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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Sah-weet! I spent several years in Tuscany growing up. I heart Italy. PS: Congratulations on becoming a drone to the Queen Bug.
  2. Bookmarked. Thanks, Gator! BTW, we haven't seen you around these parts in months. We missed ya!
  3. The article would seem to indicate that the study did include weekend warrior-type altitudes and levels of repetition.
  4. AKA litter with purpose. there's actually a purpose to geocaches??
  5. So where wuz ya? I was looking for ya. Where were the post-nuptial doin's?
  6. We are all very glad that Derek was found alive and for all intents and purposes, OK. But let's remember a few things: Derek had never climbed a mountain like Adams before, he didn't know where he was going (no map, compass, GPS, etc), he had to rent his gear (i.e., suggesting that he wasn't very experienced in its use), he went at not so great a time of year (there was some pretty serious weather up high that was easily forecasted), and he went alone. In short, he was very lucky to have been found alive, but I respect the fact that he did all he could to get himself down and out under his own power. I just hope he learned a valuable lesson. "Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from surviving bad judgment."
  7. Those two and their cats are the funniest thing on YouTube. Thanks for that this morning, Mel!
  8. Collin, I'm not going to debate with you about who's paid and who's not. I'm too tired right now. But recall that sherriff's deputies are paid whether or not they are on a mission, so it's all in a day's work for them. The military uses SAR missions as battle evacuation training, so like the deputies, it's all in a day's work for them, too. And the budgets for this stuff is already in your taxes. I've never heard of a paid dog team. That's a new one on me.
  9. That happens a lot to people that are not familiar with the mountain, as evidenced by a coupla posts on Page 1 of this thread. Happened to me on my first trip almost 25 years ago.
  10. The SAR teams are volunteers...
  11. That is the most excellent news! Finally, a happy ending. I can still picture his father's face from Tuesday. I'll bet it looks a whole helluva lot different now. :tup: Mad props out to all the climbers, searchers, and the puppies! danhelmstadter- No snow at all below the RTM trail, and for about 500-1,000 feet or so above it. At least, that's what it looked like early this week. So figger snow level about 7k or so, give or take.
  12. Most excellent, skybum! Check your Private Messages.
  13. Is Michelle trying to keep herself from hurling?
  14. What Rob said. However, the liter bottle is probably overkill, unless you have a huge bladder. I find that a 16 oz Nalgene is the perfect size to drain my bladder while remaining in the tent after a night of heavy drinking. Witness the most recent Rope-Up. Make sure you ID the bottle some way. I have a "jolly roger" label on my piss bottle to make sure I don't accidentally use it as a drinking bottle. And also what hafilax said about displacing water in the toilet tank to reduce the flush volume. Fill with water one time and sink them in the tank. Waaaaaaaaaaay better than bricks, cuz the bricks eventually break down and may discolor the shitter. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  15. I did the same thing at around the same time on my very first time up the mountain. Ended up a few gullies west of the Crescent Glacier drainage. Was able to break out the map and do a coupla resections to locate myself, which led me to the RTM trail, which then took me 3 miles east and back to the car. It was neat to be able to do that and not go into a panic instead. Word from my unit is that the search will continue into this weekend.
  16. It was the Walla Walla Valley wine... I had just gotten back from a client dinner that went waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long...
  17. yo butt crak ! here is the now........... Yeah, you were one of them...
  18. Was there for the first 24 hours of the mission on Monday/Tuesday, headed there right after I got home from Rope-Up. The wind that first night was ferocious. You shoulda seen the lenticulars Monday afternoon. Crikey! We had two dozen people from five different MR units on the mission that first day (CWMR, PMR, VRT, SMR, Hood River Crag Rats, plus groundpounders from Klickitat County SAR). I hardly call that a "limited search" from that Seattle Times rag's POV. Justin's been doing a helluva fucking awesome job up there, as well as have many others. To CollinWoods, the guy that talked about being lost midweek, all of us in MR do what we can, when we can. I took two days of vacation for this mission. It ain't about missing work. I've been at a mandatory conference for the past three days and have not been able to help out since Tuesday night. I'd still be at Adams if I could swing it. This guy could be anywhere on that mountain, or even below treeline by now. I hope that this will all turn out with an epic tale for Derek to tell. But remember folks, the family could be reading this, so bear that in mind in your comments.
  19. You are correct, suh! Linda Flick, she that is betrothed to Kyle Flick of this here board. Do stop in and avail yourself of her tasty wares on every trip to Der town. A treat not to be missed. Located on Highway 2 just a minute east of the Safeway, where the humongoloid 'merkan flag flies o'er the fruit stand.
  20. Nope. Dropped it off with Linda at Homefires Bakery on my way outta town. It's Tokogirl's table. We're all good!
  21. Youda been proud o' me, Toadie. Closed down the campfire Friday night (Saturday morning, actually) at 2:30 am. Then pulled a repeat Saturday night (Sunday morning, actually) at 3:45 am. Managed to rally to Fish Wall with danielpatricksmith and Alpine K/Feck on Saturday. Sunday morning I was just too fucked up to even try. Good times.
  22. I imagine the first step would be to contact the WDFW land manager. I don't recall his name, but he's been mentioned here before. You guys that hang at Frenchmen's a lot, sound out!
  23. Thanks Dru. I guess I should have clarified a bit more, as in: bailing from the Pedestal without having to leave your whole rack on the shield. Apparently not, eh?
  24. Well, the office movers and the IT guys are here and they wanna shut down the network, so I'm outta here. See you wankers at 8-Mile! "Luke, I'm shutting the power down!"
  25. sobo

    I'm 16!

    In my case, TWICE!!!1 '74 Fiat 124 Spider convertible, from the Challenging speeding tickets thread, about halfway down the page.
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