Even though this is an older post, I was curious about the difficulty and I didn't quite understand Google's translation. So I did an attempt myself.
Hello Mr. Sors,
First, excuse me for the late response. Due to a misunderstanding between the headquarters and us, the French distribute, the response was delayed because we both thought we had responded.
We have received your message, and every question deserves a response, so it was not our intention to not give our opinion.
We have been making the X-monster since 2005, and in these last 7 years, the design has not changed. According to statistics, some tens of thousands of copies are used in all the world's mountains (about 7000 of those in France) with increasing satisfaction and success each year.
Many amateur alpinists and professionals, including some well known ones, make a great deal of use from the X-monster.
Obviously with all ice axes there are compromises.
An ax with a sharp angle, like dry-tooling axes, are very good for changing hands, but are hard to place in the ice.
On the other hand, an ax with a slighter angle will be very effective at placing, but much worse for switching hands or moving hands to the high hand position.
When using the the x-monster, it's important to be aware of these tradeoffs. so you get a very comfortable, offset grip, an excellent angle on the ice in a low position, on the other hand, watch out for its disadvantages because as you can see the higher your hand is along the shaft[1], the more likely the ax is to come out.
The more curved the handle is, the less important this effect is.
This explains the sharply curved handles of dry-tool axes where the hands are frequently placed higher along the shaft
On ice, the most important thing is to place your ax with efficiency, a lesser curve is better at this.
FYI, you can take the second (higher) handle of the x-monster to different levels: with the index finger, with to fingers, or with the whole hand.
I hope I have answered your question.
On our behalf, we think it would be best if you relayed our response to all the forums in which you put your message
I remain at your disposal.
Bruno Robert
[1] I think that's what it means, it's slightly ambiguous to me.