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Everything posted by David_Parker

  1. Here's my theory on the Canadian crackdown on ID's. They are probably getting a lot of pressure from the US customs cause the US customs are more serious about who comes in and demand better documentation. Last time I went to Canada, there was no problem with a driver's licence. But on the way back into the US we got read the riot act for not having birth certificate or passports. I mean what are they really going to do...make you stay in Canada. They pretty much have to let you back in if you live in the US, so to avoid these issues they want the Canadians to help them avoid these problems by being more strict when you leave the US, so when you try to return you have the right docs. Blame it on the US! BTW, I asked the US border guard if it was REQUIRED to have a passport or birth certificate and he admitted not. I wouldn't expect that to last long however. I'm bringing my passport next time. I don't like being harrassed. This isn't fee demo you know!
  2. I'm sure she already has my name! What true patriot would have supported the patriot act?
  3. As a kid growing up skiing Sugarloaf, I was crazy and skiied out of control according to my parents. They MADE me wear a helmet when nobody else on the entire slope had one. I got tired of people hitting me on the head with ski poles in lift lines. I suppose they had to see if it was real. In the spring it was way too hot and I got busted ditching it. Finally I didn't have to wear one anymore except in downhill races. Eventually, they made us wear them in GS races too. Ever since I moved out west I don't recall EVER wearing a hat. I tele ski and in or out of bounds, I get too hot. I wear a headband and pull up a hood when it's snowing. There is NO WAY i could even remotely come close to wearing a helmet because I would over-heat. So don't give me some shit aout not skiing hard. I ski hard and that is why I don't wear a helmet! Perhaps the fact I telemark keeps me slightly lower to the ground, but I really don't fear for my head as much as other body parts. I concur there is the possibility of a head injury. It's not enough to warrant a helmet for me though. I wear a helmet climbing, often when riding a bike, whitewater kayaking and certainly playing hockey. My kid wears one for skiing, biking, skateboarding, scooter riding, rollerblading, etc. What I don't get is how many teens at the skateboard park don't wear them! To me being on wheels with a short wheel base will cause your feet to go out from underneath you unexpectedly faster than skis or even a bike. Why in America do we concentrate so much on passing laws to protect the relatively few who die from head injuries and pay no attention to the things that really kill us. At least people who wear helmets are out getting exersize and doing something good for their heart. A sad day if they ever require helmets at ski resorts. Absurd! I can only say it would be an inside political job between helmet manufacturers and ski resorts. Next thing you know someones going to sue a ski resort for injuring themselves and it's the ski resorts fault for not making them wear a helmet! Only in America! Unless it's a sanctioned event like a ski race, a bike race, a hockey league, etc, People should be able to make their own choices when it comes to wearing helmets.
  4. Anyone tried the BD Guide or Spindrift glove? I am HUGE fan of leather palms and want something that is warm without too much bulk. (oxymoron).
  5. Yes, they are much more popular in New England......Brrrrrr! Try NEICE.com
  6. But then I have to put my skins on backwards on every other switchback, right? But Fern, you're so flexible you can probably do that without taking your skis off.
  7. The problem with adjustable poles is that when you are going up steep switchbacks you have to constantly keep shortening one and making the other one longer when you switchback. Pain in the ass!
  8. I just bought the Pelican dual (3)led and xenon bulb for about $39.00. It was lighterweight than the other duals and comes with a lifetime guarantee. Runs on 4 AAA batteries and the head tilts on a ratchet. Anyone else tried the Pelican?
  9. I see a lot of good telemarkers at Alpenthal during mid week. I'm sure they are at Stevens and Crystal and such, but at Alpenthal they are easy to spot and hook up with. I always seem to hook up with one or more when I go there solo. Most are extra friendly and willing to take a few runs with you. Imitation is a good teacher, a great motivator and costs nothing! It's all about getting one or two tips and concentrating on those. Body to fall line, NO double pole plants are my first 2!
