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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    You don't think that "naked joke of the week" was sufficiently informative?
  2. sobo


    naked joke of the week NSFW
  3. sobo

    I'm fucked

    Verrrrrry clever rejoinder! +5 Then can I least watch?
  4. sobo


    WTF is a "CVS bag"??? And those were pretty tame stories, aye.
  5. sobo

    Slick Rock

    I was referring to the glue-on gym holds being only at Dishman. At least, that's what I thought you meant by "those annoying rocks from the routes" comment.
  6. sobo

    I'm fucked

    Ooooooooooh, that's a clever one! +1
  7. sobo

    John Frieh

    whisper pink = ghey sickie
  8. sobo

    John Frieh

    minx - love that new autosig! :tup: Some people are like Slinkies Not good for anything but they bring a smile when pushed down stairs.
  9. sobo

    I'm fucked

    What? Where are the adroit rejoinders and brilliant banter? Am I a thread-killer now???
  10. sobo

    John Frieh

    Ahhhhhhhhh, I see. Thanks snoboy. I did not know that you didn't need the url portion in a Utube address. I is now ejumacated. someone should put that little tidbit in the FAQ, cuz I know I've seen a lot of peeps get all befuddled about the same problem on this here board.
  11. sobo


    Moose (meese??) are huge fuckin' critterz. I mean crazy huge! And I thought elk were big...
  12. sobo

    John Frieh

    well, then detart me, ya little skirt-paddled trollop
  13. sobo

    John Frieh

    why ain't it embedding properly???
  14. sobo

    John Frieh

    consider it done... cM-7Q9kpfGs
  15. sobo


    Blake, I appreciate your skepticism. Bears are the largest most people see in the wild, and the experience and bear size, like a fish tale, often grows over time. Elk are probably more dangerous than bears, particularly in rutting season, but they don't have a fearsome reputation for some reason. I have had many bear contacts as well, and will agree with Blake that almost all of them were not very large creatures. My contacts involve somewhat small creatures, around 150 to 200 pounds max, I would guess. The biggest one I ever saw was the one I wrote about in the Wallowas on the previous page. That encounter was very different from my usual contact. I was initially convinced it actually was a grizzly, because I could clearly see her "slant-snout" and shoulder hump. On our way out of town, we stopped by the County Courthouse to ask about the presence of such beasts in Wallowa County. The County Sheriff told us that they had all been hunted out about 10 years earlier (ca. 1980). We told him in detail what we had seen, and he began to sound convinced (or maybe was just humoring us city-slickers). He then led us down the hallway of the courthouse and pointed out the mounted critters (of which there were many) lining the hallways and in display cases of the courthouse. They had a really fucking huge grizzly (it was indeed a grizzly) stuffed and mounted in there, and more than one big-ass cougar, elk, etc. The sheriff told us that the grizzly had been shot only about 12 or so years earlier, and the county residents believed it was the last one. Our story gave him pause... If indeed it was a griz back then in 1990, it was a damn fer piece south of its range...
  16. sobo

    John Frieh

    IIRC, I think that came from the same trip. Or at least from some Mt. Stuart trip. My memory fades with age...
  17. sobo

    I'm fucked

    Can I lift her skirt for ya?
  18. sobo


    Does a bear shit in the woods?
  19. sobo


    ~1990: Big Momma bear (brown in color, but probably a Black Bear) and two cubs on the trail to the Matterhorn in the Wallowas, right before the split to head away from the creek and go uphill. Sighting was preceeded by a terrified deer charging toward us on the trail. Deer went right past us at quite a clip, close enough to touch. "Wow, that was really wierd. Wonder what caused that deer to be so upset?" Seconds later we found out why. I spy aforementioned ursine critters. I freeze in my tracks before they see me. My two companions, not looking up, crash into the back of me. I "shush" them and point about 50 yards uphill to bears. "Wow", me all mutter. One of the guys starts to go for his camera. "Shit, Rick, let's just look a little and get the fuck outta here. She's got CUBS, man!" We hastily cross the creek and head uphill for another 30 minutes or so. Phil never stops looking back over his shoulder the whole time. 1994 thru 1997: Idaho panhandle/Selkirks, during several trips to climb the sweet granite of Harrison Peak. They'd come through our camp every damned night, every trip, snuffling around the tent. There's a REASON there's a bearbox at the lake... Those ones mighta been grizzlies, being that far north, the remoteness of the area, and all. Same timeframe, in the South Fork Cleawater River drainage, ID: Almost ran over a bear on the last little stretch of road before you get to Lightning Dome. It was late on a Friday night on the drive in. He crashed down from the high side of the roadway cut, froze in the headlights in front of my rig, decided to head for the river on the other side of the road, changed his mind, then turned around and ran back up the high side of the road. Thank Dog you can only do about 45 mph on that skinny little road, or I'd have been hoofing it out to Grangeville. Saw a big-ass moose (couldn't fuggin' believe it) further up the road near Elk City around that time, too. Big mofo animals they is... ~2004-ish: Goat Rocks Wilderness. Surprised a small black bear looking for blueberries along the NF Tieton River trail to McCall Basin on my way back from a run up Old Snowy. I'd say we both were surprised. Many other bear stories from my time in VA and WV, but that's not the PNW...
  20. sobo

    Slick Rock

    Right on! Post Falls is where I cracked my rib on a rock sticking out of a climb I doinked off of. Love that place. I see the Mounties are scheduled for a cleanup out there. Perhaps they can be convinced to remove those annoying rocks from the routes - I thought that was only at Dishman...
  21. Spoken like a true VA Tech transplant. Hey, I turned Jake Gano on to you. He's moving to Anchorage soon. He's got a thread over in Climbing Partners. Mebbe you can hook up and help him become bitter as well. Cheers, Billy!
  22. sobo

    I'm fucked

    knuckle savers, dey iz... Dey werk wells for mountane rezqu, 2...
  23. sobo

    how not to rappel

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, restricted sites and proxy server warnings. Goddamn them fukkerz...
  24. sobo

    I'm fucked

    Make sure you git yerseff a pair 'o these, cuz if'n ya don't, ya'll wish ya had. They work wonders for kayaking and aid climbing as well...
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