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Everything posted by gregm

  1. dan- dan?- DAN!!! we need more amusement about how you suck so hard and don't even realize it and take all this shit seriously. DAN LARSON SUCKS
  2. krap, now we're going to have to deal with little dan larson's that suck. where's that law against stupid people breeding??
  3. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: the starch , polish all of it is a part of the discipline thing. Whether it is useful or not is irrelevant. YOU MAN YOU!!!
  4. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: Starch those fatigues you miserable LEG. dan, i didn't starch my BDUs past my second week of basic training. i didn't realize the way to not be a pussy is to make your clothes all shiny and stiff like that picture was taken a few years back as a joke and i posted it on my bio in a similar vein, but i guess you take yourself too seriously to see the humor in anything else. and yes dan, i was in the real army for three years, including a year in korea on the DMZ getting up every morning to run laps around foul shit smelling rice paddies. i was a damn good tank gunner too ; i shot better my first gunnery than guys who had been doing it for years and they told me so. i was always getting tagged anytime something needed to be done right, which usually meant covering for some all-puffed-up-for-nothing fuck-ups like you. ok dan, i asked for it, let's hear your war story... whatever it is you still suck
  5. b-rock, you've come to the right place. there are a lot of warm and generous people willing to take the time to show a newbie the ropes. you should take everyone's advice here very seriously. you probably wnt to stay away from dan larson though; he sucks.
  6. whoa, have you seen the freshies cam? tim's office is in outer space and he's boldly going where no man has going where no man has gone before!!!
  7. i once played around with a spectre on some serac ice. i could hang on it but it failed consistently when bounce testing.
  9. gregm

    Just Curious

    quote: Originally posted by MysticNacho: I just finished a paper about whether or not Martin Luther would have supported the war in Afghanistan, if he didn't croak centuries before. So I thought I'd toss out the question to the merry folks of cc.com. I am sometimes impressed with the level of intelligent banter that goes on here, and was curious as to your opinion: From a CHRISTIAN standpoint (think of it as turning the other cheek vs. overturning the tables in the temple) do you think the war in Afghanistan is a just and moral one? ok mystic, you want an opinion, i got one. why are you so concerned with what martin luther would have said? why don't you just see things for yourself? and what do you really mean by justice and morality? is that another way of saying you have a better grasp of what is right and wrong than other people? okay basically i have a beef with religion in general. first i don't believe in god because i don't believe in anything supernatural. second, i don't like religion because i spent my whole life before age 18 attending catholic and episcopalian schools and i got tired of the priests bad-mouthing jews and telling woman what they can do with their bodies and in general invoking this "unseen power" to support whatever their opinion happened to be. ok maybe 2000 years ago this guy was hopping around in sandals and a robe saying how things would be better if people could be nice to each other. great! let's be nice to each other! you need a fucking religion for that? try it on your own. be a grown-up. those guys flew planes into the wtc because their religion told them too; a religion that started out telling people to be nice to each other, they couldn't think for themselves. is it a good idea to help people instead of hurting them? - yes. do we sometimes need to defend ourselves and our loved ones from hostile maniacs? - that too. i'm from ny. somebody i went to highschool died in that mess, i remember what a cool guy he was and i feel like crap about it. will the war in afghanistan actually accomplish something or will it just create more violence? - only time will tell. maybe it's a good idea or maybe it's a mistake. sometimes wars do good things like when get rid of the nazis, sometimes they don't like when you naplam little vietnamese kids. you wanna talk about whether or not this war is a good idea? fine, just spare me the "christian perspective" crap. plenty of killing has been done in the name (or excuse) of christianity, not just islam. there, that's my cc opinion. dammit.
  10. quote: Originally posted by freeclimb9: I often will clip single strands of the double ropes I use for the first half of the ropelength on a pitch, then I clip both strands. Are you worried about the strain on the ropes themselves? I've heard mixing single and double clipping is a bad idea, particularly when going from single clip to double clip. Essentially you have different lengths of rope out - as the rope stretches when you fall you can create friction between the two ropes and burn through them. Nylon burns real easy!!
  11. quote: Originally posted by philfort: Whew! When I read the title of the thread, I thought sport climbing had made it to the Olympic games! yeah phil, those are the same olympics my friend will be guarding ok i have to tell the story for everyone: so we're driving someplace and talking about the usual bs on the news and i mention that this guy i know who is in the national guard is getting called up - but the good news is he's going to be guarding the olympics. so phil and the other passenger (dbb i think) go on for five minutes about how can he guard the olympics before i realize they thought i meant the mountains and not the winter ones in SLC. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: gregm ]
  12. got philfort high too.
  13. who is dan larson and why does he suck? thanks,a newbie
  14. gregm


    there are a bunch of coyotes on ft lewis. god i hated the army. sorry. flashback.
  15. you want the silveretta 500 for mountaineering boots. wait til they're back up on barrabes web site or get them from http://www.telemark-pyrenees.com/e_index.htm [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: gregm ]
  16. does anyone happen to know if the wells creek road (off mt baker hwy) is open to the end or at least to where the snow gets deep? apparently they were planning to close it because of mt goats. i'm looking at the #8 tour in burgdorfer's new book. tiagreg
  17. BD is also muscling Tele-Pyrannes. BD asked T-P to not show Scarpa tele boots on their webpage. They still carry them and T-P will still sell them to you at the way cheap price, you just have to know to ask them. Interestingly enough they still show Scarpa AT boots on the web catalogue. BD has already muscled Coulior Mag to stop printing ads for T-P. Price fixing protections against buying in Europe have already been in place for some time on avalanche beacons. I think gear producers have basically decided to fuck you if you live in the US. Many many people pro deal in this country, and I almost wonder if this is a kind of bribary that allows it to continue happening. Has anyone ever seen a discussion of Euro vs. US prices in any specialty mag like Coulior or Climbing or Rock & Ice?
  18. so all this talk of smoking gets me nostalgic and i end up scoring some and JEEZ - what's with the high octane weed kids are smoking these days? hello? am i just getting old or does anybody else remember when grass had seeds in it?
  19. [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: gregm ]
  20. [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: gregm ]
  21. i vote for wa pass btw
  22. hey i want to go skiing this weekend too. is something getting organized here? g
  23. they are second bounce - they moved. paid me over a hundred bucks for some stuff that was sitting in my closet.
  24. www.alpinedave.cjb.net web address for sale. serious inquiries only.
  25. i have the tripod and use it a lot. it's more of a one person tent than a bivy bag. even with lots of practice it's still a pain to set up, and no, it's not good on small ledges. that said, it is very comfortable inside and i have slept through snow and rainstorms where people in standard bags have been extremely miserable. you might get an ok deal from northernmountain.com
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