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Everything posted by PrincessWookie

  1. PrincessWookie


    Uh oh. Heh.. Has any one told you you're really hot when your sarcastic and slightly annoyed?
  2. PrincessWookie


    +1 and post the youtube here, p-wookster! hahaha! It's a deal. ....and I LOVE MINX!! (psst: don't worry Pink-ster, I really won't)
  3. PrincessWookie


    I dunno, I also have health care but I'm still pissed off that the extreme rich have pulled off the world's biggest scam on the rest of us. World's biggest scam? Please explain. Is kevbone always this serious? @ minx: LOL!!
  4. PrincessWookie


    Hey cupcake, it might be time to dial back on the testosterone you're taking for your training regimen, you're slipping into mondo aggro mode. ... LOL! OK, I'll take it down a notch (they whole shebang does irritate me tho). Heh...if you saw me IRL you would never guess I'd post anything like that.
  5. PrincessWookie


    Aww.... thank you, Pink. :kisss:
  6. PrincessWookie


    I'd like my fists to occupy all their fuckin' faces.
  7. You do know that Chuck Norris counted to infinity......twice. Aww yeh.
  8. Hey Austin, so are you set on moving to Washington? I can totally understand though, and I'm making the move to Wenatchee or Leavenworth there this spring too. I'm kind of a gypsy. So, just curious, why did you not decide on Boulder, Colorado Springs, Moab, Flagstaff? Maybe, if things don't pan out for Lworth this year, you can find a job in your field in one of those other locales, then move in Leavenworth in the winter when the lodges are hiring? Just a thought.... Anyway, happy travels! "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen!" Life is a magical adventure.
  9. Really? Well, there's still hope with telemarker..... OK, how about we ALL share a campsite at Vantage this summer, listen to Prairie Home Companion, take goofy pictures and eat Miracle Noodles? Wohoo!
  10. Oh, CF, I really cannot imagine anything worse than the (non)Miracle Noodles.
  11. You guys are no way close to his age. Plus, he's kinda goofy looking. Roger that, SC. I bet so, too. I'm not a picky eating either and consider myself hard core. I eat plain cottage cheese, raw broccoli, plain spinach, oatmeal with no sugar, steamed beets and I actually enjoy the taste of these, but miracle noodles ain't my brand.
  12. So... I actually saw they sold these Miracle Noodles in Interior Alaska and of course I had I HAD to try them. I discovered why they're called Miracle... It's a miracle anyone would buy these AGAIN! They're disgusting...like eating long chewy maggots. Bleh.... I added them to a bowl of portobello mushroom/spinach saute with green onions and also added some left over bison/black bean poppy seed burgers from last night. Like keenwash said--no nutritional value in the noodles.... and no taste! you gotta be an eating machine to want to eat these.
  13. Wha?? There's more than one way to spell Keeler/keillor. Garrison spells his name odd. I reckon I'm not the biggest PHC fan, but I do listen to the show. Thanks Sobo for posting! Man, I never knew what he looked like...I'm kinda sad I do now. Well, Garrison ain't no "telemarker" that's for sure!
  14. ..or what about Garrison? You related to him?
  15. Right on! Yeh.... I mislead you, but this is "spray." I'm really not one of those folks that look for an easy way (I've been training for 22 years, am a personal fitness trainer on the side, and aiming for an NPC show this Nov the Ironman in Snoqualmie--it takes good old fashioned dedication, discipline, commitment, tracking, and focus). There are NO magic pills and no quick fixes, of course. Have you seen her now? Simply Shredded Pauline (FighterDIet) She's ripped! She actually does have tons of lysine and omega 3's....lots of fish, Fish oil, cod liver, yogurt, tuna as well as BCAA's and flax, some nuts, etc. But I'm really not serious about "miracle noodles." It's really not a "wonder" food that will magically melt fat off your body of course. It's fine for a little filler if a person wants it and something different. The Japanese have eating them for centuries, so can't be too bad. I eat 5-7 pounds of veggies a day so I plenty stay full. For obese people who have problems with constantly eating for emotional reason, these noodles it may help them to reduce caloric intake keeping them fuller longer. I don't know tho... Plus, they're expensive! That's cool about biochem, keenwash. Are you planning on med school? Nutritionist?
  16. What's wrong with cardboard??? Well, FIGHTER DIET PAULINE NORDIN has them in HER daily menus (she eats between 2 - 3,000 Kcals/day), and she can kick your ass, buddy!! Actually, she is WAY more ripped now than she was in the video. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZirG6jOnhE&list=UUaTY-7HubY4FKgvSrnUTbgQ&index=12&feature=plcp OK you eat your shitty college food...and it you'll excuse ME, I'm packin' my noodles and super duper hydrolyzed whey isolate with it's all it's ß -lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and immunoglobulins (Ig) to the WEIGHT DUNGEON. LEG DAY BABY!!
  17. Hey, does anyone eat these? Miracle Noodles No cooking even! May be good to take on some trips. I'm hungry now....
  18. I live and work outdoors at temps 30, 40, 50 below (ambient)...for me, I use tons of vaseline on any exposed skin and then add a sunscreen over that if sunny. Of course, I use a balaclava, too. I know you are already aware of staying as hydrated as possible. I drink 1- 1.5 gallons of water a day and when I don't, I can really tell.
  19. Hey! Well, what kind of girl do you think I am?
  20. Am I the ONLY one who likes techno and trance? This would be a great song to free solo snow creek wall.....it's kinda my little fantasy. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31AF7ehoeRk
  21. I didn't see this posted anywhere here but many folks probably heard about this. I just saw this Memorial Ski Run on my Facebook page that the Mountain School posted--this evening. Here's the link: Memorial Ski in Leavenworth tonight
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