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Everything posted by sobo

  1. If you're asking about my sex life, I think it should be taken off the public side of teh board, that's what I meant. Did you not make reference to that? Or did I misread your post?
  2. take it to PMs, d00d.
  3. African swallow eggs or European swallow eggs?
  4. wouldn't need to ask me twice... shit, wouldn't even need to ask once!
  5. sobo

    Dog breeds

    Aw shucks... :head bowed, face flushed, hands in pockets, kicking pebbles graemlin:
  6. love the avatar pic, C. More butt shots. :tup:
  7. it's pretty damned tough to spell "she's" with a lithp
  8. no, but theeth'th purty thmart.
  9. sobo

    Dog breeds

    I'm sure that Tom secretly hates me...
  10. quite suckin' up to the mods, 5K. She's a wench, plain and simple.
  11. but I'd feel so dirty afterwards...
  12. fine, fine, fine, then! take 'em both, ya greedy wench!
  13. does he freely give away BD light Ds? If so, I've been had.
  14. m'kay. scornful tease. that better? or would you prefer corporate whore?
  15. khunt... with an umlat. how's that?
  16. Bug- That's way too cool. Where were you hoboing from/to? Ever get booted by The Man during your travels? Steve- What's your BIL's name and who does he work for? Scheduled for construction in early 2011. Done by 2012. Doubtful, but I'm hopeful, at least. HC- Cash my check, will ya?
  17. ALL happy birthday threads are to be in spray. That still doesn't mean you have free reign to hijack them. Off's just following the rules himself by putting it here. Donkey Boy started it in the wrong forum. But his excuse is he's an amateur. What's yours?
  18. Then I will... man's you're I'll leave the punctuation in the quote and correct it there. I'll leave the capitalization alone. You all do realize that you've completely hijacked Off_White's birthday thread, right?
  19. Pollocks? Correct spelling is "Polak" in the singular. I should know. Pollock is fish used in the making of imitation crab meat.
  20. I'm surprised that hasn't come in here yet and warned about the Dark Side and Luke's failure at the cave.
  21. sobo

    Slick Rock

    So? How wuzzit? Get any pix?
  22. It can't be the best RR bridge the world has seen cuz that comes out of our office! PFFFFFFT! Meh!
  23. And a fresh canvas for all the Pasco taggers!
  24. No, the ladies model is chartreuse. That is hunter green, and therefore clearly the mens model. Amateur...
  25. sobo

    define "good" climber

    Member #198, joined 12/17/2000
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