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Surgeon last won the day on April 20 2023

Surgeon had the most liked content!


  • Occupation
    Facial Surgeon
  • Location
    Seattle WA

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Boulderer (3/14)

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  1. As of our trip on Tuesday, air quality in the Triumph zone was still good!
  2. This is so rad nice work!!
  3. PM'd ya!
  4. I have this summer completely off work (finished a surgery residency) and would love to pull on some turf and thrash through some vertical trees and experience the horrific lore of the great Johannesburg. just need to find another human foolish enough to embark. Happy to do other routes with more or less munge for preparation. Schedule is very open.. PM me!
  5. Anyone want to do a little early winter exploration and check out NW couloir on Eldo or do a sketchy early season ski? Im free Fri-Sun, supposed to be nice! - Stu
  6. This climbing partner feature works great!
  7. Anyone wanna climb Ragged Edge on vesper this weekend? Supposed to be nice! Im up for either Sat or Sun.
  8. That ski pack is so sweet!
  9. That is such a cool guidebook- Thanks for sharing, look forward to checking some of those out!
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