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Everything posted by rayborbon

  1. I'll come fill out my app soon. I have climbed the tooth and GNS before on TR
  2. Ok let me know. Friends are asking...
  3. Hey look its a shit eating dog! Greg Mueller [ 04-12-2002: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  4. quote: Originally posted by gregm: i hate to say this raybut i think that means you're gayof course you'll likely sneernow that we all know you're queerso paint your nails with pink lacquer'cause you're a fat fudge packer so ends this pretty sonnetnow i think i'll puke and vomit [ 04-12-2002: Message edited by: gregm ] Greg the only trio of Fudgepackers is the Three Amigos -MtnPhil AlpineDave and CouloirGreg
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: I pee on your butt I pee in your butt
  6. All those BC mountains suck butt
  7. quote: Originally posted by Dru: I think there is a bush party this Saturday night at Skaha except we better go to the bar instead cause it is the last game of the season for the CANUCKS and if they win it they make it into the STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS. "Its nail biting time now folks!" - Tom Larscheid. Off to the pub we go!
  8. quote: Originally posted by Beck: Damn, DRU that truly is a quantum leap in pub club theory- but who wants a couple dozen drunken climbers milling about their pad? Maybe we need to have a good old fashioned KEGGER party out in the sticks I second that motion!
  9. People wanna know
  10. quote: Originally posted by jon: Ray if it will help me flail on 5.5 than I'm all over that shit. Eat a dick. Man you took me wrong. But if you want a non flail pack get some lightweight shit! Lafuma - Wild thangs etc
  11. quote: Originally posted by allison: ...but whatever you do, make sure if you are using Spectra webbing that you do not attempt to make knotted runners out of them. This webbing is too slippery to hold a knot, and must be sewn. I have used spectra for years. Just make the ends longer and tie your knots well (not loose).
  12. quote: Originally posted by TIMM@Y: LMAO, dude thats nasty, i wanna know, who's lucky pierre, the man in the middle that gets to give and take? It's gotta be Couloir Greg.
  13. It's gaper food get one
  14. quote: Originally posted by Alex: ray, I thought for sure Lambone would get on your vote list.. He finally left me alone.
  15. quote: Originally posted by specialed: I do also think tied slings are fairly obsolete. Of course its good to carry webbbing and cord of assorted length with you on multi-pitch climbs. But if thats all you use - you're way old school! Hmm I used tied slings when I v -thread ice climbing.. Also when setting up rap stations at crags or in the mountains. Also to use as long runners. Way cheap.
  16. You get 3 votes they all count. Whoever gets the most votes is kicked off this website and must create a new name. Here are my 3 votes-1.Gregm2.Gregm3.Gregm
  17. quote: Originally posted by gregm: ray, are you retarded? Maybe so. MUch better than being a homo like you. YOu guys do threesomes in the mountains I hear. Man that is gross.
  18. I am the Uli Gaper I like Grivel AIr tech racing to the moon axes.
  19. quote: Originally posted by gregm: so how did i get the name "dave"? Who cares- Now you are Couloir Greg
  20. quote: Originally posted by gregm: who's couloir dave? Couloir Dave = Couloir Mueller. Its all thee same
  21. beefcider, I recommend you buy some books on knots and on general mountaineering to further educate yourself. I think Mountaineering Freedom of the Hills would be good choice. I still don't own it but sometimes it can be a good reference on various subjects. I bet John Long has a book out there now too but not sure. Oh yeah and making your own slings is fine. I have done it and will do it.
  22. I think Alpine Phil, Mtn Dave and, Couloir Dave are the Peanut Gallery
  23. Road appeared more gravel did not go up it. Still closed as of Sunday. Lots of dry rock- Pearly gates is in......
  24. SOunds good to me. Will bring phone. Bring the goods. Bp aint so friendly on that. Hear the old man will go too but not sure Inebriation is my middle name.
  25. Dru, Heading out. Seems as if I have 2 partners. Should arrive late Friday night. See you there unless you are to drunk or scared
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