the job. Now just to build the plants...
  15. Yeah, really, what he ^^ said! Who got the MM post?
  16. Apparently wrong, bill... From the photo list on the first post of the ST thread in the OP of this thread: Up until 1991, all Vau De backpacks were manufactured in Germany. Since Jeff's climb was in 1991, the same year that VauDe opened their Chinese manufacturing facility, it is more likely than not that Jeff had his pack before then, and hence it was manufactured in Germany, NOT China. I'm grasping at some rational thought and logic here, but I'm jus' sayin'...
  17. No, Kevin, you don't have to pay extra for it, but it's a bitch to lug one of these things around... The bright spot is that the PLB is built right in to the seat!
  18. Good on you Sobo, payback time for the AAC/Access Fund/TPL/Peshastin Pinnacles debate which ragged between us. I know you've been waiting for me to make a miss step, so you could pounce. Yeah, you're right, Mark. I've been doing absolutely NOTHING for the past many months except lurking these boards and waiting... waiting... waiting for you to make a mistake, so I could leap upon my prey, disembowel you, and feast upon your entrails... Yeah, that's what I've been doing with my life...
  19. DMT's got it goin' on, as do many others on the ST thread. I could especially agree with graniteclimber's logic in his lengthier post on page 3. It does seem like PD is out for blood from the Major for some reason...
  20. First, a technical clarification is required on the OP: As I read the article, it was an Alaska Air Guard mission, not USAF. Secondly, PDude should quit being a douchebag thief of mega-gear and be a good human and give it back. If the rescuees reward him, so much the better. Everybody wins.
  21. I personally enjoyed the fun-meter shot. Although from the tone of the TR, the meter may have been reading a bit low. Stupendous work, gentlemen, on what by all rights appears to be a great new route. Congratulations!
  22. sobo


    You mean that really wasn't you? What was the deal with the bungee jumper? Did he hold the cord in his teeth, and then let go as he got close to the ground?
  23. sobo


    He looks a bit like Ken (112)...
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