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Everything posted by rayborbon

  1. I bet Wildcat and the Beehive are open. Doesn't the closure mean only certain spots -Cant remember but maybe Moon Rox or Royal Columns? Access to RC was hard since bridge was wasted last time I was there in the fall. Heard the bridge is gone now but some sort of access via a cable crossing or further upstream. Not sure though.
  2. quote: Originally posted by allison: No, Ray, he did not grab my ass....that was you grabbing my ass thinking it was ChucK's or something, you might remember that part of the evening, or you might not. Apparently if you're not a-leering, you must be a-queerin', but just remember, my dad came to one Pub Club, and he could come to another, and well, you can 'splain it all to him.....
  3. quote: Originally posted by allison: Not only did I NOT get moderating powers, I also did NOT start the reversal of fortune on this discussion. Someone else did. I went along with it because the idea of having someone say anything negative about every dude's superhero was such anathema that it was making some of them very, very itchy. Not worth the the heartache for me, ChucKaroonie. So read this quick, before I edit it into some more inane rabblebabble. That's all right by me. Speak your mind. It's better. AND QUIT LEERING AT ME Just put ole FB in his place if you feel the need to. Did he grab your ass ?
  4. quote: Originally posted by Alex: as in Brown and Rodden? Lisa Gnade, Steph Davis, Catherine Desteville has them both beat by miles, but we are talking about Ray here...a class by herself! You're just jealous. I am a lesbian [ 04-16-2002, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: CASCADECLIMBERS.com should hire a fleet of yellow busses to transport all the drinkers to/from the bar and you should all wear helmets with your names on them We need a spring Party in the Icicle again. Bonfires and beers and boobs and oops
  6. quote: Originally posted by Alex: eh? who said anything about ending debates? I just wanna see it in an easily-found bucket, so I dont need to put out so many damn clicks to figure out where the beers at I agree. Jeez And when is this Lowell Skoog character going to join us? Is he too busy to party with the likes of fellow mountain drinkers\creatures [ 04-16-2002, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  7. quote: Originally posted by sayjay: hey! i wanna new poll! ray or fb? Who can compete with Fred. Not me. I dont think he's cute but definitely all the ladies do.
  8. I am so beautiful
  9. quote: Originally posted by erden: which date and what time will you be meeting at Ballard Grill and Ale House? Also can you hint at the routine? How frequent, etc... Tonight show up around 7 and join us. I'll be there Cool to see you again too.
  10. Man it's Rachel Babkirk! MOderators get a poll going Rachel or Lynn
  11. Man it's Rachel Babkirk! MOderators get a poll going Rachel or Lynn
  12. Rachel Babkirk hands down.
  13. Interesting. Never know until you use them I suppose. Which I have not. My first comment is- How much actual rock surface and metal will be touching in order to hold these in place in most situations? They look interesting for aid climbing and placing in weird cracks.
  14. I would take them. I did not need them until I hit Pikers but it was not obvious until you hit that section.
  15. Yeah Washboards with Primate Finish is pretty sweet.
  16. Jeremy, Pikers summit is a mere 20 minute walk (in ideal weather and conditions) barely uphill to the summit. I suggest the lunch counter By the time you hike to Pikers summit you might as well do it in a day instead of camping. [ 04-16-2002, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  17. Ballard Grill and Ale House 4300 Leary Way NW Seattle WA
  18. Gaston Rebuffet or something like that spelling is a well known climber and author.
  19. 30 I say. I need to get the info to someone else like yesterday. I am not biased as both locations suck since they are far away from me.
  20. I can leer at anyone. What are they going to do about it? I bet nothing besides get upset or ingore it and forget it because it aint worth the energy. Favorite climb at Frenchmans- Sinsemilla Hint Hint block users from sending you personal messages [ 04-15-2002, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  21. Lightning Crack and who cares what Allison says. Dumb.
  22. quote: Originally posted by roger johnson: Ditto Dru: "chop chop". Yeah I heard therea are 2 routes like this at least. I am speculating due to hearsay though. Chop is not as good as crowbar though Crowbar is a good workout!
  23. Yeah I am just talking rumors. Ask Dan for details. Pretty sure he did not bolt them. they were on them last fall...
  24. Rumor has it Leland put em up and did not climb them. I heard Danimal did. ask him.
  25. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: We've been through this. I don't wat to play trivia, and I don't think anyone else does. I think we should meet at: Ballard Grill and Ale House 4300 Leary Way NW Seattle, WA Word then here it is. I will be there.
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