  10. Couldn't agree more! Helmets are for kids!
  11. For me it's being in the "zone." What comes to mind is being at the start of a pitch that looks scary and you head up with butterflies, but they soon disappear because your total focus takes over and your confidence kicks in and you find you are moving fairly easily over sketchy ground. I like loosing track of time but not feeling rushed because you know you are moving fast and things are going smoothly. I also like the feeling of being tired and then getting that second wind and finding you can dig deeper and keep going until it's finished. I like feeling warm in a blizzard! I like skiing deep powder snow and getting face shots! I like exersizing all day outdoors! And to top it all off, having really good, wild sex in a hotub with a total babe after a great day in the mountains!
  12. I'm in the market too. I don't know who makes what when you refer to myo5 or dua or gemini or whatever. Can some one set me straight with the various manufacturers. I have a Petzl zoom (still works great, but too heavy) and a Tika and I want something in between. Sounds like the led/bulb combo in the lightest, but durable category is the way to go.
  13. Also, many tele skiers like their pins 1-3 cm ahead of chord. Unless you are experienced, I wouldn't mount your own skis. Or at least take your skis to a shop and have them mark the holes with a real template/jig. You need to use the right drill (3.5 or 4.0) bits depending on ski material and tap the holes if there is metal. Also use correct glue! More to it than you might think!
  14. who would have figured you guys are so talented bring it on wankers! do we drink tonight? so where the hell is pub club? Seattle or not? Frozen waterfalls everchanging medium ice is very nice
  15. I've experimented and I like the BD lockdown too. Simple and versatile, easy to get in/out of, works for alpine. I don't like the limited reach with androids while still attached to the tool and don't always like the option of having to unclip and risk loosing the tool. To each his own.
  16. In 1993 for a retirement present, I guided my 63 year old Dad up Mt Rainier. He had only really hiked up mountains in New England and in the Adirondaks a few times. For him it was a huge sense of accomplishment and he was simultaneously elated and humbled. He wrote a long TR which I read from time to time. For me it was awesome because I gave him an experience he will remember for the rest of his life instead of something material. He still talks about it and has a really nice photo of Rainier in his house in Maine. My brother from Utah joined us so he was actually climbing with 2 of 3 sons. A few years later we attempted the Grand Teton, this time with all 3 sons. Unfortunately the OS route was too icy and we only made it to the upper saddle. I've tried to convince him we should attempt the Matterhorn but so far he has balked. I hope my son drags my ass up stuff when I get old! Still, I have a bet with him as to when he will become a better skiier than I. He can be so cocky sometimes, then I remind him he has to learn to telemark for it to count!
  17. Chuck, go here: (or back to school) http://www.toyomasu.com/haiku/#howtowritehaiku and never take me seriously!
  18. Absolutely not. You're too anal. There's no cheating or rules (maybe guidelines) in poetry. Just shut up and write your own instead of worrying about mine. I certainly don't like all the poetry I read either! Chuck,shove your rules up your ass think about climbing leave Haiku to others
  19. I bet you can make it into the N couloir and it will be connected most or all of the way. Don't judge things by that photo. Go check it out for yourself.
  20. Water falling from The sky will soon be freezing Sharpen your crampons!
  21. I know about NEICE. There's even photos of me on it! I also have climbed with Al Hospers in Canada and will definitely hook up with him if he's available. I'd like to know more about the Maine climbs. PM me any beta. Funny thing is, I found CC.com looking for a partner for NE in 2000!
  22. I will be in Portland, Maine from Dec 21 to Jan 1 and will be in North Conway/Jackson either right before or right after X-mas (maybe both!) to climb ice. I am experienced! Anyone from the NW happen to be going there? Otherwise, I'm looking for locals to hook up with. I'd also like to go up one or more of the "alpine" ice climbs on Mt. Washington. PM me for details and resume.
  23. It always amazes me how many different opinions on what type of layers are best, yet I constantly see people wearing too MANY layers of high tech stuff thinking it should manage moisture. Fact is, if you wear too many, nothing will work! Personally, I like to wear as little as possible and keep moving. If I have to stop (belay), I have a warm jacket to put on temporarily. My theory is you should be freezing your ass off when you first start out! The Cascades are tricky business because of the moisture, but common sense is your best protection. One question I do have....it seems the new stuff has moved from pit zips to the slash pocket opening for ventilation. I think the theory is the pit zips don't really stay open. I don't know if this is really an improvement for me? What's your take?
  24. Dood, where have you been? EVERYONE is going leashless now!! Leashes are aid.
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