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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Amish Hackers

    All that, and you can order them directly right out of the Sunday PARADE magazine!!!1
  2. Dru, Before you posted that, I went back to the back-up server and found 3 kml (not kmz) files, each one preceded by "myplaces". They were called: myplaces.kml myplaces.backup.kml myplaces.kml.tmp They were from sometime in late January, which may have been the last time I opened GE before this week, when I accepted the upgrade invitation. I just copied those 3 files back into the GE folder on my hard drive and relaunched GE... SHAZAM!!!1 I am back up and running with all of my placemarks back, but the version reverted back to GE 4.2 (actually, 4.2.0205.5730). So the bottom line is that I'm all better now, and I'll just skip the 5.whatever "upgrade" altogether. Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and support in this most trying of timez... PS: FYI, I ran the search for kmz files while I was typing the above. Result: "Search is complete. There are no results to display."
  3. OK, so I'm not entirely as tech-saavy as a lot of you young kids here are, but I did a search here and came up with nuthin'. And no, I'm not gonna join a nerdy tech-related board just to find an answer to the question. So here's the situation: Earlier this week I updated my Goggle Earth from 4.whatever to the "new & improved" ( ) 5.whatever cuz it asked me to when I last opened it up. I figured, "Hey, why not?" What I didn't realize was that when the update took place, it wiped out ALL of my placemarks and other important shit! Now I can't go back and reload/find it, and my IT guy either doesn't wanna fuck with it or actually doesn't know how to get it back for me. For all intents and purposes, it appears that it's essentially gone for good. So my question is, has anyone else updated to GE 5, and if you managed to get your data back, how didja do it? And if you haven't updated to GE 5 yet, DON'T DO IT WITHOUT A BACK-UP OF YOUR SHIT!!!1
  4. sobo

    Nerdy Pistol stuff

    Nerdy Pistol-packin' Nope, not one single night. I knew all of us were in the best of hands with you on the case. Carry on!
  5. sobo


    5K- It's all about being AR... DeC- Cerveza Akbar!!!1
  6. That was pretty funny, Off. Favorite: "I'm her mom." "No, she's not." The fur color said it all...
  7. sobo

    Nerdy Pistol stuff

    Hey Brad! You been gone a while. What gives? Howya been, man? Daffy's gonna kick yer ass for blasting his bros like that...
  8. sobo


    I only swig anonymously-discarded beers, so unless you're "depositing" your used prophylactics in semi-full beer bottles, the answer to your question would be "no." BTW, it's spelled "Eat"...
  9. sobo

    Amish Hackers

    "We're just technologically impaired..." ---Weird Al
  10. sobo


    on second thought...
  11. Bingo! Except that Bud comes from Clydesdales...
  12. sobo


    this, coming from the guy with the most metro/homo picture on cc.com. sweeeeeeet. You've never seen a Guido? Man, you need to get out more, scott.
  13. I'm curious how Roger will know these things before it's too late to do anything about them... Which is what I guess I was implying in my first post. A couple minute's worth of mouse clicks will net some pretty good POM... I'll just STFU now and go back to work.
  14. You can reserve but you dont have too My understanding is that if you have a reservation, you're guaranteed to get on the boat as long as you show up at the landing and check through the turnstiles at least 30 minutes before sailing time. If you don't have a reservation, or arrive less than 30 minutes before departure, then you're on "stand-by" and can get on if some other schmuck misses his reservation. BC Ferries FAQ see the section entitled About Getting to the Terminals (When and Where)
  15. That's such a great song. 'Nuther good'un is She's Got Issues...
  16. So howizzit that this group remembers to mark the US debut of The Beatles and misses the Golden Anniversary of The Day the Music Died last week?
  17. When we go to the Gulf Islands every summer, we stay in a Motel 6 in Everett or something cheap/nice in Mt. Vernon. Get up a few minutes earlier and the drive/border crossing is nothing. I think we allow 2+ hours from Everett and 1.5 hours from Mt. Vernon to the ferry landing. Don't forget, the BC ferries are reservation only.
  18. Peshastin Pinnacles, Martian Slab? Upper Diagonal Direct? Captain Pissgums? Anyone?
  19. Stewart- What mkporwit and woodchips said. The best way is to contact the County Sheriff, find out what units were involved, and contact the units directly to locate your "benefactor". Most units will just tell you all of the people involved from their unit. It will be up to you to find the individual you're looking for. A donation to the unit is most appreciated, as singling out an individual could be embarassing for that volunteer...
  20. Yeah, that'll work... Once you mention my name, the building will go in lock-down mode, black helicopters will swoop in, and grim-faced men in SWAT gear with automatic weapons will descend on ropes from the skies...
  21. "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges..."
  22. Get on I-405 and drive to Bellevue. Look for the 4-story building with the chemical formula on it, between NE 8th Street and NE 12th Street on the west side of 405. The printers you seek are in there...
  23. "What do I get for ten dollars?" "Every t'ing you want." "Everything?" "Every t'ing..."
  24. Conveniently, it does. Two HP DesignJet 1055CMs just sittin' there, waiting for someone to send them a file... I hear they make wonderful copies of USGS maps. Not that I would know anything about that, mind you. No, wouldn't know about that at all. Nope...
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