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Everything posted by erik

  1. smoke a bowl
  2. what about a pete's pile pub cluc this spring? or summer?
  3. to but insulated stretch fabric pants limits your options. plus a lite "scholler" pant with a silk weight long underwear weighs less then a insulated pant. i usally just wear cotton. once the summer hits that is generally all i wear. tho i have some bd pants & arcteryx ones they are all pretty much the same. go for price b4 anything else. look on discount websites for good deals. pants with belts loops are better as your can hold them up with a regular belt.
  4. i have one and i personally dont like it for general climbing. only when i need to seperate different types of gear, say pins, screw et al... sometimes when using it i have found myself accidently clipping gear in between the loops and that creates somewhat of a cluster fuck. also it is kinda pain if you have to switch sides. and since people tend to rack per size, i fund that it weighs towards the back(heavier pieces) and shifts then smaller ones higher into your chest.
  5. erik

    Beal Ropes?

    i felt that the beal rope that i had wore out pretty fast. tho now a days i buy ropes almost soley on price unless i need it for a specific use.
  6. i dont even live in the pnw right now atyak... you can disagee with me all you want and i do not care. it is a personal choice, i did not slag anyone off as you say. the funny thing is your repsonse is exactly what you are complaining about. so what is your point? that you are a hypocrite? either way it makes no difference to me at all. enjoy your day.
  7. erik


    i prolly am backward, that tends to be the way i live my life. tata
  8. erik


    skinner ropes tend to increase the impact force on pieces so i would think about that as well.
  9. avy probes are a waste of money. use your ski pole or a old tent pole that you mark the meters/feet on. duct tape help keeps te pieces together.
  10. 18" in the last day here in sucksville(utah) tho who cares as i am ready to climb as i have grown fat with my powder gluttony.
  11. i dont think one person is more influential then any other. as all have made worthwhile contributions, to attempt to keyhole people into a list of most important follows christain rhetoric. worry more about yourself then other is my mantra. and celebrate your personal friends contributions then people whom you most likely dont know.
  12. blah blah blah...dean potter...blah blah blah... taoe is not rewuired when one uses proper technique, wheter it be at the creek or any where else. if you become reliant on it then it will always be an aid for you as you are afriad to move away from it. people who tape also litter quit abit. i think this is a pointless arguement and statement. and anyways most people in utah are inbred retards, so saying that they are wierd is pointlesss as well. dont use tape and see whatit feels like. even with a gobbie or two things are possible.
  13. $175
  14. in great condition, rode about 10 days max....they just are not the boot for me. $200 + shipping p.s. for another $10 i will include some scarpa lt wt hiking boots
  15. que: phat techno beats
  16. erik


    i had a bd/beal 9.4 and found it to be a piece of shit...durability was the key issue. i think that durability is a common issue with bd/beal ropes. tho i have a 9.8 sterling now and 10 mammut that i both like....
  17. rod the scam within guiding stems from the abuse of public for private parties to make a profit and reduce the access for the general public to use it....this tend is continuing with the fee programs that industry and government are trying force down our throats. guides propagate this action.
  18. erik


    neither side are the good guys, so you might as well stop with the one sided rhetoric. look at them as equals. that is what all people want, tho some are better at squashing the dreams of others then some. i dont know where the isrealites should have been placed, to use religion(completly created stories of fiction to control man) is not justification of any action. here in utah the mormons use the fact that they can talk to god to justify kidnapping and rapping young girls, they also force them in plural marriages to contain the issue. it is widely known here. sure isreal can live there, but in an attempt to force their beliefs on others, just as all religion calls for it is wrong and that is why i believe to base actions on fiction is wrong. tata....
  19. erik

    Facts Not Required

    i think that they are/were trying to show how obvious that facts are not required to start a dialouge...shit between not using facts and poor spelling/grammer i can do anything!
  20. erik


    p.p.s. dont hate me cuz i am a sexy bitch!
  21. bacon ben i wont climb the nose with you, but i will go out to beacon once the tool removes to birdy closure!
  22. erik


    p.s. religious context is about as funny and enlightening as sam kinneson ever was.
  23. erik


    i dont side with anyone cept myself and my friends, it is pointless to take up opinion/arms/attitude towards something that directlt affects my life....tho granted it is quite fun to do so..... tho the weather here is perfect and my library time is about up, so up to the canyons to play for me....have fun stewing in the office, i will climb a pitch or two for you and peace!
  24. erik


    s.c. aint that the truth... granted i am guilty today and yesterday, the freedom from the computer in the last few months has allowed me to focus on being a little better in all aspects of my life....
  25. erik


    cbs, i dont know what you mean and truthdfully dont really care... foraker, still no matter what i am sure even the killers have some sort of humanity within them.... and still both sides are violent pieces of shit...tho granted i think i would side more with the underdog, as i prefer to see a greater balance in the world and isreals views do not strive for balance in the world.
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