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Everything posted by sobo

  1. That boulder is situated in an overused parking lot just west of the truss bridge at a bend in the river that most of the whitewater rafting outfits that ply the river in September use as their take-out. The rock does indeed have a couple of bolts on top, installed several years ago by unknown parties (could have been climbers, could have been climbers employed by the rafting outfits). The graffiti (paint) makes the holds very slippery and tenuous, except for the simplest of routes. There's really nothing special about that boulder, what with its adornment of graffiti, and the parking lot is trashed out with broken bottles, used diapers, etc. If you are really interested in a bouldering experience in the Tieton, then you should take the Wildcat Road up to Road 1362 and head up into The Caldera area. Way cool boulders, neat sub-alpine surroundings, and very private up there.
  2. sobo


    Redhook ESB #4. Gonna submit the timesheet and hit the road here in a minute, tho... Got Moose Drools at home...
  3. My momma always tol' me them thar thangs had teeth!
  4. With lack of ink, you do not qualify for trampdom.
  5. I remember reading about this here when it happened. So good to here of a near-perfect recovery. Good on ya, Sam! And to Pax and Dave, and the park wardens rescue team.
  6. Just don't eat the big white mint...
  7. Not with you, Private Cowboy! "You pukes will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name. Because this is the only pussy you people are going to get!"
  8. You obvioulsy haven't used the bathroom after my brother...
  9. Some years back, I was approaching the top of some climb at Royal Columns from the walk-off trail. As I was happily skipping down the ball-bearings-masquerading-as-gravel-laden pathway to the cliff edge, I came upon what appeared to my trained eye to be a benign branch across the trail. At the last second, just as I was about to step over said benign, large-diameter branch, it suddenly came to life, coiled up, and buzzed ominously at me. I literally pole-vaulted over it on one foot in mid-step, landed "safely" beyond it, and still on one foot, began to skate helplessly toward the cliff edge and certain death. My partner, who was behind me, said later it was quite entertaining to watch me slide, single-foot-style, down the trail to the edge of the cliff, whooping up a shit-storm of four-letter words. I never did understand why I didn't put both feet back on the ground...
  10. Fixt it fer ya. I'll be watchin' you!
  11. Have to concur with CBS. That is seriously fucked up. A 5-gallon bucket full of talons from slain raptors? Someone ought to pull out his finger and toenails and see how much he likes that. Fucked up asshole... Thanks for the post, tilia, and for the search effort, Bill.
  12. No, but that is pretty scary if I am the super human... truly - as the drill instructor says, the better half best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the sheets! mattress! Fixt it fer ya.
  13. Where the hell is Harry Pi anyway? I miss him... that little capitalist pig hater.
  14. "We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life." C-3PO
  15. Pffft! You're just a "member", so what do you know? (just kidding) I'm averaging ~77 posts per month over the long haul. You sir, by contrast, are averaging only a wee more than 5 per month. Clearly, 15X more trash is spewed forth by me than you. So if there is a trash heap here, it's me. The REAL Trash Heap has spoken...
  16. Everybody knows that you would consult the Oracle of Delphi. Then get your retard to kill their retard. WWKLD? (what would King Leonidas Do?)
  17. Yeah, you're right, Bill. But judging from your TRs, I'll wager that Beacon would kill me right now. OTOH, getting together for drinking is altogether another matter...
  18. I guess you haven't read John Long. Rescuers find dead guy. Rescuer1=>Rescuer2: His jacket looks like it might fit you. There's a HUGE difference between making impersonal jokes about scammin' gear and saying “good f*&king riddance he’s dead, really”. I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Sort of like our fighting men will strip the weapons and ammo (and his dog tags) from a fallen comrade. It's nothing personal, just picking up the necessities of life. Survival mode. That was clearly not the author's intent, judging by how mankato paraphrased the lead-up to the conversation from the book.
  19. I believe that you answered your own question. The operative word here being "hire", which assumes that payment follows.
  20. Hey, I made the Top 20! Hey bill, You need to get busy, Mr. #21!
  21. "I am the best in the world at not having an ego." :lmao:
  22. Ah ha! It wasn't at RC! Mythbusters unite!
  23. I am trying like the dickens to figure out where you were standing to take this picture and have it be at the Royal Columns. I have spent years climbing there and don't recall any tufted pillar tops, huge horizontal crack at mid-cliff height, and slope/terrain aspect that this picture indicates. For instance... 1) RC faces predominantly to the northwest. With the sun hitting the cliff top obliquely from climber's left as shown, this would indicate that the sun is practically northeast of the crag. You would have to be climbing in pretty much mid-winter (and in another hemisphere) to even get close to approaching that aspect. In late May/early June, the sun would arrive on the face from the right (southwest), not the left. 2) The rock shape and its color aren't right, either. RC is formed in columnar basalt (andesite) of regular dimensions, not this blocky shite. And the Tim Pond Wall has a bit o' green on it, but not Royal Columns proper. And that reddish tint... WTF?? 3) And then there's the issue of those grassy pillar tops. I can't recall a single such tuffet upon which Miss Muffet might park her ass and chow down... 4) And another thing, the top of RC doesn't break over abruptly like that. The top of RC's slope eases back and the top is littered with rock outcrops and sagebrush. This pic looks more like the top of some cliff at Frenchman's or sumpin'. 5) Lastly, there's the issue of this ~30* slope that you're standing upon to shoot the picture. The approach trail takes you to the base of the cliff from the far right hand side and behind an elk fence, and there is a pretty steep drop-off below the cliff base trail that this picture does not suggest is present. So where is this, Dave?
  24. What was it that rob said a few weeks back?? "My awesomeness springs from a deep well of humility." Classic.
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