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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Jeebus Christ, DFA hath lain in his grave for nigh on three years dead. Wherefore verily, he stinketh. Welcome back to the land of the living dead, DFA!
  2. So now the truth comes out... You imply that Paul had the requisite technical skills and base of experience from which to draw for the climb, but that you and your partner Mike lacked expedition experience. So each thought they could profit from the skills of the other by enlarging the group to encompass the three of you all. Paul profits from your group's "security in numbers" and your group profits from Paul's expedition experience. I think that you should now own up to some level of culpability in your group's decision to accept and retain Paul in your group, now that you admit to lacking the experience for the climb you attempted. Methinks you protest too much...
  3. Jeebus Christ, Keith, your story seems so familiar to mine. My five-time loozer, soon-to-be ex-wife, never mentioned that she had also been married to you once, too.
  4. It's on Off White's private property. It's his crag. You'll need to talk to him directly. It's out of season now, but he opens it up again in the spring. Just bookmark this thread and check back in the spring.
  5. sobo

    Best present?

    Now that's nice.
  6. I got her the divorce I never wanted. Celebrated the end of the 90-day waiting period on 12/22. w00t w00t! Shoulda kicked this serial-adulteress cucking funt to the curb years ago.
  7. sobo

    Best present?

    Best present? I got to see my two kids for Christmas, even if it was only for three hours.
  8. I sooooooo wanna try that. Here's another wingsuit video that has a really neat soundtrack on the second instrumental. Before you ask (since everybody does), it's called Under Man by Sackcloth Fashion.
  9. sobo

    The Eiger?

    Just logged on and saw this. Nice find, Dane. Sat and logged off the clock and watched all 8 installments. Excellent! Will have to go buy the book now. Merry Christmas, all, and to all a good night!
  10. :laf: Couldn't have said it better meself, iaxx!
  11. Ho hum... Things are sooooooo boring here. Wake up about 8, drink coffee, eat, go boldering, drink beers, eat, go snorkeling, drink rum punchies, eat, nap, go snorkeling again, drink more beer, go bouldering again, scuba dive, drink more rum drinks, go find dinner, drink more rum punchies on the veranda, go to bed, wake up and repeat. You guys thaw out yet?
  12. Time for me to get my ass to bed so I can get up and catch my plane tomorrow morning for my most awesome trip to the British Virgin Islands. Wheels up in 9 hours and 30 minutes! Wh00p wh00p!! Oh yeah, Big Sky Summer Honey seasonal ale is the Flavor of the Day tonight.
  13. Climbing shoes and chalkbag, check! Mask and snorkel, check! (fins are too big for my carry-on. Not taking a suitcase) Flip flops, check! Some shorts and a few shirts, check! Cash, cash, and even more cash, check! Sparkling positive attitude, check!!!1 Wheels up in 9 hours and 32 minutes!
  14. That's a good looking pooch, Off
  15. Oly, this is something that just screams to be done. I'm sure you understand...
  16. HOLY SHIT!!!1 That's AWWW-SUMMM
  17. The word is given. Let's talk ICE when I get back, m'kay?
  18. Excellent little pocket guide, Kurt! Thanks a bazillion, this should be a fun distraction once I tire of swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, parasailing, scuba diving, eating, drinking, womanizing, sailing, etc.
  19. Wow! That didn't take long at all! Thanks, Kurt! So when are we gonna hit SCW again, anyway? And Lighting Dome?
  20. So I'm headed to the British Virgin Islands this weekend until Christmas. I've heard that there are some boulders at water's edge on Virgin Gorda near some place they call "The Baths" near Spring Bay. Anybody know anything about this? Should I take my shoes? Thanks.
  21. My sentiments exactly. Thanks, Bug.
  22. hmmmmmmm, I'll have to remember that one...
  23. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  24. "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
  25. snif! Come home, laddy. Please come home...
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