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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Child abuse

    I swear to Dog that my dad gave me a whipping with his doubled-back belt across my bare ass at least once a week (no buckles). Swear it. Truth be told it was prolly more like once a month. The real truth is I deserved every goddamned one of those whippings, and if I had not gotten them, I would either be dead or in prison today. My dad was a fucking idiot when I was a kid, but by the time I was 19 and out of the house, he was pretty smart. By the time I had graduated college, the man was a fucking genius. He continues to get smarter every damn year. Count me standing on the side of the line where Rudy's standing. Ain't nothing wrong with a little well-placed corporal punishment, when warranted. And Rudy, my dad preferred to whip the ass because it wouldn't embarrass us later if we decided to wear shorts. The ass is made for receiving beatings.
  2. sobo


    That's not a prediction, that's a universal truth.
  3. please stop reading this useless thread. okthnxbai.
  4. Had it actually been me, you would have heard news reports of people keeling over from inhaling "toxic gases" and the like...
  5. It's all over folks. Go back to your homes. Move along. Move along.
  6. So if you live in Kennewick and were trying to get to Taco Time or the Teriyaki Grille for lunch, but were stymied by the humungous traffic back-up in that area, and your call to the Tri-City Herald didn't net you any information, what do you do next? Well, you might call the KPD non-emergency line, and they might ask you a whole lot of probing questions about who you are, where you live, and why you want to know and stuff. But if you're pleasant and patient with the dispatcher, he will eventually tell you that another officer will call you back. So when the officer calls you back, and confirms who you are, and you ask him what is up with the huge traffic snarl, he tells you, "We have a report of a bomb in the area." "Oh really? A bomb threat, eh?" "No sir. We have a report of a bomb." "You mean a real bomb? Not a threat of a bomb?" "That's correct sir. We have a bomb." "Can you tell me where it is?" "No sir, I can't tell you that right now." No shit, this just happened when I was out for lunch. So, wow, terrorism has hit the Tri-Cities. Go figure...
  7. Lightning Dome, SF of the Clearwater River. 'Nuff said. The Rock: It's clean granite (granodiorite, actually), bolts on the steep and slabby, and abundant gear placements for the flakes and cracks. Most routes are a combo of both. It's got many multi-pitch all day outings and several one-pitch wonders. Descents are easy, and there's virtually no approach (some routes go right from the white line on the side of the road, 15 minutes is the max uphill climb). The routes are all quite varied and interesting, requiring one to use many different techniques on any given route. Smearing, edging, foot camming, off widths, hand and finger jamming, dime-edge fingernail holds, pinches, underclings, au chevals, you name it. Vantage, this ain't! There's years (dare I say a lifetime) worth of FA potential for the hardier souls - acres of undeveloped rock abounds. The Setting: The scenery is amazingly stunning, there's a cool river for apres climb skinny dipping, and the place has goats scampering all about, eagles screaming overhead as they soar on the thermals, and wolves howl at night. The whole place smells of Poderosa Pine. The Amenities: The camping is plentiful and free, no fucking NW Forest Pass or WSDFW parking stickers required, a precast shitter a quarter mile from the crag and at every campground and they're all well-stocked with TP (a fact E-rock could appreciate), cell phones don't work, beer and ice is available without leaving the canyon, and best of all IT AIN'T THE LEAST BIT CROWDED!!!1
  8. sobo

    Child abuse

    POTD! And it's wasn't even 8:00 yet! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  9. Red sky by morning, sailors take warning.
  10. Hey Mikey! Is that l0ngpause/Kat with ya there? Nice shots!
  11. sobo

    The Beehive

    For proper grammar, please omit the preposition. Oh, it's in Idaho.
  12. sobo

    The Beehive

    So that's what the rock/slope on BH looks like. Thanks, spotly.
  13. sobo

    backpacking crib?

    CT- That PeaPod thingy is very different from a Pack-n-Play, but it certainly looks more compactable and is DEFINITELY lighter than a PNP. They run about 15-20 lbs.... ugh!
  14. I'm about to crack open some Aberlour, bish! if you weren't married, i'd so pretend to like you! Scotch whore
  15. sobo

    Hey Sobo

    We started just after 3:00. I had to run to Albertson's by 4 o'clock cuz Allan didn't buy any limes when he got the beer. Can't have Coronas without the limes, ya know. Cut 15 minutes off my drinking time. It's all good now. 'cuse me while I go get another "replacement"... thank God someone is drinking already. I will not be cracking an adult beverage until 7:30. After Action Report continues here.
  16. The last soldier of the Corona Army has fallen. The battle o'er, I must retreat to other fields of battle and engage the Alaskan Battallion. Should I be victorious, I shall next engage the Fat Tire Regiment. Fight ever onward, we few, we band of brothers, for he who pops a top with me this day, shall be my brother, be he ne'er so vile... ...and gentlemen in Cascadia now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks that drank with us upon this day.
  17. OMFD!!!1 You actually work for a living? Sadly, the last soldier of the Corona Army is mortally wounded, and will soon expire. I must take flight to other theatres of operation and take the Alaskan Army (or the Fat Tire Regiment) into battle against the heathen foe.
  18. This thread has gotten tired. Can we go back to some of the others that have more potential for insults to actual cc.com posters, instead of internet/TV celebrities? Thank you very much.
  19. sobo

    Liberal Guilt

    that's just criminal
  20. So whaddaya got open right now...? she drinks white zin out of a box. Where the f*** have you been today? I've been chasing around some n00b called kunt. You seen her (or him)?
  21. So whaddaya got open right now...?
  22. sobo

    Hey Sobo

    Yes, Mistress Bondage Ducky...
  23. sobo


    did you know that a cat's penis is barbed? That's why female cats howl so goddamned much when they get fucked. Yes, Little Johnny, there are teeth in there, so you just keep it in your pants, m'kay?
  24. sobo

    Hey Sobo

    you are being waterboarded, but straight up.
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